Opt-Out Crossplay

  • Feels kind of scummy how Rare is doing these lackluster updates and adding overpriced, Curch of EA microtransactions instead of working on a feature promised to be released 4 months ago.

    Edit: It's today? Who knew! Please excuse my big brain moment.

    Still kind of lame though

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  • @wilbymagicbear

    Some semi good news for you.

    Optional crossplay will arrive in the arena later today.

    The wait for it to be added to adventure mode will continue though I'm afraid.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    Feels kind of scummy how Rare is doing these lackluster updates and adding overpriced, Curch of EA microtransactions instead of working on a feature promised to be released 4 months ago.

    Who exactly is saying both can't be worked on at the same time? Are the programmers who are working and debuging the crossplay feature also doing the modeling and texturing of 3D assets? Those are some talented jack of all trade devs right there!

  • Yea, we've had free updates for over a year. What a bunch of scumb@gs.

  • Eh, it'd just be one more menu option for me to ignore.

  • @marsmayflower He is right though. The segregation should have happened the same time Arena was released. As it stands now pc players have been padding stats in Arena with all pc crews dismantling console players which is total BS. I think in adventure it's a different story because there's no kill count and a skilled mixed crew (pc and console) can compete due to the elements surrounding them. Not so in Arena. No GPB's, No Megs, No Krakens, No coral shallows (unmarked islands) etc...
    You can still outsmart your opponets but most pc crews will pick you apart cashing.

  • @wilbymagicbear Opt out crossplay is literally coming today what are you talking about?
    The only thing that makes me happy with this feature is never to encounter people like you.
    How dare you to compare them to EA they added the softest microtransaction youll ever see while adding free content for a year an a half now and they plan to do so for years.
    Guess what? You dont want to pay extra no one is forcing you to get emotes and a pet, they have treated us like no other dev so im sorry Timmy that you have a problem with reality but you should show some respect.

  • @duke-of-spire It should have but they couldnt make it in time they had other things far more important to tend to like actual content then bunch of angry mob with a pitchfork and a torch.
    Optional crossplay is a mistake in my opinion and pc "advantages" are tiny so its really nonsense.
    And they have apologized for not adding it with the mega update because it wasnt ready.

  • @needsmokes it's not really optional pc players can still join th session as well as people.using mouse and keyboard on xbox it's literally nothing new.

  • @wilbymagicbear I know it's kinda weird they did pets first. I mean pets and mtx were promised 18 months ago.

  • @wilbymagicbear yes i fully agree with you! Rare is greedy, Rare is Evil, Rare is EA!! We paid for every major DLC, now we MUST Pay to get cosmetics because in the game you can’t earn cosmetics...Wait in which Dimension are you living?

  • @king-deka In his little mind, im sure that he thinks that he is Rathbone the gold hoarder and we all working for him so he can take a cut from every profit.
    Entitled people gives me the creeps ungrateful brats who would ruin your good name if something dosent go their way.
    Those people really dosent deserve RARE im not saying that its bad to disagree with some of their decision, not at all i dont agree with some of their choices but i do with most of them and trust their vision blindly but people like him dont add anything to a valid debate they just throw nonsense to the air.

  • @wilbymagicbear You do realise that pets are the first thing to be promised right?
    So in that line of thinking we'd have to wait untill way past the eventual launch of the captaincy update to get the Seggregation you so much desire.


  • @fast-bike94

    As far as I am led to believe or understand.

    If enough players choosing opt out are available for your session, then no PC or M&K users will be able to join that session..

    I'm sure we will learn a little more about it later today either in the Dev update or even the patch notes.

  • @wilbymagicbear you mean scummy that they release the mtx shop, which was known to come since before release and would actually be one of the first updates to come out...

    Yeah Microtransactions where known to come WAAAAY before optional crossplay. And you know what optional crossplay is coming and the same day as pirate emporium... TODAY

  • @fast-bike94 pc players cannot join the optional crossplay pools what are you even on about

    As an xbox player with controller you can select the opt out preference, they will then search for lobby’s and players searching with the same preference set...

    However if not enough players choose the option on xbox, the xbox player(s) get a notification that not enough players could be found and they will now be put into the general pool (players that dont have the option set AND pc players)

    They do this so its more user friendly, the popup notifies you and you can then choose to drop out instead of having a failure to match. The way they chose to implement it that allows more choice but still giving the option to have a match without starting matchmaking again.

