Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning

  • Hi,
    Just an idea, here !
    Speaking with my girlfriend, we thought of a feature to make the start of the game faster.

    The possibility of paying in gold to fill the stock of the ship rather than going back and forth again and again on the outpost at the beginning.

    Something that is not necessarily optimized.

    Boards, coconuts, simple cannonballs.
    No fire, no other fruit, no cursed cannonball.

    Maybe 100gold for 5 stack of each.

    This could make the start of the game more enjoyable and faster and a new way to spend our gold.

    Thanks for reading.

    See you on the seas !

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  • @aidanmckellan

    What of the new players who don't have the gold to spend on that? What happens to their equality? And what happens to those out at sea, who now have to combat fully stocked ships when someone serverhops to them, or gets sunk and comes back without more preparation?

  • Imagine a player who has just started and didn't made the Maiden Voyage, you attack him, however novice, he sinks you. You, the player who owns a lot of gold, takes revenge. Purchase 500 or more cannonballs, 500 or more woods, 500 or more miscellaneous fruits (or just pineapples). You come back full of resources, your target has only what came in the barrels of the ship when he startet the session. What are the chances of this novice?

    Sea of ​​Thieves is a horizontal progression game, a session-based game, where from the player who has just started the game has the same chances than the player who plays from day 1.

  • @aidanmckellan This is not as good an idea as you think. This puts new players at a severe disadvantage as long time players that have stockpiles of gold could easily load up and be fully stocked to battle, while newer players just sstarting out are pretty much scraping for gold and would have to make a decision whether to stock up just to survive or get the new sail/jacket/hat/etc.

    This idea has been been around for quite some time but most who offer it do not realize the consequences of what would happen if implemented. The current way it is set up is more fair to all players since it is all based on the specific session, not how much gold someone has amassed over many play sessions.

  • I'd say that the ability to acquire a storage crate on entry spawn would help immensely. It'd do away with all the frequent trips to stock the ship, get the session started way faster.

    I leave my storage crates on the dock after a session as much as I can.

  • Imagine this scenario. You log in, get your full crates, and then are immediately sunk by pirates on the look out for new spawns, who then kill you, and sell your full crates.
    Let's keep the camping to Forts and not Outposts.

  • I don't see an imbalance, here, but a saving of time, for me.
    To have a better resources it will always be necessary to search.
    New players can choose to spend money on resources or cosmetics, but... yes, i understand the trouble, here.. but.. we are quickly with a great mount of gold.

    And when a ship sinks, it rarely comes back to an outpost to refuel.

    Finally, it remains an evening-time idea :)

    I will not defend it ;D
    Just sharing.

  • @aidanmckellan agree with this sometimes stocking for.your journey is a really boring and somewhat unnecessary process I would pay gold to circumvent that

  • @targasbr I don't think he means you can purchase items mid voyage but at a outpost

  • @aidanmckellan

    New players is a somewhat overused argument. The other one is events, such as strongholds, fleets or the FotD, and the ships at them. Currently, a ship attempting to complete events (or even just voyages, sometimes) must defend it from other ships, and if they defeat those ships the defeated crew can either come back with very little on board or spend time stocking up their ship. Serverhoppers essentially start off at this stage. If these ships could buy resources at an outpost, they could come back with fully stocked ships and have no penalty whatsoever due to how much gold many players have. This leaves the players trying to complete the event or voyage with a constant stream of attacks from fully stocked ships, almost inevitably ending in their loss, as opposed to now where it's one fight and then a chance to come back if the situation one ship was left in was close enough to their death. It's not a good gameplay experience, nor is it fair that those who rightfully lost should have a greater comeback mechanic than those who won.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    The other one is events, such as strongholds, fleets or the FotD, and the ships at them. Currently, a ship ... must defend it from other ships, and if they defeat those ships the defeated crew can either come back with very little on board or spend time stocking up their ship.... This leaves the players trying to complete the event or voyage with a constant stream of attacks from fully stocked ships.... It's not a good gameplay experience, nor is it fair that those who rightfully lost should have a greater comeback mechanic than those who won.

    I agree with this. But: another recent thread discussed the idea of supply barrels arising from a sinking ship. One benefit of this idea, that I see, is that defenders (at a fort, say) who cause an attacking ship to sink, can restock themselves from the barrels that float up after that ship sinks. The better stocked the attackers were, the better the boon for the successful defenders.

    This already happens with gunpowder kegs, ammo crates, non-empty supply crates, rowboats, etc. Why not the "fixed" supply barrels too?

    If buying supplies were to be allowed, then floating supply barrels from sunk ships should be a thing too. That would moderate a would-be attackers impulse to over-stock their ship before attacking another, lest they lose all their purchased supplies to the defender.

