Double AI spawns are difficult to fight when some bugs are present

  • @jet-fire-diego About the rank you can read all the other the posts above. I've already explained it. Sorry if I don't answer directly to you again, but I don't like to write same things more then 3 times in a post, it just becomes bigger and bigger with no sense

  • @ziobasi honestly you saying your skill is 100% better tells me your a kid or you are bad at the game

  • @d4m0r3d I defeat them most of the time. Recently I sunk against a kraken when I played with a galleon and randoms players (because it became more difficult with the last patch and they didn't know what to do) and it was fine. I don't cry for that. I just don't like how they've put all the mosnters together instead of let them spawn separately even at a higher level. It's ok if a krak + meg spawn together once in a while, but it seems they always spawn together... it doesn't make sense to me and I'm enjoy the game less in this way

  • @d4m0r3d add me on xbox and I'll show you so you can understand

  • @d4m0r3d PL and A10 before DR was released. 400+ skull frots done + 200+ skelly ships sunk. Allready completed all the achivements (which you say they are difficult). Do you still think I'm a kid and bad player? What's your stats? xD

  • @hynieth bomb skellies arent a problem at all anyways, they are pretty easy to kill. shoot the barrel and kill 100 skellies with it or just shoot its legs, if you cant do that jump into the water

  • @ziobasi why are you telling me these stats? i really do not care that you have done all that. good for you. thats amazing my dude good job. wow you are PL wow thats cool. wow A10 before DR wow thats great. good job buddy im happy for you thats really nice. who said achievements were hard? idk any of the achievements in the game i dont care about them. if they are like the commodations they are pretty easy but good job anyways. idk if you are good or bad at the game i have never seen you play. but the way you are whining and using these stats as a body shield it tellls me your bad. like who is good at the game and comes at people saying hey i and global rank 47 im good at the game. like thats the kind of stuff people do when they are trying to convince themselves they are good. now i dont think you are bad but calm down buddy really. your stats dont mean you are good they just mean you play the game alot. also im tired btw dont make fun of my spelling k

  • @d4m0r3d I didn't say they are difficult to kill. About them I said it's boring to encouter them at EVERY spawn. For example: during a skull fort when at EVERY spawn skelly with barrel start to chase you, it's FASTER to suicide and kill all of them at once instead to run away in the water and kill just some of them. I'm talking about experience that's why I finish a skull fort in less then 15 minutes. And I don't like this kind of play, it just make me feels stupid. I would like to fight in some way, not suicide just because it's faster...

  • @ziobasi are you a pc or xbox player?

  • @ziobasi well i mean i just chalk skelly ships up to well damn theres a skelly ship, i guess im too emersed that i dont think why the poo are devs spawning these so much. its just well damn this is a harsh pirate world

  • @d4m0r3d I said my stats because you said I'm a kid and bad player.... I don't think a kid and a bad player can have my stats that's it. I'm still waiting you to add me in the xbox so we can directly talk, if you want, I can show something to you that you probably don't even know

  • @ziobasi i said i dont think you are a kid

  • @d4m0r3d So why they sell the game like a sandbox if it's not?!

  • @ziobasi are you an xbox or a pc player?

  • @d4m0r3d pc

  • @ziobasi dunno what sandbox means tbh, might be too tired to remember. but if its not a sandbox game then yea they shouldnt be selling it as one

  • @ziobasi ok your on pc, im gonna go ahead and assumate your good

  • @ziobasi what is this thing you can show me that i dont know about?

  • @d4m0r3d Minecraft is a sandbox game for example. I'm not saying it should looks like a Minecraft of course! But it seems more like an "hardcore" game right now.

    Ps. Again, next time read all the other posts before directly answer only at yours, because I said that I didn't post my global rank to show off, but just to show that I'm not a kid and that I know a lot about the game so I said that because I wanted to avoid stupid comments like yours which are useless.

  • @ziobasi oh ok, so games that you dont have to learn to get good at are sandbox games im guessing. like you start off as good as you can get basically. yea i guess this game isnt that.

  • @d4m0r3d If you are interested and you'll add me I can show you. Because this post wasn't made to argue with you, but to talk about an in-game issue. So if you want to continue to "argue" with me it's better if we directly talk because I'm not a kid and this kind of conversation better to be done vocally, some things can be missunderstood

  • @ziobasi i dont want to add you. watever the problem is, i agree with you. the bugs should be fixed. the devs should fix em

  • @d4m0r3d Ok np. I've just found this article made from a Beta player which explain more about sandbox which maybe can be usefull for you:

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr That's the difference between me and you. I play the game actually, I don't spend all of my time in the forum. If you have spended all your time in commenting all the posts you see, how can you learn about the game? I see that you probably have played the game for 1 month and maybe spent the other 10 in the forum, this doesn't make you a good player, but just a good writer (maybe)... you should do the journalist not the gamer lol.

