Does anyone have an idea of how the storm travels

  • Everytime I think i get how the storm moves it does something that makes no sense ill see it travel with the wind then against it. Has anyone figured it out?

  • 31
  • @blatantwalk4260 I don't believe it does have any regular pattern, it is random and moves in certain areas.
    I think it would be hard to program and keep track of when it already has to be synchronised across all possible servers along with the time of day and wind direction.

  • @sshteeve It's synchronized across all servers? That seems strange.

  • @sshteeve it definately seems to have its own indepedent behavior I was trying to find a pattern to match with shipwreck spawn points to develope a guide for blackcloud wreckers

  • @blatantwalk4260 The best advice for Blackcloud Wreckers is to find a wreck and wait for a storm to come to you.

    As long as a player is within range of the wreck, it’ll never despawn

  • @rk1-turbulence it has to be due to the server migration system.
    If the wind, the storms and the day/night cycle didn't match, when you were migrated to a new server then it wouldn't synch properly.

    Remember that ships can phase in and out of a server (or they used to do at launch) without the notification either, so it's all in synch!

  • @thetwistedtaste yea I was just testing theories for a more proactive approach something that can get all 50 done in a day like other fish

  • @rk1-turbulence

  • @sshteeve Ok, I always figured it was independent like the forts, but I guess you're right. The game does need to synch up waves after a server merge, but I guess storms are different.

  • @rk1-turbulence that has to be synced as well... imagine being in the middle of a storm, you get a server merge and suddenly you're in calm waters... that would be slightly more odd than the Skelly fort disappearing or changing location.

  • @sshteeve time has not been synchronised before the release of the cursed sails (actual clock times where different before then) and they synced them up then due to the event at hand.

    Currently i havent tested it at length but pretty sures its different per server again, did some server hopping in adventure yesterday and in a time span of a few minutes i want from day to night to day to night.

    During a server merge (basicly moving you and your ship to another server) the whol world around you changes and stuff doesnt need to be synced up, i merged into and out of storms that way

  • @callmebackdraft I'm no sure that's right matey.
    Check the quotes from the link I posted:
    "All servers are synchronised, meaning that day-night cycles and even weather remain consistent for every player playing at one time"

    Even the Rarethief interactive map has, from day 1, kept track of the day/night and in game time of day. (this was released prior to launch)

    There are year-old posts about this as well:

    That first one is from our very own @Musicmee, who is a font of all SoT knowledge!

    What you are describing could just be the message from the merger hiding the sun setting or rising, or loading in delaying the time slightly. but they are most definitely always synced, and have been since launch.

    [EDIT with hindsight those links to the forum are all POST-CS... but Musicmee may clarify ]

  • @blatantwalk4260 I found an old Inn-side story for you specifically about storms:

    They mention the storm system and the cloud from around 2:50 but sadly, there isn't much about how they move!

  • @callmebackdraft Sorry matey I'd have to agree with @Sshteeve here, as far back as I can remember (and yes that's a very long time both in real life and in game) Time has always been in synch. This was proven a while back and even confirmed by one of the Dev team, however those threads have been cleaned up and almost impossible to find now, I'm not so certain on weather per server, as I don't think that would synch but I could be wrong, but time is most certainly the same. I believe @Musicmee even had a browser add-on showing the time in game, which was pretty neat (SOrry Musicmee I didn't re-install it with new lappy).

  • @j4dio said in Does anyone have an idea of how the storm travels:

    I believe @Musicmee even had a browser add-on showing the time in game, which was pretty neat (SOrry Musicmee I didn't re-install it with new lappy).

    Yeah, I use that plugin. It was very handy during some of the events when you needed to do things on particular days of the month. It hasn't been updated since Shrouded Spoils by the looks of it but it's still pretty neat. I haven't checked lately to see if it's in sync in the game though, I always just assume it is.

  • @realstyli said in Does anyone have an idea of how the storm travels:

    @j4dio said in Does anyone have an idea of how the storm travels:

    I believe @Musicmee even had a browser add-on showing the time in game, which was pretty neat (SOrry Musicmee I didn't re-install it with new lappy).

