Need help with the Wild Rose Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Ahoy maties!

    Are you stuck? In need of a helping hand? Or have some pearls of wisdom to share with others?

    Well, look no further...

    And remember, if you are offering help, I would also advise not to give the whole game away, and so, in the spirit of exploration and adventure... try by cryptic with your help and give to the point answers.

    Post below and collectively we may be able to guide each other through...

    The Wild Rose Tall Tale!

    (Ps - If we have redirected you here, please don't be offended but we are trying to gather all the hints/clues and tips into one easy to read post)

  • 27
  • What do I do with the part where all the words in the book with all the words mixed up with each other? I have found the location of the picture in the book, but that didn't help me out... Anyone has any clue?

  • @extrmelyunlucky Ahoy matey!

    The solution to this story is to read one word of each page at a time swapping between the two pages.

  • @musicmee Ahoy!

    Thank you very much. That tip is very helpful. I appreciate the fast response!! Goodluck out there everyone!

  • Hey, so I found the chest but I am stuck at what I am going to do next, Am I blind or just stupid or something idk please help

  • @kayzenhyuga The chest should contain more pages in it. These new pages comprise of two events/stories. You can use the images in the pages combined with the story of Rose and George from the original 16 pages to decipher what island they are on.

  • Ok I’m stuck trying to find the mementos found the music box just can’t seem to find where to go next

  • When I got the pages from the chest I got one memory and the wedding vows. Shouldn't I get t 2 memories?

  • @not-mart3n The wedding vows are a memory... and one to help you receive an item.

  • I cant find the Journals for Wild Rose i searched on Islands all over the map there should be one located at a Barrels on Sailors Bounty but there is None can somebody please help me

  • Our First Dance is really beating me down. I think I have found the tree "trees?" but I don't know what to read and which one is correct - Its been 2.5 hours and Im about ready to just abandon it and start over for the hopes of getting another

  • @moonhead23 said in Need help with the Wild Rose Tall Tale? - Check out here! [Spoilers Ahead]:

    Our First Dance is really beating me down. I think I have found the tree "trees?" but I don't know what to read and which one is correct - Its been 2.5 hours and Im about ready to just abandon it and start over for the hopes of getting another

    I go over this specific part of the mission and explain how this is meant with a solid example. I hope this helps.

    Dancing part is at 5:25 mark of the video! Good Luck!

  • It says that the tale is locked for voting. Why is this??

  • @ancientvirulent Just answered this in your other post matey!

    Good luck on your voyages!

  • I am having one issue I have not seen posted anywhere. I am doing all tales in sequence and I am at Wild Rose, it says to see Madame Olivia and every guide says the book will be on the desk left of her. The only book I have there is The Cursed Rogue, is there something I have missed?

  • @zandros Madame Olive is at Sanctuary Outpost which is where Wild Rose is. Olivia is on Plunder. I think you might be on the wrong one.

  • I'm having issues finding the spices on cannon cove by looking through the book. I have dug everywhere they were at for their first ambush in the celebration. Please help ;^;

  • @cheshiretora Ahoy matey!

    If I remember correctly... it's on the back beach under a tree to the northeast.

  • @musicmee thank you, you must be good luck or something cause even if i don't check this right away you reply and we always seem to find it then. xD I swear to goodness i need to sail with you to get the shrouded ghost to pop up.

  • I’ve found the spices but I’m having trouble finding the box, I can’t quite solve the problem.

  • @cheeky-kieran Ahoy matey!

    Which chapter are you on? Any clues we could help you with?

  • @musicmee I’ve found the chest of memories and got the spices location after that, I’m trying to find the music box but I can’t figure it out I’ve been looking back through the book and thought that it might be on wanders refuage but I’m having trouble finding it

  • Im trying to complete 100% of Wild Rose journals. The big issue is that the journal that used to be on a barrel on Lagoon of Whispers disappeared since Umbra settled there.
    Does someone know where the book is now?

  • @howlyhow south in a broken rowboat.

  • @boomtownboss thats not the Wild Rose Tome.

  • I am at the very end where you return the pendants to Olive at Sanctuary Outpost. got the pendant from Rose and from George. There is no option to give them to her. They also don’t actually exist. You pick them up and they disappear. Did I miss something or is it bugged?

    Edit: bugged. I left and tried it again and it worked. It turns out the pendants are supposed to exist and be carried and turned in like loot.

12 out of 27