Commendation Glitch: The Curse of Sandman's Revenge/Dancing Demon.

  • So as of the new update with the fire bombs, I've been trying to get the commendations for "destroying" skeletons effected by cursed balls. Unfortunately, ive killed about 10 skeletons effect by both Weary and Jigballs and I don't get any progress towards the Sandman's Revenge/Dancing Demon commendations or the Legend of Cursed Iron commendations. I finished the venom/ grog ball commendations just fine. I believe the reason I am not getting any progression is because of the new update. After the skeletons are effected by the proper cursed balls I have tried killing them with regular cannon balls. I've tried using and explosive keg. And killing them with guns and swords. The skeletons are possibly lighting on fire a split second from the regular cannon balls/explosive kegs and canceling the effect of the cursed ball. But I'm not getting any progression towards any of my Cursed Sails commendations regarding destroying effected skeletons and to be honest its very inconvenient and making me dislike the game more considering this is 1 of about 15 major glitches in the game as of today.

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  • @just-flow Edit: Something I forgot to mention was I've had 3/5 kills on Sandman's Revenge from about 6-8 months ago before I took a break. Now I've been playing daily and I can't seem to get anymore. Please comment any suggestions or if you just want to discuss the matter.

  • Did you ever get this resolved? I'm still experiencing the same thing.

  • I'm trying at the moment too. Still no progress being made, any news on this being fixed?

  • Same problem here

  • @seppethehero Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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