[Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]

  • Dear RARE,

    Something needs to put in place to stop Trolling on players doing a TT Quest from happening. I really dont know how you can stop this.

    The good example of this was at the second TT quest on A Pirate Life. People would camp the place to fire and burn the ships before anyone got 5m to the location. It was annoying, as you can tell.

    Please If you have anything that is going to resolve this because it going to lose players.

    Debate tail tale quest items getting taken

  • @Tris543 and Maybe RARE,
    The game can be frustrating when it comes to those you encounter who interrupt other's game experience for sure; But they are playing the game as it is intended. I myself love the Idea of completing an event or Tall Tale without interference from others. As with all Tall Tales, and events like Glitterbeard, Maybe Rare could make special Flags to be seen by all that identify to others that they are on a Tall Tale, and out of respect, should let them be. (There are other ships and the Arena they could participate if they need that style of gameplay as we all know) But also remember that not everyone will agree or respect that, after all, this is that type of game which caters to passive and aggressive players in an open world. There are many players who sail the sea of thieves that would let you be. Hope you have a better experience sailing forward!

  • @thebrakum tried that and didnt work lol we started the ritual and then one crew started firing at us…8 people idea is stupid unless you had private servers where you could do it…unfortunately they refuse to listen to their player base who has asked for private servers since day 1 because of toxicity…they dont care…fortunately i was able to get glitterbeard then put up a lfg so people could just come and get the last journal lol it stays open non stop as long as you stay on island

  • I'm a solo player mostly because I have yet to meet anyone at all who is willing to be cooperative. Add that to trying to get seven other players to work together. Not happen. The few IRL fiends I talked in to playing quit after our second session because of being camped harassed constantly. Don't get me wrong I love this game but new players getting turned off to the game is the same as no new players at all and that leads to a dead game.

  • I've already completed Glitterbeard, and if a crew came to me asking me to join them, I'd absolutely do it again. It's such a touching tribute.

    However, I do feel as time has passed it's more and more difficult to do it organically. I don't feel having to go to LFGs to complete it is really in the spirit of why it was added.

    So here's an idea for helping newer players achieve this:

    • reduce the requirement to 5 players, this would still require a minimum of two crews to do, but it's more realistic than expecting them to find 8 players.
    • fill in the empty "spots" with ghosts. I think that having these past pirates there would serve as a reminder for those we've lost.
  • @reapinglegion I agree it was a bad move. At most they could’ve made it a crew size of 2 to 4. Xbox players struggle to get on a server with alliances. Most people don’t want to alliance. Otherwise they back out midway through or betray you for little to no gold at all it’s sort of pathetic. Although I have had some good experiences with alliances but its only maybe happens 2 times in like 2 years. Most servers are full of reapers looking to rank up just to get offline or people just wanting to wreck into you and then get mad when you kill them for attacking you. Many times you won’t even have loot and you just have to laugh. Sometimes the community can be great but in many cases it’s pretty toxic.

  • lochy05
    10 Mar 2022, 09:44 GMT
    Ok just started playing and watching many videos on the game, what i have seen console controller players are at a huge disadvantage in this game as 1 button is a hell of a lot faster then 2,3 or 4 buttons to do the same action. Me and the group that came from ark are about to leave as there is no point we just can't be as fast. Also you need to have something for new players to practice fighting or just have a version of players vs environment (pve) at least that way new players will get a grip on the game. Other just leaving as they can't leave up as they never get to sell anything. Like long time players that go around taking all the new players stuff when there just getting use to the game and what to do. I know its part of the game but so many leave as there is no point playing on a console at all. when first starting out. Just thought i would reach out and see if something might change before we all leave. So everyone is waiting on your reply. Cheers. No point playing as it is.

  • @lochy05 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    10 Mar 2022, 09:44 GMT
    Ok just started playing and watching many videos on the game, what i have seen console controller players are at a huge disadvantage in this game as 1 button is a hell of a lot faster then 2,3 or 4 buttons to do the same action. Me and the group that came from ark are about to leave as there is no point we just can't be as fast. Also you need to have something for new players to practice fighting or just have a version of players vs environment (pve) at least that way new players will get a grip on the game. Other just leaving as they can't leave up as they never get to sell anything. Like long time players that go around taking all the new players stuff when there just getting use to the game and what to do. I know its part of the game but so many leave as there is no point playing on a console at all. when first starting out. Just thought i would reach out and see if something might change before we all leave. So everyone is waiting on your reply. Cheers. No point playing as it is.

    This isn't really the right thread for this (so mods please feel free to delete), but I'm responding as I always hate to see somebody leave the game.

    If you're playing via console or cloud gaming with controllers, you can actually change a setting to take you out of the crossplay pool.

    • Go to settings on the main menu screen (Y button on an xbox controller)
    • Scroll down to "Matchmaking Preferences"
    • Change 'Prefer Xbox Players with Controllers" to "Yes"
    • Back out back to the main menu

    Note that this will match you with only people using controller, meaning friends on KB/M cannot join your games (even with an invite).

    On topic though: Please stick around long enough to do GlitterBeard. It's a game defining piece of content IMO.

  • Hey can someone clarify this for me,

    So I was doing a lost shipment and when we got to the shipwreck, there was none.
    It was only the manifest just floating there.

    Please Help!

  • @negativepit4638 sea of thieves moment, 1 of the army of bugs this voyage has, sadly they do not care about fixing it

  • @uaparanoia ahoy matey!
    Please try not to necro old threads like this, as not only does it bring older topics back up unnecessarily, but you have asked about a specific language being supported, in a thread about a very specific Tall Tale/event dedicated to a Rare member of staff who sadly passed away.

    I would suggest a new topic of you own to gauge general interest, as well as a ticket to support

    [EDIT] I see you DO have your own thread here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/149072/add-ukrainian-language-to-the-game

  • Please allow this to be completed with a max of 4 players so a galleon crew or two sloop crews can complete this.

  • @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    @Tris543 and Maybe RARE,
    The game can be frustrating when it comes to those you encounter who interrupt other's game experience for sure; But they are playing the game as it is intended. I myself love the Idea of completing an event or Tall Tale without interference from others. As with all Tall Tales, and events like Glitterbeard, Maybe Rare could make special Flags to be seen by all that identify to others that they are on a Tall Tale, and out of respect, should let them be. (There are other ships and the Arena they could participate if they need that style of gameplay as we all know) But also remember that not everyone will agree or respect that, after all, this is that type of game which caters to passive and aggressive players in an open world. There are many players who sail the sea of thieves that would let you be. Hope you have a better experience sailing forward!

    Tall Tales should be in solo instances where you can't do anything EXCEPT the Tall Tale you chose.
    No treasure hunting.
    No Skele Hunting.
    No Forts or anything else.

    You picked the TT, so you're doing the TT.
    This is not abuseable, since it turns off every other event and encounter within that instance, and thus prevents gold/kill grinding.

    If people want to risk playing with people; make it an option: 'I want To PvPvE In Tall Tales'.
    People who want to be left TF alone can turn it off and run TTs without interruption from PvP trolls.

  • It take too many clicks with the UI, which wasn't an issue so much before. But with the recent update its a bit annoying.

    Like with a Website it gets tedious to click more then three time.

    The quality of life improvement I'm thinking of, make the UI easier by clicking no more then three times, like condensing the UI down.

    It's just a thought as a quality of life improvement, as there so much in the game and going on in the UI, its getting harder and harder to find what you're looking for.

  • add more players to the servers

  • I've done glitterbeard numerous times, and reading that last journal always brings the chills.

    To remembering James White
    May you drink many grogs in this legends memory!

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