Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected

  • An update regarding the issues that occurred over the weekend which resulted in many players not receiving currency, reputation and Commendations during their play sessions.

    After investigation, this data has proved to be unrecoverable. We apologise to those of you who were impacted by this and we are now preparing to compensate all players who launched Sea of Thieves between July 15th 00:00 UTC and July 21st 00:00 UTC with a bundle of 60,000 gold and 200 Doubloons.

    Unfortunately due to the loss of data, any progress made in Tall Tales, Daily Events, Commendations etc. cannot be compensated for.

    Compensation will be rolled out today directly to player accounts although may not appear immediately, so please allow up to 72 hours for us to complete the distribution process.

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  • While this didn't happen to me as I didn't play much, I think the compensation is really low compared on what people lose throughout this weekend.

  • @takuboto with all due respect but if i had played during this weekend for just about 60 minutes i would have made at least twice this.

    I didn't play this weekend so i didn't lose out on Anything but in contrast to the good old days in sot when 60k was alot nowadays 60k is earned easily:

    1 flameheart fleet is all that it takes to beat that amount by ALOT

  • Omg!! We spent 10 hours in the arena Sunday and was on a roll with 1st places. I'm never gonna reach 240 wins at this rate 🥴

  • Unacceptable for a game this size.

    This seriously shouldn't be happening guys, I know mistakes do happen but seems there's a major server issue every 2 weeks and its turning people away. I lost hundreds of thousands in gold, however the thing that's really bugged me is I didn't get my insider reward (week 48 spyglass) and have received nothing back from support a week later, in addition many others lost all commendation progress they may have made over the weekend. I do appreciate compensation but 60k and 200 doubloons feels a slap in the face knowing myself and many others lost far more than that, and it's even worse seeing as how useless gold and doubloons are in the current state of the game. Make sure this doesn't happen again.

  • There isn't anything left in the game for me to spend the money on anyway but that is tough for anyone who missed out on progression and commendations.

    Thanks for trying to fix it. Can we take it that systems have been put in place to ensure it does not happen again?

  • Damn I knew I lost my arena wins and kills, what a load of garbage.

  • That's really disappointing as this is not the first time this has happened.

    The original post above does not really reflect how frustrated I am. I literally do not play any other games, I quite everything because I love this game so much. All I am trying to do is to get to 100% complete and I am knocking on that door with 97% commendation wise. It's just really frustrating that a game that has so many commendations and so much to do and then the system stops tracking.

    I am well aware this is just a rant to let off some steam.
    I am really appreciative that the team took so much time to try and resolve.

    It's just, this is not the first time this has happened and I have been burned both times now.

    I have 16 mil in gold and 21,000 in doubloons so when we get this kind of return it really does nothing for me.

    Maybe just make the shrouded ghost real, I mean almost 16 million meters sails and no shrouded .... See me just be salty still. I'll stop.

  • In regards to this issue, can there be a client side copy of how much gold a user has accumulated that reaches back to your server once a day as a backup for these kind of measures? it doesn't have to be the reference point for players, but it would be a nice thing to fall back on when issues like these occur.

  • @stillvill That just creates an attack vector for altering gold amounts client side. I don't think they're going to allow that.

  • Being stuck at home, unable to actually go to work where I assume most tools that could of been used to recover most assets would be.

    Understandable, tho so far everyone above is a bunch of greedy pirates, more more more they want.

    Sad to lose such information but things like this happens, as before. Its a game and everything can be completed again. With knowledge of what you did to complete them, do it again.

  • 23.07.2020 около 18:00 отключили от сервера. В момент до отключения находился на событии «Огненный Клинок». Вернуться к последней сессии игра не предложила. Все предметы поднятые на событии естественно не восстановятся. Будет ли игрокам оказавшимся в такой ситуации компенсация?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    @stillvill That just creates an attack vector for altering gold amounts client side. I don't think they're going to allow that.

    it doesnt really,
    let say

    Client side: 100 gold
    server side :100 gold

    amounts are the same.

    Client side: 100000000 gold
    server side: 100 gold
    do the values match since last check in? no, Client side value was modified and will be reset and ignored.

    server down situation 1
    Client side: 100000000 gold in 4 days
    Server side: 100 gold

    Value Gain is too great and will be ignored and reset on next check in

    server down situation 2
    Client side: 1000000 gold in 4 days
    Server side: 100 gold

    Value Gain is too reasonable and will be added on next check in.

    As long as there is a reasonable "defined" value gain between check ins, it will be fine. there is a theoretical maximum a player can gain in 24 hours, so long as it doesnt go over that value, the client side value can be honored.

  • @stillvill So as long as you cheat within whatever 'defined' value is acceptable, it will be honored? What exactly is the 'theoretical maximum' that a player can earn in 24 hours?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    @stillvill So as long as you cheat within whatever 'defined' value is acceptable, it will be honored?

    Yup, i would rather the 1% of cheaters get their modified gold while the 99% of legitimate players get their hard earned gold.
    instead of the current, everyone gets 60000 gold for 4 days of server failure.

    "What exactly is the 'theoretical maximum' that a player can earn in 24 hours?"

    I don't have that data, but I can assure you rare does.

  • Honestly, I could have made more than that solo during a weekend. I think we should get compensated more tbh.

  • Should've been ancient coins honestly, like the minimal amount possible from an ancient skeleton.

    What better way to both smooth over some salty pirates AND encourage them to check out the emporium and possibly spend some money than to give them a taste of the premium currency.

    If you can do it for fishing up 300 splashtails, then you could have done it here.

    Found one of those for first time in almost two months on that day :(

  • I recieved 50,000 Gold and 100 Dublons what i noticed . Thanks for that compensation Rare !