    Yeah, I use that plugin. It was very handy during some of the events when you needed to do things on particular days of the month. It hasn't been updated since Shrouded Spoils by the looks of it but it's still pretty neat. I haven't checked lately to see if it's in sync in the game though, I always just assume it is.

    @musicmee ^^^^^ Stop being so busy and update the plugin man!
    It certainly was handy though that's for sure!

  • @sshteeve @RealStyli

    Hahaha, cheers guys... I see the usage stats for this weekly and I am still surprised people still use it. After the Cursed Sails update, I felt there wasn't much requirement for an in world clock.

    I wish I could make it more useful!

  • @musicmee

    I'm sure they'll add more time-based events. I just like seeing it there and knowing what time it is in the game, it kinda adds to the immersion. XD

  • @j4dio @Musicmee indeed made such a plugin but that was made for the cursed sails update, that was the first time the times synced up.

    This was done because of the nature of that event and to stop serverhopping to have another one of the ship raids to pop up (since they where bound to time per region)

    Before that they where not synced and people actually used the in game time to know if they where in the same server, i know this from my experience since before the release of the game.

    @Sshteeve as you can see everything that you have linked revolves around the cursed sails and the skelly ship raids that where introduced back then

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Does anyone have an idea of how the storm travels:

    Everytime I think i get how the storm moves it does something that makes no sense ill see it travel with the wind then against it. Has anyone figured it out?

    I swear it feels like it is programmed to chase a ship that may be in proximity to it. I've sailed around storms that were moving in the opposite direction as my ship, anchored off shore on the opposite side of an island (so that the island was between me and the storm) and while exploring the island, the storm would turn and come over the island and dump right on my ship.

  • The storm is the wind. The wind from all over the world is always coming into the epicentre of the storm in a swirling motion.

    As the storm moves across the map the wind changes direction.

    Because the storms are synchronised across all the servers, it means you will also find the wind going in the same direction at the same time on the same part of the map on all servers.

    Just like a real storm it dictates the wind directions :)

  • @callmebackdraft apart from the stuff from early 2018 as well that mentions it and that J4dio and Musicmee have both confirmed it was pre-launch.

    I trust their wisdom - especially given Jay has about 10X more sailing time under his belt than any other pirate and was one of the first testers... Ever...

  • Its possible that the world runs off of a single seed value, based on the server time, that determines wave location, storm location and any other variables that need to be sync'd to allow the server merge process to be seamless for the end user.

    Is anyone bored enough to play storm chaser and see if they can figure out a pattern between real life day/time, server time and storm locations? :D

  • Im one of those fishermen, that chase the storm, tries to get ahead of it an find those wreck.
    One time I laid anchor an got merge, the storm was in the same place, same time of day + was really lucky Shipwreck spawn in the storm 200 feet in front of me..(got 3-4 blackcloud)

  • The storm travels in the direction you need to go. And grows in size as you try to escape it. Except for when you are being chased: then it sinks and travels away from you at great speed so that you cannot take shelter in it.

  • Some of my favorite adventures have involved storms. My crewmate and I were in a sloop one night and another sloop crew tried to hit us. We tried to get away and they chased us across the map. We sailed into a storm, my crewmate bucketing, the other sloop chased us into it. One guy on the wheel, the other on the bowsprit yelling and taunting us. The followed us through and as we sailed into calm seas, we looked back to see them sinking. Apparently, they forgot that you take on water in a storm.

    Another time, we had a Meg chase us across the map and through a storm. Nothing like battling storm waves and wind with a huge shark fin breaking the surface behind and beside your ship.

  • It goes from one side of the map to another. It is persistent over all servers, as are time and wind direction.

    Wind direction has no relationship to the Storms location or path.

  • @viperishemu2992 I thought that to but Ive seen it change course in the middle of the map

  • @blatantwalk4260 Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that it went in a bee-line. Just that it entered the map at point A and left the map at point B. As opposed to just constantly moving around the map all the time.

    My bad.

  • @viperishemu2992 lol

  • Fun fact actually, the storm does move with the wind, we've tested it before, the wind was blowing twoards us, and the storm hovered over us for a while, just as it was about to clear, the wind swung back around and the storm came with it.

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