    And again, you've been rude to avoid for the 3rd times my questions but the only thing you can do is to contradict me. If you're not able to answer my question I dunno why I still argue with you because it doesn't make any sense :)

    Have fun with your bugs and get a life! Because all the other comments here (from other players) were more helpfull than yours and they didn't need to write 1000 lines

    I also play Sea of Thieves, almost every day, on average 30 hours a week. Game included since before the game was released to the public (Founder). The time I spend in the forum is the time I'm away from my Xbox, it's my entertainment to see what the community has to offer, or laugh at posts asking to reduce the difficulty of the game. I also like to be active in the community, not only here, but in all communities that I participate in.

    I did not run from any of your questions either. Could you please name them so I can respond appropriately?

    Anyway, I wrote a lot because I just wanted to point the answer to each paragraph, but since I saw you don't like it that way, I'll just quote your words once and I'll answer below. Better that way?

  • @jet-fire-diego disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    If you have this mistake it never happened to me. I believe then that it is rare to happen that they are having difficulty correcting it.

    And the rank I questioned, any answers? I'm curious to see this ...

    There is no rank in this game, maybe in Arena Mode we will have it, but it does not currently exist. The guy simply invented this to seem like he understands the game, but it should not even be an A10.

  • @targasbr You said: "it's my entertainment to see what the community has to offer, or laugh at posts asking to reduce the difficulty of the game."

    1. Terrible attitude. If you come here to make fun of everybody well... you should be a kid or a man without a life. Watching your profile and older posts I see that your attitude is always the same, you just want to argue and make fun of the other...
    2. I didn't ask to reduce the difficulty of the game , but I've just asked to resolve the bugs. So don't change what I said or read better because it seems you don't even know how to read a comment.
    3. SoT still doesn't have a leaderboard, but there's a website (connected with xbox) which mark all players advancement and it's called: - @jet-fire-diego
      If you didn't know it, well it means you don't deserve it :)
    4. Why should I not even be an A10, what's your problem? Are you jelous? You should understand my position since we both play a lot this game since day 1, but I presume that you still aiming to become an A10.

    I'm tired to answer to you honestly because I see that you don't know anything about the game and you just want to argue offending random players. Learn what Sandbox means and next time tell me if this is a sandbox (because Rare sold it as Sandbox). If other players are not liking the game for some reason, you don't need to insult them just because you like it. The world is huge and it's beautiful because we all have different thoughts we should share instead of criticize.

    PS. You'll see, in the next patch, how Rare will change that not because I wrote a post, but because they already know what the problem is and I'm pretty sure they are already working on it (like they did in the past). Come back here in a month and show me that I was wrong ;)

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr You said: "it's my entertainment to see what the community has to offer, or laugh at posts asking to reduce the difficulty of the game."

    1. Terrible attitude. If you come here to make fun of everybody well... you should be a kid or a man without a life. Watching your profile and older posts I see that your attitude is always the same, you just want to argue and make fun of the other...

    Terrible attitude. If you come here to offend other players... you should be a kid or a man without a life. Watching your profile and older posts I see that your attitude is always the same, report bugs here instead of sending a ticket, ask for features instead searching before, complaint about unnecessary things. ..

    1. I didn't ask to reduce the difficulty of the game , but I've just asked to resolve the bugs. So don't change what I said or read better because it seems you don't even know how to read a comment.

    Again. Your post say NOTHING about bugs. You complained about the aim of the fort cannons (not a bug), skeletons with powder kegs (not a bug), volcano eruption (not a bug) and spawn rate of Meg + Kraken (not a bug).

    1. SoT still doesn't have a leaderboard, but there's a website (connected with xbox) which mark all players advancement and it's called: - @jet-fire-diego
      If you didn't know it, well it means you don't deserve it :)

    This is not a "Global Rank", these are just the achievements of Xbox, most people do not even waste time with them. But anyway, congratulations on selling banana boxes, you're a really good player!

    1. Why should I not even be an A10, what's your problem? Are you jelous? You should understand my position since we both play a lot this game since day 1, but I presume that you still aiming to become an A10.

    An A10 (or even a developer) would understand the difference between a feature and a bug. And if you are so interested, I am A10, but this does not change so much, there are novice players who play very well, just as there are A10 who have not yet understood how to kill kraken and megalodon at the same time...

    I'm tired to answer to you honestly because I see that you don't know anything about the game and you just want to argue offending random players. Learn what Sandbox means and next time tell me if this is a sandbox (because Rare sold it as Sandbox). If other players are not liking the game for some reason, you don't need to insult them just because you like it. The world is huge and it's beautiful because we all have different thoughts we should share instead of criticize.

