DA sails = Noob?

  • I’m not sure if I missed something or if maybe it’s just angry arena vet slander but when did dark adventurer sails become noob sails? I got server merged into an alliance server of all arena kids. We sank 2 sloops but the brig with the blue sea dog sails was very angry that I kept chain shotting their mast down and decided to message me “noob sails”??

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  • a tale as old as time

    all you can do is move on

    alt text

  • @wolfmanbush wipes tears

  • @robby0316 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @wolfmanbush wipes tears

    people say a lot of things about a lotta things

    if those things are negative about your style preferences it's their issue not yours. Cosmetics are for people to express themselves however they wish. The negative opinions of others are irrelevant to your freedom of expression and preference.

    Wear what you want, wear what you like.

  • @wolfmanbush whether it be silent barnacle sails, DA sails, or killer whale sails I like to use stuff that took me time to earn on my own. I don’t think this new generation of server alliance with emissary rep boosting, understand what it is to earn your gold/cosmetics

  • @robby0316 They’re not ‘Noob Sails’. If some of, if not the most expensive sails in the game are ‘Noob Sails’, then what’s the point? No, I find most the crews with DA sails are sweats… on brigs… with infinite supplies


  • They're the "avoid this guy" sails.

    Bad at sailing so you need the extra visibility from the cut is the insinuation behind calling them noob sails.

    Which...if the tennis ball fits the pegleg... I would tend to agree. I'd call them the try hard sails 😆

  • I spent 8,268,750 gold on my DA sails, I'll use them as often as I want. Also, why the hell are you even using game chat? It's easy to ignore the ignorant when you can't even hear them anyways...

  • @fishyjoesalt they messaged me on x box

  • @pithyrumble honestly I take that remark and think of myself when I used to talk smack about the gold curse, back when I didn’t have it. I don’t think anyone who actually owns the DA sails talks poorly about them. I like them for what they represent, not for the ability to see better, that’s just a perk.

    I don’t think anyone who has enough time to hit pirate legend and then proceed to make over 8 million gold is bad at sailing. That’s the same logic broke people use when they see a successful person driving a nice car assuming they’re compensating and not just more successful

  • The whole thing comes down to assumptions, and whoever assumes the ability of a player based on cosmetics makes a big mistake. Cosmetics be those expensive or not just show you were there for the grind, the ability to win a battle and get away with the loot is tested in every encounter.

  • @metal-ravage on that note I’m going to start going full ashen dragon

  • @robby0316

    They were upset because they were losing.

    That's really all it is.

    There are some blanket insinuations about things, but the truth is that nobody really cares about them unless they're losing.

    That's pretty much the only time they'll bring it up. Just tell yourself, "They were frustrated. Everybody gets frustrated sometimes. It doesn't really matter."

    Because it doesn't really matter.

  • @robby0316

    Insert alliance servers.
    It's not much of an achievement.
    You should be able to sail well at that point.
    If it was the square cut no one would say anything more than I have expensive sails...
    Very much like the barrel emote's advantages. (Which I got during the original window btw) Everyone was screaming and crying how much of an advantage it was. It wasn't. If you had 5 minutes in the game you could tell there was something off about that barrel over there.

    If you use the DA sails because they look cool or you think people will attack/run go for it.

    If you use them for the cut? Bad sailor.

    (I have 11m... They're ugly. )

    Stop taking it personally. I was explaining why they were calling them noob sails. Newbie.

  • This is just a classic case of an outskilled crew trying to come up with an excuse for why they lost the fight.

  • DA are not necessarily "high skill" sails, but they are objectively the best sails in the game so it is wierd that anyone would judge you for them or call them "noob sails"

  • Anyone, and I mean ANYone, calling the DA sails "noob sails" is just jealous that they don't have 8.2 million to blow on them. That's my opinion at least.

  • @Hawk2148 @jojo-buddy-v2

    They're ugly.
    Has 11m.
    You're both bad sailors if you think they "help"

  • @pithyrumble

    If you have the money to even purchase those sails, you aren't a bad sailor.

    Doesn't matter if they're ugly or not. That's a lot of money, and nobody in their right mind is gonna grind that much gold in alliance servers just for those sails.

  • Alliance servers are absolutely grinding for those. Because they're high priced. PL + 50mil? Cakewalk. You can absolutely be trash and have those if you're gonna play the Alliance card.

    The price factor wasn't for the cut. It was for longer term pirates who were complaining for more expensive items.

  • @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @Hawk2148 @jojo-buddy-v2

    They're ugly.
    Has 11m.
    You're both bad sailors if you think they "help"

    DA sails objectively "help." There is 0 argument to be made that DA sails do not help. You don't need DA sails, you can easily play without them, but they do increase visibility more than any other sails so they do "help"

  • @jojo-buddy-v2

    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

  • @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    Very much like the barrel emote's advantages. (Which I got during the original window btw) Everyone was screaming and crying how much of an advantage it was. It wasn't. If you had 5 minutes in the game you could tell there was something off about that barrel over there.

    Oh you'd be suprised! I have a video of me tucking in a Brigantine, right next to the map table. I killed a guy getting food and then went back to the barrel emote - they didn't find me.
    I then kegged the ship while they were back at the fort - they didn't find me.
    I firebombed a chap when he came back from the ferry - they didn't find me.

