Claim your Community Day Social Swag!


    Simply link your Twitter and Discord to Sea of Thieves and claim up to 3 pieces of loot!

  • 20
  • @lizalaroo
    golden sailor items? If so, this makes me hopeful to see more golden sailor ship pieces in the future.

  • @lizalaroo
    Golden Sailor Items … Mine !!!


  • Whoop
    Gotta love a golden way to project my golden tones over the waves 😏

  • Hey they match my cannons. Yay! Thanks for the heads up

  • Thank you for the swag! Now all I gotta do is wait for it to show up gold

  • alt text

    Ummmmm…. This seems a bit sus.

  • @satanicnemesis throwaways people throwaways :)

    As a side note, rare are aware and it is in their report back, so hopefully this'll get fixed.

  • @satanicnemesis I’m considering unlinking after receiving the items because that’s way too many permissions. Especially allowing them to customize my settings and stuff?

    @lizalaroo Sorry to tag you in the replies here but if possible could please clear up for us why it is it linking gives that many permissions?

  • Hey thanks for the heads up :D done and done

  • I really like those cosmetics

  • @illbushido305 as @wsurftvveeds has said, Rare are aware

    Thanks for flagging the Twitter permissions though - the team will investigate.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Claim your Community Day Social Swag!:

    alt text

    Ummmmm…. This seems a bit sus.

    Some dev selected all the API permissions instead of limiting it to what was actually required which is probably just reading tweets so they can pick out hashtags.

    This is irresponsible and should be corrected, otherwise I'd recommend unlinking as soon as you receive your items or use a throwaway account.

  • @lizalaroo Thanks!

  • @satanicnemesis said in Claim your Community Day Social Swag!:

    alt text

    Ummmmm…. This seems a bit sus.

    EU regulators: "My GDPR senses are tingling"

  • Hell no, at first I mindlessly accepted but after giving a good read like I should've in the first place what I found was disgusting, for a simple social event SoT shouldn't ask for a stupid amount of concerning permissions just for a cosmetic, be safe and don't link until they fix this! texto alternativo

  • @lizalaroo My tweeter account was made by using my gmail, but here it only asks my password.
    How do I use my tweeter account?

  • Whooaaa golden sailor stuff, I love it 😍

    Will these be time limited?

  • Anyone receive these yet? Curious...

  • @baconwrappedsac Morning! Yeah... These are turning up, but with all of yesterday going on there could be some delayed rewards! Hopefully shouldn't take too long though.

5 out of 20