• So! This is what an upgraded Kraken could look like. Yes, I know, Rare mentioned it in their podcast. However, it was still far from being done, and it was only in the plans for later. Oh, and when I say 'upgrade,' it's also for us. Let me explain three new features of the Kraken.


    Did you get too close to the black zone? Well, too bad for you, you'll enter the fight as well. Not only is it more balanced now because you can't get too close to the edge, but also the Kraken can have up to 3 ships in its zone. If the Kraken catches more ships in its Ink, more damage it does to ships.

    Trying to escape? If you're a galleon or brig, your chances of the Kraken breaking one of your masts will be higher. If your a sloop. Thats not gonna happen tho.


    TWO IN ONE !

    UPDATE 3#

    Now, only if one of the two boats gets caught by the Kraken, both enter the zone. But the Kraken doesn't have a higher chance of arriving if one boat is chasing the other. It will remain PURELY RANDOM.

    However, if fate decides that the Kraken appears while the two boats are side by side or very close, then both will be attacked by the Kraken at the same times.


    Update #2

    Ink will now slow down and weaken the pirate's visibility if he falls into the water.

    So, it's more difficult to board the enemy team.

  • 72
  • I like to keep the Kraken as a natural disaster and not a "Were chasing/running, the Kraken will save/help us" referee.

    If anything, if the Kraken catches more ships in its Ink, more damage it does to ships.

    I would like to see them do something to the Ink, to prevent "swimmers" you slowly swim and after you exit the ink water, your vision is blocked for time (like vomit)

  • In the lexicon of new players there is a word: Krakened

    Meaning killed by Kraken, it is very hard for new players to master and I see no reason to make it worse.

  • @foambreaker

    Isn't it more challenging? The Kraken will now intervene to add excitement to both crews, not just one. Because currently, that's what's happening. It annoys only one crew while the other enjoys watching. Not only will it intervene during the times when chases or runners are taking too long and becoming dull, but it will also be there to shake things up and give everyone a chance to be in the action when there is not at all

  • @littlematjab I can count on one hand the number of times a second crew has showed up while I was fighting a Kraken.

    And as far as adding PvE to HG battles, ewwwww.

  • @foambreaker a dit dans Kraken REWORK :

    @littlematjab I can count on one hand the number of times a second crew has showed up while I was fighting a Kraken.

    Exactly! That's precisely why the project is advantageous in those moments. The Kraken should appear more often when a battle drags on for too long. So fewer moments where only one crew is attacked alone, and the Kraken only comes to disturb instead of bringing something. Currently, you can approach the Kraken without danger if someone else is already being attacked by it. But we forget that the Kraken is supposed to be a massive beast. IMO it could even become a BIG event like the Shrouded Deep Adventure. It should be capable of attacking multiple ships, and even players could ally on a short-term basis just to kill it. That would add excitement to the situation.

    And as far as adding PvE to HG battles, ewwwww.

    I have a project regarding the Hourglass that I don't want PvE to interfere with. This shouldn't even happen. It's supposed to be all about PvP, especially since it was sold to us as a mode focused on PvP.

  • @burnbacon a dit dans Kraken REWORK :

    I like to keep the Kraken as a natural disaster and not a "Were chasing/running, the Kraken will save/help us" referee.

    You're right, having the Kraken not appear all the time because two ships aren't engaging each other isn't great. However, it would be good if after 30 to 35 minutes of inactivity, it has a higher chance of intervening. Clearly, it should intervene randomly. This means it could now attack both ships instead of just one.

    If anything, if the Kraken catches more ships in its Ink, more damage it does to ships.

    thats abviously a good idea. it will help for short alliance between crews. ill add it !

    I would like to see them do something to the Ink, to prevent "swimmers" you slowly swim and after you exit the ink water, your vision is blocked for time (like vomit)

    Clearly, being able to swim without issue in its ink like a black blur vision is strange . This way, there are fewer useless battle boarder between crews and more focus on the Kraken. good point !

  • Kraken def needs tweaks to be more engaging. I strongly disagree with the running/chasing idea and this is as someone who chases much more than runs. Anything that punishes players and almost takes away their choice by essentially saying the devs have decided that your playstyle is wrong is a bad idea in my opinion. There are outliers, I'm glad for example the change to red sea bringing loot back in

  • There are variants of the Kraken in the Art Book. I would like to see them added to the mix.


    The Art book is amazing by the way. Best purchase ever #MakeArtBook2Happen

    I don't want the Kraken used as a punishment for running it should only be a natural spawn on a random moving ship between events.

    We are all established players but I remember my first encounter and it was terrifying. It should remain a challenge to a new player but not be made more challenging, even if they did add the Art book variants.

  • Just let them spawn independently of events.
    And in HG. PvE always has a threat of pvp interference. Pvp should have to worry about pve interference lol

  • I disagree with as Kraken appearing in a chase.
    All that does is basically tell runners 'No, you have to stay and fight, or the game will punish you'.