  • Rare are you just trolling us? I have lost a rank 5 Reaper's flag with 2 fort loots, many people have lost even more and you are giving us toilet paper to compensate this...Honestly you should put an hand on your conscience and do better than this. I don't know how... some ancient coin for example? our time spent is worth as much as yours...

  • It's not like it was done on purpose, it's the last thing Rare would want to happen and they were working their booties off trying to fix it. I recovered some of my losses later in the day and I appreciate the compensation today. Some players came up short and some long, but to me the important part is they acknowledged our losses and did something about it. Thanks!!

  • @takuboto

    I have to agree with some people here. It was unfornate the data was lost and I'm thankful your willing to compesate but the compesation is pretty worthless to the most dedicated pirates. Gold is and dabloons are to easy to farm we care more about the commendations as cosmetics are lock behind commendations and event completions.

    Basically if the reward is cosmtics given us gold and dabloons is worthless if we can't spend it on the locked rewards.

    A better compation would have been some anchient coins so we could actually spend them on a reward. I suggest 500 ancient coins which is about two to three anchient skellition which would be close to the average of time you would expect to farm if you did that exclusivly over the weekend. If you wanted to be generous you would double that to 1000 as it was supposed to be a double Exp weekend.

    So i disagree the TT, Event dailys, and all commendations can't be compesated for. They can be with Anchient coins.

  • @pollyoliverperk ha detto in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    It's not like it was done on purpose, it's the last thing Rare would want to happen and they were working their booties off trying to fix it. I recovered some of my losses later in the day and I appreciate the compensation today. Some players came up short and some long, but to me the important part is they acknowledged our losses and did something about it. Thanks!!

    I wasted 5 hours of play with my friends without having any communication of the problem in game. Dear Rare 60k gold and 100 Doublons is a joke imho

  • @zanom Yeah, I get that, really I do, it was bad for everyone. We had planned a game session days in advance but once we saw the pay-out was glitched, it was over. No one wanted to play until it was resolved, so it meant waiting another week before we could get together and play. Disappointing. I'm like a lot of others, have a ton of gold and doubloons and have most everything I want in game, it was the loss of game time and the commendation lost that kind of pinched, but I do still appreciate Rare for at least trying. I can imagine team Rare freaking out as everything was going down.

  • @takuboto

    I was recently made aware that you have gave warnings on your discord channel iask you why is it so difficult for you guys not to post any warnings here for those that don't use social media.

  • @zanom

    I wasted 5 hours of play with my friends...

    Any time spent playing with friends is not wasted.

  • @takuboto pretty lame compensation...did much for the emissary ledger in merchant and reaper, at least 1,5 lvls in reapers, commendations for flamehearts fleet, a fort...I don't really care about the money, got almost 9 million in gold and 9k in doubloons...should have given us 2 rank ups in 1 faction or so...

  • @burnbacon sagte in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    Being stuck at home, unable to actually go to work where I assume most tools that could of been used to recover most assets would be.

    Understandable, tho so far everyone above is a bunch of greedy pirates, more more more they want.

    Sad to lose such information but things like this happens, as before. Its a game and everything can be completed again. With knowledge of what you did to complete them, do it again.

    Still it's a lame compensation...sure I can play it again, but the possibility that this can happen is kind of a demotivator

  • Can you imagine if during this period you finally got to kill the shrouded ghost and it never counted 😱

  • @burnbacon said in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    Being stuck at home, unable to actually go to work where I assume most tools that could of been used to recover most assets would be.

    Understandable, tho so far everyone above is a bunch of greedy pirates, more more more they want.

    Sad to lose such information but things like this happens, as before. Its a game and everything can be completed again. With knowledge of what you did to complete them, do it again.

    Greedy?! They are asking for what they lost how dare you?

    You can say that you feel like players should just accept it and move but no one here asked for more then that so dont you dare to demonize anyone.

  • very cool :D

  • Yeah.....this has been an ongoing issue for the past year on my account--mind you I have been playing since the BETA period, and put my own money and many hours into the game. There has been numerous occasions where I would turn in things for Athenas and it would not be accounted for--such as stronghold items and sinking skelly ships. I have reached out and made this issue clear and I always get a round-about answer on waiting several days or everything being accounted for on Rare's end.........even though I have video proof of it happening. This is something that needs to be resolved for everyone. Please tell me I am not the only one experiencing this?!

  • @skyrimbabe sagte in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    Yeah.....this has been an ongoing issue for the past year on my account--mind you I have been playing since the BETA period, and put my own money and many hours into the game. There has been numerous occasions where I would turn in things for Athenas and it would not be accounted for--such as stronghold items and sinking skelly ships. I have reached out and made this issue clear and I always get a round-about answer on waiting several days or everything being accounted for on Rare's end.........even though I have video proof of it happening. This is something that needs to be resolved for everyone. Please tell me I am not the only one experiencing this?!

    Not as often as you maybe, but yeah, besides the 18th july, I had this once again 2 weeks or so ago...
    Skeleton ships always count, if they doesn't despawn while sinking...

  • @schwammlgott I can only imagine how often this has happened while I have played this game and did not catch on until a year ago.....

  • @skyrimbabe sagte in Weekend Reward Issues Update - Compensation for Players Affected:

    @schwammlgott I can only imagine how often this has happened while I have played this game and did not catch on until a year ago.....

    Most times it's just delayed, if other crewmembers get the credit, you just need to die once and it will appear...getting nothing at all is a really really rare thing

  • @schwammlgott Oh no, my friends are getting it and its still not happening for me...days later or ever.

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