  • honestly if all outpost spawned boats started with a supply crate it would be enough.

  • @tak225 said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @targasbr I don't think he means you can purchase items mid voyage but at a outpost

    I took my previous text and changed a part to make it easier for you to understand. To avoid having to read again, the part I changed is marked with bold.

    Imagine a player who has just started and didn't made the Maiden Voyage, you attack him, however novice, he sinks you. You want revenge, you go to the nearest outpost after your ship respawn and purchase 500 or more cannonballs, 500 or more woods, 500 or more miscellaneous fruits (or just pineapples). You come back full of resources, your target has only what came in the barrels of the ship when he startet the session. What are the chances of this novice?

    Sea of ​​Thieves is a horizontal progression game, a session-based game, where from the player who has just started the game has the same chances than the player who plays from day 1.

  • @captain-coel sagte in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    honestly if all outpost spawned boats started with a supply crate it would be enough.

    This would be the best "solution"...
    Or let us buy a supply crate...

  • @schwammlgott said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @captain-coel sagte in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    honestly if all outpost spawned boats started with a supply crate it would be enough.

    This would be the best "solution"...
    Or let us buy a supply crate...

    I am not against the ship already appearing with the supply crate, although I think this would be "overpowered" and take the challenge of facing enemies with low supplies. But I think buying supply crate would be very similar to buying supplies "problem".

  • @targasbr well maybe they should limit the amount you can purchase 500 is overkill but point taken i did not really take the time to read your whole post

  • @tak225 said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @targasbr well maybe they should limit the amount you can purchase 500 is overkill but point taken i did not really take the time to read your whole post

    If you didn't read it, you shouldn't argue.

  • Perhaps being able to buy fruit and wood crates from a the Merchant Alliance vendor would help to be able to go barrel to barrel and stock up.

    To be fair and balanced buying the crates would cost more then what you would earn from selling a full 50 crate to the Merchant Alliance Vendor..

  • @aidanmckellan said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    Just an idea, here !
    Speaking with my girlfriend, we thought of a feature to make the start of the game faster.

    The possibility of paying in gold to fill the stock of the ship rather than going back and forth again and again on the outpost at the beginning.

    Something that is not necessarily optimized.

    Boards, coconuts, simple cannonballs.
    No fire, no other fruit, no cursed cannonball.

    Maybe 100gold for 5 stack of each.

    This could make the start of the game more enjoyable and faster and a new way to spend our gold.

    Thanks for reading.

    See you on the seas !

    nope not balanced

  • @targasbr I call it commenting rather then argueing but each there own

  • whats next you want to buy your loot too? hell why not buy an npc that plays your game for you?? or better yet a boat that repairs itself and shoots cannons by itself to save some time jesus you people call gathering supplies a time waster i'd just simply call you lazy gathering supplies is just as much part of the game as it is using it

  • @aidanmckellan

    The reason why this wouldn't work is because of the balance towards the game.

    The ship having few resources in the beginning is the buy the ship that won the battle time enough to what whatever it is they are doing.

    When the game was first released, ships used to spawn an island over. As the only 3 forts were only Keel Haul, Crows Nest, and Shark Fin camp, the ships spawned at the outpost. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    I used to fight ships over and over and over and over and over for hours, barely winning as resource management was a skill. I used to board ships with my crewmate, we could load on their supplies, and use those supplies on the next ship, or grab supplies off of the fort, or find barrels in the water.

    There are usually more than 1 reason for the way things are. When suggesting an idea, try and think how it effects the game in its entirety and NOT just the thing you are dissatisfied with.

    Some players are suggesting that we spawn with a storage crate but that would speed up the process and the amount of resources gathered will be the WHOLE island which is too much.

    Resource management is a skill and players are under the impression you have to gather resources when you spawn in but you don't. You can make do with gathering a few pieces here or there, spending maybe 3 to 5mins which isn't all that much time really.

    My ships are always OVER resourced. I don't ever believe I need to spend any significant amount of time gathering resources and I PvPvE all the time.

    Resource management. Players with tons of resources tend to abuse it and waste through stuff needing more stuff. Learn how to better manage them.

  • @targasbr sagte in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @schwammlgott said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @captain-coel sagte in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    honestly if all outpost spawned boats started with a supply crate it would be enough.

    This would be the best "solution"...
    Or let us buy a supply crate...

    I am not against the ship already appearing with the supply crate, although I think this would be "overpowered" and take the challenge of facing enemies with low supplies. But I think buying supply crate would be very similar to buying supplies "problem".

    You're right...I just think, if Rare does something in this direction, a supply crate on the ship, or a buyable one, would be the only thing to accept...