    I know what sandbox means. I think that anyone who does not understand the game is you, since I did not even know that there was no global rank for him...

    PS. You'll see, in the next patch, how Rare will change that not because I wrote a post, but because they already know what the problem is and I'm pretty sure they are already working on it (like they did in the past). Come back here in a month and show me that I was wrong ;)

    I already know what's coming, I know a lot of things Rare has been working on, but unfortunately I cannot show you.

  • @targasbr I like how you attached a picture at every comment like a kid... If is that you in your profile picture, well I can understand why you so anger about me because I see how you want to be a pirate in real life. This is a game, not real life so don't take it too seriously.

    You still commenting my first post and avoiding all the other because probably you don't know how to answer them or maybe you didn't even read them.
    I've showed you there's a leaderboard and don't say it doesn't exist just because you're not able to complete 250 voyages. Xbox achievements are: voyages compelted, shipwreck, miles,... not only bananas crates. Don't be stupid. If a player is able to complete them maybe it means that he/she knows something about the game what you think? If you didn't complete them don't be jealous because you can't and honestly, how can you be A10? Did you get boost from somebody? Or maybe are you playing from DR and so you've got double exp? I didn't have this benefit from day 1 so that's why I've completed them. You should not deserve to be a Founder/Pioneer if you don't play the game and just sail around, that's doesn't make you special but just a sailor. Maybe you should play a sailor simulator instead of playing SoT.

    Plz join that website or add me on xbox, I'm really curious now to see your stats. Let me laugh a little bit too please

  • @ziobasi I don't understand how you can tell Targas that it's just a game so he shouldn't take it seriously, and then in your next paragraph basically say that you're better or deserve more respect just because you've done better at this game than he has (which you suggest with no evidence). I also don't understand what makes you suspect that he has found some "hack-y" way to grind to A10. Is it just because you apparently disagree with him on a couple things?

  • @vorondil1 We are just arguing like 2 stupid kids and making fun of each other, that's it. He's offending me since beginning and post ridicolous photos just to make fun of me. I didn't start and didn't offended him so I don't understand why he should. It's not nice and not good for him if he's an adult. I like critics and I like if somebody want to show me something that I don't know, because I like to learn something new, but it must be concrete and he's attitude didn't teach me anything except the fact he hasn't a life because he just wants to argue.

    Seriously speaking I think we both good players so I don't understand why he had to offended me just because I'm talking about some bugs that I don't like but he does. He could show me some respect and try to explain something to me instead sending those picture telling to everybody I don't know anything when at the end he doesn't. He's just showing to me he's not mature and probably not really good at this game.

    I say it again for maybe the 4th time: I would like to answer at comments inherent to the post and not at the offenses that at the end they do not bring anything good

  • @ziobasi yep. I hear you. He did insult you, maybe unnecessarily, and you did immediately descend to his level and join him in the game of personal attacks. Personally, I think you're both better than that. And again, even in this post, regardless of how mature or immature his behavior has been, what does his maturity have to do with his skill at the game? Again, that just feels like posturing to me. Not helpful or needed.

    For what it's worth, I see both sides. I think double-AI spawns are quite difficult, and I could see why you would want to nerf that. However, I can also see that that's just what happens when you make spawns random, and good players should be able to take everything the seas offer and deal with it. It's just part of an ongoing crisis SoT is having where it can't decide whether to nerf itself for newer/more casual players, or provide real challenges for vets like both you and targas. No easy answer imo.

  • @vorondil1 Double AI spawns are fine, they just need to let us fight them.
    I would like to post a video here so I can show you during a double AI fight what bugs we could encounter but it seems I can't load anything here so I dunno how can I show what I'm trying to saying

  • @vorondil1 I've found a video on youtube on what happened to me during a fight against kraken and meg:

    @targasbr You still think Rare doesn't know it for example?

    And that's not the only thing that can happen, so that's why I'm saying is frustrating

  • @ziobasi okay! Sounds like I misunderstood your original post then. I interpreted it as saying that double-spawns and the other 3 (I think it was 4 total?) things were too difficult and needed to be nerfed. Sounds like you're thinking more of some sort of bug that occurs during those circumstances. If so, can't speak to it. Hope it gets resolved though, whatever it is

  • @vorondil1 Whatch the video above if you didn't plz.
    Yep you got the point thx! I'm just asking to make it more "playable" not more "easy" and if devs are not able to fix that maybe it is better to spawn 1 monster at the time increasing his difficulty rather than have all of them together with those bugs. It's just better I suppose and it's not nice to hear from another good player that this is the game and only good pirates can play it because it doesn't make any sense to play in this manner (for me)

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