Lets talk about your experience from the game being "balanced".

  • Here's mine:
    Skeleton ships
    I hate them, I hate them, I HATE them!
    Waiting for an island to stop exploding so that i may grab the 6 chest I just finished digging up and a skeleton ship appears so I lower my sails then go to raise the anchor and I get hit with sleep. Okay so I try again. And it happens again. Now I'm frustrated that I cant raise my anchor and turn a wheel. I try again and sleep. I finally get it done after the third try and go to steer ship. Sweet as. I fire a ball into them to make them sick so I can go repair. And barely a second later I get hit with sleep while bucketing water. So I keep going after this long as stun of liying on the floor. I get it down a little bit before I get hit with sleep and it rises up so fast that the ship starts to sink. So I closed the game and I'm not playing ever again. This happened in literally 28 seconds. FIX THIS STUPID STUN OR REMOVE IT!

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  • @zassassinmast3r Yeah, they need to tone down on the amount of crew affecting cursed cannon balls they carry for sure. In fact, I would be fine with removing the sleep and dance ball from just the skeleton ships. Those two balls should only be available to use by players against other players.

    The skeletons have really good accuracy and combining those two things just doesn't make for a good fun fight with the AI. Drunk, limp, and venom are a-ok for the skeletons to use in my opinion.

  • @shinten-rai exactly dude, they're hard enough without the stun

  • Or you could play less solo. Also remember the green balls will only effect those within splash range on the skelly ship, so you want to put that right amongst the cannons.
    I rushed this is pretty rough. A hint. Raise the anchor as soon as you stop.
    Anchor down is death.

  • @daveyjay1984 I would play less solo but I think I prefer to be alone with everything I do (including life) and thanks for the tip

  • @zassassinmast3r No worries mate. Always keen to help out where I can. I get the solo thing. Used to solo all the time. Found some good crew to run with and now my solo sessions are minimised. Having a good steady group of people to play with can make all the difference.
    Seriously consider the anchor thing. Then you can just drop sail to move. If it is a skelly ship try and actually ram and get tangled up with them. It will stop them being able to hit you with cannon balls and you can bail your ship onto theirs (they don't bail). I finished a couple of full event skelly ship spawn with this method solo. Very effective. Your ship grinding on theirs will also create new holes on them.

  • @zAssassinMast3r ya the skeleton ships definitely need some QoL changes, like for example maybe shorten the sleep and jig ball animation timer (especially to help solo sloopers), when you get hit with a cursed cannonball that is not effecting whatever you're using it shouldn't boot you out of it (sail ball shouldn't stutter me off the cannons or anchor), and the loot is just lack-luster compared to what you typically get off a meg or kraken and you use more resources!

  • @zassassinmast3r said in Lets talk about your experience from the game being "balanced".:

    @daveyjay1984 I would play less solo but I think I prefer to be alone with everything I do (including life) and thanks for the tip

    Nothing wrong with that, but just remember solo is hard mode, there is nothing beneficial in soloing other than increasing your own difficulty. I've done it but I find it a lot more fun with friends and less worrisome. :)

    I'm on the other end of this argument, I can't find enough skeleton ships to kill :( I am only at 300ish and I sink every one I can find as long as I am not in some sort of skirmish.

  • @zassassinmast3r Honestly for me I’m really happy with the balance on the PvE side of the game.
    The only thing that triggers me is when I get sleep balled and shot of my ship when I’m solo against a skeleton ship.
    But to be honest I don’t want that gone I just feel it’s a part of the game and one of the risks you take when sailing solo or on a smaller ship.

  • Honestly just sounds like you played it badly. If raising anchor was giving you so much trouble why not just fight them, they normally do circles around you . Also why were you anchored did they anchor ball you or did you anchor yourself. heres a good tip, dont anchor unless you absolutely have to, if you are trying to park just raise sails and drift in, if you hit the land while going slow it doesnt dmg your ship so dw, dropping anchor is a bad idea especially id another ship comes by or a skelly ship, you always need to be ready to leave, anytime you do drop anchor instantly raise sails and raise anchor always. And you should have started bucketing and repairing earlier but i guess i dont need to tell you that, also a good time to bucket/ repair is when yuo cant attack them

  • Also why would you drop anchor in devils roar, thats the place you always need it raised at, incase the island errupts

  • I think the PVE elements in themselves are solid, but the RNG for them is a little off, sometimes I sail for hours without much happening but then other days the moment I step out of port its a constant barrage of unavoidable content, probable then becomes more a "do I have enough stock to survive" than a skill based issue.
    Also solo can be rough (not that I solo a lot) and although fights can be won it feels long and drawn out, I understand the game isn't targeting solos and its more based around teams but would be nice to have slightly less chance to spawn a PVE event as a solo (dunno if that's actually a thing already).
    Overall I enjoy the content but sometimes its just a bit unforgiving in the amounts of it :D

  • You were sailing a sloop? Just use your turning speed to get behind them and stay out of their cannon range, whilst you have an angle to hit them, or sail as close to islands & rocks as you dare.. They will not be able to follow to well. I love skeleton ships, even more so when solo, they pose no threat once you find solutions to defeating them.

  • @zassassinmast3r sounds like you were solo captain in the devils roar and not prepared for the dangerous in the sea.

    Sailing alone is a risky business and small mistakes or miscalculations can lead to defeat.

    Instead of point at the evil skeletons, look at what you can do next time differently to not be in that position. If you have no interest in that, you might want to recruit a crew.

    Solo Captain is not the pirate lifestyle that everyone is going to enjoy. It is for the people that want a more punishing experience for every mistake they make.

  • ever try to repair when the ship has unlimited grogballs? Gameover

  • @shinten-rai

    The problem is not them having jigballs and wearyballs in general, the problem is that those are the most common skeleton ships. For some reason, some of them are very rare (some unexplainably, they aren't too powerful to warrant it), and others are far too common, making them dull. Grogbals, jigballs, anchorballs and wearyballs appear to be the most common ones.

  • I wouldn't say remove but the amount of times a skellie ship will spam you with CCs is a little absurd.

  • As a primarily Sloop pirate, I don't mind the Skelly ships as I've learned how to deal with them with many of the points stated above, however I would love to see the Skelly sloop pop up against me in the open sea.

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