Lost Sands Adventure

  • I've had my mind made up since Rare announced this adventure; Merrick's one of my favorite characters in the game, and I'm not about to go against him. (The Reapers can keep their worthless rewards. We Shall Sail Together!)

    However, I have a couple of questions that the trailer didn't quite answer. If the Reapers are to win, would another outpost open up somewhere in the Shores of Plenty as a replacement? Along those same lines, will pirates who join the Reapers be ostracized by Ramsey and the other Pirate Legends? (i.e. not welcomed back into the company or the Athena's Fortune Hideout).

    I feel like this a decision that should have severe consequences no matter which side 'wins.' It is seemingly apparent that if the Reapers win, we lose an outpost. However, it feels like if the Pirate Legends win, it's not necessarily the end of the world for those who chose to side with the Reapers.

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  • Seems like Rare are doing everything they can to make the reapers win tbh..

    From anyone who doesn't care about the story or lore perspective it seems like they just did anything they could to make reapers side look more enticing

    Reapers pay more, which is already going to be on the back of people's minds who don't really care about whatever else..

    They show off a keg rowboat for Reaper, they show off a guy carrying merchant cargo on the opposing side..

    And for some reason reapers seem to think GS will get turned into another reaper outpost, or hideout..

    The text literally says" "Repair it or leave it in ruin?"

  • @tre-oni
    I would agree. The Reapears do seem more 'enticing.' I hope Rare has plans for alternative outpost if the Reapers win. (I don't like the fact that we may lose an outpost) I'd be alright if they had the denizens of Golden Sands establish an "outpost" on Crescent Isle or one of the other surrounding islands, but it feels like this is a very one-sided event in terms of consequences. (If the Pirate Legends lose, we lose an outpost. If the Reapers lose, no harm no foul.)

  • I personally want golden sands gone. I think it will be interesting to have it completely gone. The world should change. Makes it more interesting. I also don't believe it will be replaced with a reaper outpost though although I do think that would be cool. Personally I'd like to see us either destroy the island entirely or pull it completely into the sea of the damned just leaving a void in its place. I've wanted more lore and ways to support flameheart ever since the start of the game when they first released Tales From the Sea. Pirates for All Eternity sounds good to me. Let's make it happen. Goodbye golden sands. You won't be missed!

    I will certainly be doing my part come Thursday to sit at golden sands in either my Galleon or my sloop and ransack every crate of cargo and supplies that comes into that harbor.

  • It's a simple choice for me.

    I just think about running from the tavern to the Dock carrying plants and I'm all in favour of destroying that outpost forever!

  • @lucky11 I think if the GS is rebuilt it may look a bit different but if it’s destroyed it may become just another island possibly with some hidden secrets but who knows will have to Duke it out and see which sides wins can’t wait to see how it goes hopefully there’s a bar of sorts telling everyone where both sides are at tho part of me kinda wants it to be a surprise

  • alt text

    See ya out there reapers

  • @wolfmanbush said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    alt text

    See ya out there reapers

    Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish Ladies, Farewell and adieu you Ladies of Spain. Golden Sands shall burn down, and be lost forever!

  • @cptnpotbeard, @needsmokes, @otherfanboy

    I am looking forward to playing against you guys in the 'tug-of-war' match lined up on Thursday! Like I told @tre-oni though, the consequences feel very one-sided; it feels like we have everything to lose and you guys have everything to gain.

    If we lose, Golden Sands becomes destroyed; Rare has been very clear with that. However, as far as I know, Rare has not detailed what happens to the Reapers if we win. If the Pirate Legends win, does the event only end with Golden Sands Restored? I'd like to think Ramsey would feel betrayed by those who sided with the Reapers. Maybe he would want them expunged from Athena's Fortune? (considering what he did to Rathbone in the book, I think this is well within character for him)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way criticizing your choice. There's just a few apparent story discrepencies that are making my eye twitch.

  • @lucky11 I honestly don't even see us as reapers technically gaining anything other than continuing to make Sanctuary the only outpost in the shores of plenty.

  • @cptnpotbeard
    That's a good point. Though, I would imagine there would be Reaper liaisons at Golden Sands that would give increased rewards to Reaper Emissaries.

  • @lucky11 Also if that fat lazy green bum wants to kick me out of the tavern then that's fine by me. Good riddance to bad rubbish. For 4 years I've gone down to have a drink with him and he promised I could Sail out of that waterfall. And for 4 years he's lied to me. You wonder why he has 3 daggers in his back. I say it's because he betrayed his crew with lies and promises of granduer he never delivered on. So if me siding with Flameheart gets me kicked from Athenas Fortune so be it. All hail the Flame! PIRATES FOR ALL ETERNITY!