  • @callmebackdraft With a controller you can.

  • @faceyourdemon As long as they dont make a emote that makes tucking on ships better the microtransaction store is fine although we have a ton of currency we still dont get to use.

  • "Scummy" Is a strong word, considering they announced pets, ohhhh, sometime near launch? And for the other transactions, I get your point, a little overpriced. But still, not 'scummy' considering they're just cosemtics.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    @king-deka In his little mind, im sure that he thinks that he is Rathbone the gold hoarder and we all working for him so he can take a cut from every profit.
    Entitled people gives me the creeps ungrateful brats who would ruin your good name if something dosent go their way.
    Those people really dosent deserve RARE im not saying that its bad to disagree with some of their decision, not at all i dont agree with some of their choices but i do with most of them and trust their vision blindly but people like him dont add anything to a valid debate they just throw nonsense to the air.

    You okay mate?? Lol you seem very angry and toxic lol

  • @knifelife no I think he’s only emotional like me, because we don’t get how persons can be upset about this MTX store!? That’s a post from Joe Neate today, and I see 0 problem!

    Transparency: Players should always know what they are buying and how much it will cost. There are no random loot box mechanics in our premium store.

    Fairness: Everything we bring to the Pirate Emporium will be entirely optional for players. While we will sometimes rotate items in and out of the store, we will make sure that this isn’t done too quickly and players have plenty of opportunity to get the items they want. This is something we have been working through with our Insiders during testing, and we’ve heard their feedback and taken it on board.

    No pay-to-win: Everything in the Pirate Emporium is purely cosmetic and doesn’t have any impact on abilities, stats or power, ensuring that there will always be a level playing field regardless of amount spent.

  • @king-deka I would agree with emotional lol! It made me laugh, that’s a lot of insults in one paragraph xD

    Me personally I don’t care about there MTX, I always said I will have a look at them and if I believe they was fairly priced I might pick some things up.

    Pets are a nice price I think, I can accept that.
    Ship cosmetics are just plain greedy, it’s a-lot of money for a really basic re-paint. Very suprised they pushed them out with that price tag.

    And emotes, meh they don’t bother me. Usually I don’t have time to engage in emotes and chats with other ships, they are to busy trying to kill me 😂.

    My biggest issue with there MTX in general is there premium currency, they done the old EA/EPIC middle finger and made it so you have to buy more then you need for what you want.
    Very shady and sly, but I guess because other companies do it, it’s fine.

    Either way In the grand scheme of things they could have done worse implementing them.
    And to be fair I think people have been giving them some fair feedback so we will see what happens.

    And in terms of Cross play I hung up my sword from that battle a long time ago. I lost to many good friends in that war! 😂

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    @faceyourdemon As long as they dont make a emote that makes tucking on ships better the microtransaction store is fine although we have a ton of currency we still dont get to use.

    I totally agree with you on the emote and soon we will have more things to spend on, im sure that with the black market we can kiss many of our dubloons goodbye and the diffrent color varient will drain our gold too.
    But the use of gold right now is meh we need crazy things to spend on like an idea that i posted before about a safe haven, a large outpost that it isnt a physical place in the world its a place that you can get there only from the menu and you spawn there with random players and you can even invite friends and enjoy minigames together.
    Gold would play a big part here for gambling and even your own hideout that you can buy and add decoration, that would drain gold and add a reason for us to work harder for gold.

  • @knifelife said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    I lost to many good friends in that war! 😂

    The things I've seen.....

  • @knifelife Im great thank you for asking ^^"
    Yes i am angry i dont see the logic here, toxic? Maybe 👀

  • @faceyourdemon Hey we have all been there 😂 It’s why I perma banned myself from crossplay debates.

    I end up getting twitchy eyes and headaches 😂

    @Hombre The dreams still haunt me to this day 🙈

  • @knifelife 🤪

  • @knifelife

    PC Versus Console is an ancient feud. Swaying the other side is impossible feat for this one. All you can do is ask for them to respect why you feel the way you do and accept the compromise Rare has come up with.

    Most debates on the matter devolve into personal arguments, hackusations and slandering toward PC players, and don't really add anything useful to a discussion.

    I think Rare's solution is a fine one - it appeals to those who'd rather not play against mouse and keyboards while also calming the fears of those of us concerned about divides in the player base.