  • @jollyolsteamed
    I share an idea that we had, for just discuss about it. I here the comment
    Why take that contemptuous tone?
    Explain to me.

    For the others, a storage crate would be great when the ship appeared. If you sink, you lost it.

    For explain myself, i don't share this idea for unbalancing the game, this idea is for a quicker beginning of a session.
    I play solo or duo, and i'm loosing 10-15min to full my ship. So, we had thinking about a little feature only on outpost. :)

    But, yes, this can be used for harrasing a ship on a fort, if the fort is around an outpost.

    Well, bad idea ! but the stockage crate is a better idea !

    I stop here for myself ;)
    Thanks to you, those who have discussed this constructively !

    Cheers !

  • @tak225 said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @targasbr I call it commenting rather then argueing but each there own

    Mate, sometimes I think you don't even read what we write here, sometimes it seems like your account is just a fake account created to disagree with logical arguments that uphold the essence of the game. Not only in this post, but in others, I explained in a simple and detailed way many game mechanics. Read before you argue/comment/whatever name you want to give, you will not die if you read and understand what is written.

  • There are Forts next to every Outpost.. a simple 1 min sail over and supply from there seems easy enough!.. rowboats are full of supplies.. I play solo and stocking up is just not an issue I ever run into! Just feels silly to over populate the server with even more crates..

    Also FYI there may or may not be an easier way to get more supplies in a future update 👀😏

  • @targasbr how do you determine my account to be fake I might not care about your opinion or be too lazy to read long posts and it's a simple as that really if I have a opinion about the game u post in the forum's more for the developers to see I don't much care about the forum members if I am honest as well I think the opinions about this game and what it needs don't seem to reflect people's opinions I come across in real life or outside these forums your welcome to avoid my posts in the future I don't mind

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    I'd say that the ability to acquire a storage crate on entry spawn would help immensely. It'd do away with all the frequent trips to stock the ship, get the session started way faster.

    I leave my storage crates on the dock after a session as much as I can.

    This has my vote. buying a storage crate at the outposts is a good idea.

  • Just need to be able to purchase one storage crate from outpost when you spawn and people will be off the outposts in 5 mins from spawning.
    The way to balance that is that you don't spawn with one after being sunk so you have to either find a new one on an island or buy one from an outpost again.

    Fair for all, even take away the buy part, one free storage crate when you spawn and then buy a second if you lose the first.

  • @mc-rossco a dit dans Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning :

    Just need to be able to purchase one storage crate from outpost when you spawn and people will be off the outposts in 5 mins from spawning.
    The way to balance that is that you don't spawn with one after being sunk so you have to either find a new one on an island or buy one from an outpost again.

    Fair for all, even take away the buy part, one free storage crate when you spawn and then buy a second if you lose the first.

    It will be the best solution, yes !

  • @tak225 said in Suggestions for stock up the ship at the beginning:

    @targasbr how do you determine my account to be fake I might not care about your opinion or be too lazy to read long posts and it's a simple as that really if I have a opinion about the game u post in the forum's more for the developers to see I don't much care about the forum members if I am honest as well I think the opinions about this game and what it needs don't seem to reflect people's opinions I come across in real life or outside these forums your welcome to avoid my posts in the future I don't mind

    Wait a minute...

    You're too lazy to read long posts, if that's the problem, I can summarize things for you, so maybe you understand how the game works.

    You don't care what people think of the forum... You care about the people in this forum... I have the solution for you: Stop accessing the forum. This is a feedback forum, a community to talk about the game.

    I collaborate in the administration of some Brazilian communities of Sea of ​​Thieves. I also participate in several worldwide communities. Do you know how many times we see people asking for the things you and some others ask? Almost never! When it happens, is usually a newcommer who has not yet understood the mechanics of the game, but time goes by and people start to understand, and then stop insisting on a few things. I also know a lot of Sea of ​​Thieves players in real life, I organize meetings of these people to drink and talk about the game/pirates.

    You don't care about anyone here, nor about the posts, nor the opinions, I'll give you some links that can help you:

    • Release Notes - Here you see everything that was released.
    • Youtube - Here you get useful information about what is coming and coming, I advise you to always watch the Developer Updates.
    • Facebook Fanpage - Posts about a lot, from what's coming to promotions.

    With these tools you no longer need to be messing around here, nor do you have to come in to attack other players with your posts without any commas.

  • @targasbr I would have read your comment but it was too long and I am lazy

  • @targasbr
    I'd say that you should communicate with six sentences or less, but this all started with a six sentence long reply to begin with. Possible one too many sentences to get the point across.

  • @TAK225
    If you're to lazy to read the post, don't respond.

  • @tak225

    If you have no contribution to make, and do not participate in discussions, then you have no purpose here.

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