    Sometimes crews get so hung up in whatever they are doing, they don't even check their ship properly. To this day I have no idea what they were thinking, as they weren't using game chat or at least not hot-micing.
    I hate tucking though and got bored, so kegged them one last time, did a dance in the tower and let them try to shoot me before logging off before their eyes.

    You're right though - any properly experienced crew should spot you!

  • Money from alliance servers are the reason new players have them.
    That's probably why

  • Sounds like someone was simply malding, and looked for any opportunity to lash out.

    I've never really understood why people attach artificial experience adjectives to cosmetics.

    "Oh, that ship is sporting x cosmetic, they're good/bad players" - it's mind boggling. Like sure, you could argue that in some cases the player wearing x cosmetic happens to be new/inexperienced, but that isn't fact all across the board - some players could be skilled at the game, and simply be wearing x cosmetic because they enjoy it.

    As far as the DA sails go, people use them because they look cool, and have a bit better vision (even though raising normal sails slightly yields the same result, without sacrificing speed).

  • @pithyrumble See, this is why I think Rare just needs to add sail type customizations. Make it so ANY sails can have that v-cut in them, adding as well the traditional trapezoid-like sails that one would normally expect from sailing ships. I think if that option were available to everyone, people would mald less.

  • @pithyrumble I can see why you might not think DA sails help since they don't really aid you in running against the wind into the red sea. In pvp they are kinda nice to have however.

  • @pithyrumble I just want you to know that there is a semi large group of pirates who have played this game long enough that we have hit max rep when 50 was max, then 75 when it was raised, completed every tall tale with every commendation “gold curse” and accumulated a disgusting amount of gold, because even though we had achieved everything we still wanted to play the game for the sake of either helping other pirates on their journey to pirate legend or simply enjoying sailing. So yes a lot of those OG pirates asked for a money sink so that we can spend our gold on something that demonstrates how much time we have invested into this game. Yes you’re right, there are alliance servers with kids who exploit gold, but when you check someone’s stats and see they have 20 days with DA sails, yeah they probably server allianced. But when you see 2,000-4,000 hours of gameplay with DA sails, odds are they’re probably not just “bad at sailing”

  • @lackbarwastaken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble I can see why you might not think DA sails help since they don't really aid you in running against the wind into the red sea. In pvp they are kinda nice to have however.

    They are needed less in PVP if you have any amount of skill sailing since your targets should rarely be in front of you...even if you default to "sails stupid". So your attempt to insult failed and tells us a lot about your own sailing skills.

  • @dlchief58 damn dude you got me shoot
    i am defeated....i guess all the nal players i have sunk actually suck. Shoot
    you and the sail into the wind red sea gang are too good for me my bad .

  • @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

    So you believe that someone using a sail that objectively gives more vision making you be able to see from the wheel on a galleon makes a player a bad sailor? Wouldn't a bad sailor be the one who actively chooses to use a sail that inhibits more vision than another? I am not saying that DA sails are necessary to sail well, but they do give an objective advantage that is pretty substantial on a brig and galleon.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @dlchief58 damn dude you got me shoot
    i am defeated....i guess all the nal players i have sunk actually suck. Shoot
    you and the sail into the wind red sea gang are too good for me my bad .

    Whatever you have to tell yourself in order to sleep at night. And again your attempts at insults fail.

    If you are dependent on those sails, you do need to reassess your sailing skills.

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

    So you believe that someone using a sail that objectively gives more vision making you be able to see from the wheel on a galleon makes a player a bad sailor? Wouldn't a bad sailor be the one who actively chooses to use a sail that inhibits more vision than another? I am not saying that DA sails are necessary to sail well, but they do give an objective advantage that is pretty substantial on a brig and galleon.

    If you are a good sailor, you have no need for those sails and KNOW they give no real advantage...especially in combat. Any advantage is minimal and situational at best.

  • @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @lackbarwastaken said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble I can see why you might not think DA sails help since they don't really aid you in running against the wind into the red sea. In pvp they are kinda nice to have however.

    They are needed less in PVP if you have any amount of skill sailing since your targets should rarely be in front of you...even if you default to "sails stupid". So your attempt to insult failed and tells us a lot about your own sailing skills.

    So if a boat is in front of you, you are bad. Now I wonder how do you get to the boat. You must tack your way there? But if you are tacking there is a point where the boat is in front of you. Maybe on your approach you go at a 45 degree angle to the right of them, then when you get too far to the right you do a 270 degree turn to the right so that you never point directly at them. You must also never chase a boat. You must always be faster than your opponent to ensure that they don't go quick enough to get in front of you. Above all else, you must have never done the best strat, ram strat which must mean you don't like to have fun in PvP with silly strats. It must be really hard for you to play this game.

  • @dlchief58 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA sails = Noob?:

    @pithyrumble said in DA sails = Noob?:


    So you admit you're a bad sailor and you need help. Gotcha.

    Otherwise you would have dropped it.

    The sails are about as op and advantageous as the Barrel Hide Emote.

    So you believe that someone using a sail that objectively gives more vision making you be able to see from the wheel on a galleon makes a player a bad sailor? Wouldn't a bad sailor be the one who actively chooses to use a sail that inhibits more vision than another? I am not saying that DA sails are necessary to sail well, but they do give an objective advantage that is pretty substantial on a brig and galleon.

    If you are a good sailor, you have no need for those sails and KNOW they give no real advantage...especially in combat. Any advantage is minimal and situational at best.

    You must sloop, but yes they aren't necessary, but they do give a significant advantage on brigs and galleons

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