  • @faceyourdemon "Tiny" in a fighting mode of the game? You're kidding me, right? PC players on good pc's move so quickly and fluidly that they are at times literally invisible to console players. I'd slightly agree with you in "adventure" that the gap is closer because of the tools available but even then if you run up against a well oiled pc crew you're toast. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. In arena it happens alot. I think you're right concerning the opt out. If there aren't enough players you're still going to get put in with pc players. Honestly I wish that the difference was "tiny" but I know differently. I've been able to witness two of my crew members switch from console to solid pc's and within 3 weeks their kills ratios quadrupled! @wheelhause was maybe a 2-1 kill ratio and he's now a 8-1. Shug was also a 2-1 and is now probably 12-1 and Swanny who was an 6-1 is probably 35-1! So please don't tell me the difference is "tiny" concerning fighting. Funny story. I used to be able to kill Swanny occasionally when we had two ships on a server. Since he switched to pc it's near impossible! You can't hit what you can't see. 😐

  • @duke-of-spire said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    @faceyourdemon "Tiny" in a fighting mode of the game? You're kidding me, right? PC players on good pc's move so quickly and fluidly that they are at times literally invisible to console players. I'd slightly agree with you in "adventure" that the gap is closer because of the tools available but even then if you run up against a well oiled pc crew you're toast. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. In arena it happens alot. I think you're right concerning the opt out. If there aren't enough players you're still going to get put in with pc players. Honestly I wish that the difference was "tiny" but I know differently. I've been able to witness two of my crew members switch from console to solid pc's and within 3 weeks their kills ratios quadrupled! @wheelhause was maybe a 2-1 kill ratio and he's now a 8-1. Shug was also a 2-1 and is now probably 12-1 and Swanny who was an 6-1 is probably 35-1! So please don't tell me the difference is "tiny" concerning fighting. Funny story. I used to be able to kill Swanny occasionally when we had two ships on a server. Since he switched to pc it's near impossible! You can't hit what you can't see. 😐

    A big part of it is that the graphics settings for base console are set too high, they really need lowering in my opinion so that the gain in FPS can be made.

    This alone will solve most of the fluidity issues.

  • @duke-of-spire hahaha that is so not true no one is faster we just increase sensitivity it takes time to get used to it but that is the only thing and concole players can do that to.
    So im afraid it is tiny advantages even black screen loadig screens can be improved with an external SSD card, we dont just get it we buy it and so can you for xbox.
    And this elaborated kill ratio isnt backed up with anything other then your hunch.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    @duke-of-spire hahaha that is s8 not true no one is faster we just increase sensitivity it takes time to get used to it but that is the only thing and concole players can do that to.
    So im afraid it is tiny advantages even black screen loadig screens can be improved with an external SSD card, we dont just get it we buy it and so can you for xbox.

    It's FPS more than anything you mentioned, rare literally just needs to adjust graphics settings and implement a variable resolution.

    If gears 5 can run at a solid 60fps on base console and still look great using these methods, I'm 100% certain SOT can achieve the same.

    It's on rare at this point.

  • @troubled-cells Ive edited my reply and added things in, yes FPS is important but not every pc is a megazord that runs anything smoothly.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Opt-Out Crossplay:

    @troubled-cells Ive edited my reply and added things in, yes FPS is important but not every pc is a megazord that runs anything smoothly.

    I know every PC isn't, Ive managed to get SOT running at 60FPS on a PC less powerful than a OG xbox, which just reinforces my point.

    The game still looked absolutely fine.

  • I've been playing for the last year or so on my i7 2600k w/ AMD 6950 2GB card. Playing at 1080p with every setting on common/cursed, I would get around 42-45 fps on average. It would peak at 50+ if I was at the top of the mast of a ship in the open ocean. Combat with other ships was around 30fps.

    It felt perfectly playable to me. As long as FPS is stable and above 30, there is not much difference IMO. The only real arguments are control scheme and issues with the game loading. Rare has taken some minor steps with regards to tackling control scheme by providing extra customization in the form of deadzone control and input scaling in the last update. Everyone is affected by the loading problems, but it impacts the XBox more because that comes with a slower rpm drive by default.

    The biggest issue in my opinion is lag. You can come across specific players on your server that will cause you to desync from the server to the point where your ship floats into the air, sinks below the waves (which are now stuttering all over) and generally. I'm not sure if these players are out of region or just playing on open wifi while their little brother/sister is streaming hi-def fortnite vids. Being within the render sphere of another player should not affect your game this badly; there are some issues with how this game handles network traffic.

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