Merchant Promotion Items

  • Just realised I haven't looked closely at these items. Are they or will they be available for sale at outposts or sea posts?
    If you don't purchase an item in the previous promotion tier before moving onto the next tier, will you be unable to buy them ever?

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  • @ScoobyWRX555 Ahoy matey!

    The easiest way to explain it is it’s just one item, but each time you’re promoted, it looks a little better.

    You can only buy them from the specific trader; once you promote (edit: and purchase the latest item on offer) you’ve lost the previous version.

    Trader = Merchant Alliance / Gold Hoarder / Order of Souls

  • you won't lose anything. the next tier items will unlock but won't be available until you purchase the lower ones.

  • @marsmayflower @ScoobyWRX555 Edited my post accordingly.

    If you like the current spyglass / pocket watch (compass / shovel / lantern) you have, simply don’t buy the ugraded version at the next promotion that unlocks it ☺️

  • Ah of course. Brain fade for a moment there. So guess who hasn't bought any of them. Anyways bought them all until the locked ones.

  • @thetwistedtaste oh right, you do lose the one you currently have.

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