  • @lucky11 said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    That's a good point. Though, I would imagine there would be Reaper liaisons at Golden Sands that would give increased rewards to Reaper Emissaries.

    Not necessarily. Like I said I think our goal as reapers is total annihilation. To leave nothing left of golden sands and to take it entirely into the sea of the damned.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Everyone should try to coordinate color schemes. (whether they are fighting for or against Golden Sands). This way we can mitigate friendly fire.

  • @lucky11 That's smart. Hahah you guys should rock the Protector of shores of plenty sails if you have them.

  • @lucky11 said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    Everyone should try to coordinate color schemes. (whether they are fighting for or against Golden Sands). This way we can mitigate friendly fire.

    alt text

    We ride under the killer whale

  • (Going full-RP on this one.)

    I will seek vengeance for DeMarco's death and side against the party that killed him, solely for that reason.

    I can't imagine Merrick and his weird family were behind it, so I guess I have another reason to hunt reapers now.

    To hell with them, their running tactics and their plans for expansion. Justice for the fallen Sea Dog.

  • I'll be running full PvP merchant for this one. Having to sail further is slowing down stonks potential. Sorry reapers, it's just good business.

  • One way or another we will end up doing everything for the rewards, be that a title or a cosmetic piece. Moral decisions don't matter when loot is in the balance.

  • @theblackbellamy But it was another Sea Dog that killed him not the Reaper's.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Aye-aye Captain!

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    All hail the Flame!

    Eh, sorry. I got better things to do than sit around and listen to Grandpa Flameypants complain about the new generation of pirates and rant about how much better things were in his day. Go to bed, old man, I can't hear you over the sound of my confetti spewing cannons.

    Then again, I usually ignore Ramsey too. But at least he has the courtesy not to project his big, dumb head in the sky and whine at me.

    But yeah, the Flamester can take a flying leap. The Party Boat don't care about what you think pirates SHOULD be.

  • That's fair. You do you. I plan on bringing death and destruction to anyone who dares to serve Ramsey and his lackeys. That old punk had 4 years to sway me back to his side. He messed up. Bobblehead at least gives me fights. I can't @ you hombre because of forum rules lol.

  • @cptnpotbeard

    Fair enough. Personally; I'm sailing on a magical sea, gold is plentiful, and I'm functionally immortal. For me that spells food, grog, beaches, and kickin' it like a boss!

    alt text

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    @theblackbellamy But it was another Sea Dog that killed him not the Reaper's.

    Everything that's been going on lately has been related to or caused by Flameheart in some way..

    Even if it was a seadog.. It's probably for or because of Flameheart

  • @tre-oni OH definitely. Amaranta definitely sided with Flameheart and the Reaper's. But she was once a sea dog.

  • @cptnpotbeard Helps us catch the runners before they can turn in.

  • @cptnpotbeard
    All on the waves, PotBeard, all on the waves; words of warning have been spoken. :)

    In all seriousness, I hope you and everyone else here has fun with this!

  • @approvedjoey said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    Helps us catch the runners before they can turn in.

    Which ones? The regular runners or the Reaper runners?

  • @approvedjoey Oh don't you worry. My gally and I will have golden sands blockaded and under heavy watch for any of Merrick and Ramsey's lackeys. We'll be sure to burn any supplies we see coming towards the harbor and any ships trying to deliver them.

  • @lucky11 OH it's gonna be a blast. I just hope people don't get too salty when we sink them. For either side. It's all for fun and being pirates whichever side you're on. (Join the Reaper's, we've got cookies!) But I'll see you all on the seas. Ye best be ready for a fight.

  • Also had an idea for a cool change if we do succeed as reapers. Since flameheart has being attempting to bring in those garrisons with the veil. Why not if we the reapers win. We bring in a garrison in place of golden sands. But make it fully open to explore and walk around and man the cannons. Perhaps attach a world event to it or a player activated beacon to signal a fight. I've explored the garrison in the veil voyage and the upper levels are very detailed and flushed out. It would be awesome to use it for tdms and fights. Assuming we reapers win, (We're definitely gonna win)

  • @wolfmanbush
    Or sail under Arena colours.
    For DeMarco!

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    @tre-oni OH definitely. Amaranta definitely sided with Flameheart and the Reaper's. But she was once a sea dog.

    If we go with the theory that it was Amaranta who was the second masked figure standing behind Wanda in the Lost Forts trailer, then she sided with The Dark Brethren, not the Reapers.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    @lucky11 said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    Everyone should try to coordinate color schemes. (whether they are fighting for or against Golden Sands). This way we can mitigate friendly fire.

    alt text

    We ride under the killer whale

    Imagine two or three ships, all in full Killer Whale livery, fighting to save the Sands!


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