    It does not punish chasers, because a chaser now knows that a Kraken will appear & stop a runner dead. The runner is now an easy target.
    Given a lot of the running is solo sloops fleeing 3-4 man crews; The larger crew can now sink them, kill the Kraken, and sail away with any loot.
    All the Kraken did was hand a win to the larger crew, while forcing the smaller crew into PvP that they did not want to be in.

  • I agree with both the idea that we need more variations of Kraken with differing degrees of aggression a la current Megalodon spawns, and also that it needs to spawn more frequently and independent of World Event rotation.

    I strongly disagree with the idea that it needs to interfere with one crew chasing another around the map. If you don't want to fight, absolutely nothing should happen in-game that forces you to do so. Removing player autonomy is a big no-no.

    I do admit I kinda like the idea of the Kraken increasing it's attack range that @LittleMatJab put forth in the original post. If there's a ship spooking around the outer rim of the ink taking pot shots or just laughing at the ship caught in the Krakening, I think it would be funny for it to snatch them and drag them into the ink as well, spawning more tentacles and suddenly making it their problem as well (although I disagree that it should make the fight suddenly tougher for the original ship, too).

    Attack of the Karma Kraken!

  • @guildar9194 a dit dans Kraken REWORK :

    I disagree with as Kraken appearing in a chase.
    All that does is basically tell runners 'No, you have to stay and fight, or the game will punish you'.

    No, I strongly agree that the chances of it spawning should be higher if nothing is happening between two ships that are pursuing each other after 30 to 35 minutes of pure inactivity.

    If the Kraken gets involved, it's not to disadvantage the runner; quite the opposite. It gives them a chance to potentially form a mini-alliance with the chase and kill the Kraken. It changes the game, adds something, and it's still just as random. Just a greater chance of spawning."

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:

    @guildar9194 a dit dans Kraken REWORK :

    I disagree with as Kraken appearing in a chase.
    All that does is basically tell runners 'No, you have to stay and fight, or the game will punish you'.

    No, I strongly agree that the chances of it spawning should be higher if nothing is happening between two ships that are pursuing each other after 30 to 35 minutes of pure inactivity.

    If the Kraken gets involved, it's not to disadvantage the runner; quite the opposite. It gives them a chance to potentially form a mini-alliance with the chase and kill the Kraken. It changes the game, adds something, and it's still just as random. Just a greater chance of spawning."

    No, I strongly agree that the chances of it spawning should be higher if nothing is happening between two ships that are pursuing each other after 30 to 35 minutes of pure inactivity.

    So you basically want the runner forced into a PvP they don't want.

    If the Kraken gets involved, it's not to disadvantage the runner; quite the opposite. It gives them a chance to potentially form a mini-alliance with the chase and kill the Kraken.

    Or the other ship, having chased the runner for 35 minutes, just sinks them. Either out of spite, or because they can solo the kraken.

    It changes the game, adds something, and it's still just as random. Just a greater chance of spawning.

    It also clearly forces someone who did not want to PvP (or they would not be running) into PvPing.
    It takes away player agency by punishing the runner for running.

  • @guildar9194

    So you basically want the runner forced into a PvP they don't want.

    No, I want PvE to be involved. There's no "I force you to PvP" it will add something to the battle instead of just... doing nothing. It will give both teams a chance to change their tactics. As far as I know, adding PvE during inactivity is not forcing anyone to engage in PvP. If after 30 to 35 minutes there's still nothing happening, increasing the spawn chance of the Kraken will make things much more exciting. After the Kraken's death, the chaser might reconsider taking the Kraken loot instead of continuing to chase the runner.

  • @guildar9194

    It also clearly forces someone who did not want to PvP (or they would not be running) into PvPing.
    It takes away player agency by punishing the runner for running.

    There's nothing more unpleasant than seeing a runner make no effort to shake off the chaser. If you don't want PvP in Sea of Thieves and risk losing your loot, go to Safer Seas. At some point, if you're not capable of protecting the loot you've accumulated, in the game.

    After 35min do something or get involved in something like PvE or sink in the red sea

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    So you basically want the runner forced into a PvP they don't want.

    No, I want PvE to be involved. There's no "I force you to PvP" it will add something to the battle instead of just... doing nothing. It will give both teams a chance to change their tactics. As far as I know, adding PvE during inactivity is not forcing anyone to engage in PvP. If after 30 to 35 minutes there's still nothing happening, increasing the spawn chance of the Kraken will make things much more exciting. After the Kraken's death, the chaser might reconsider taking the loot instead of continuing to chase the runner.

    It will make the runner stop dead, thus making them an easy target for the chaser.
    Thus, the runner is being forced into the PvP scenario they were trying to avoid, because the kraken appeared.

    You saying "It's not forcing them to PvP" does not change the fact that yes, it is forcing them to PvP by preventing them from running away, explicitly because they were running away in the first place.

    No, the Kraken should not spawn just because someone was running.
    No, the Kraken should not stop the chase, just because the chaser does not want to stop chasing.
    No, people should not be forced into PvP just because you want them forced into PvP.

    With your idea, Chasers would now never drop a chase, because they know the Kraken will spawn and force the Runner into fighting them and it.
    There would be 0 point to running, because the end result would always be ship + kraken with 0 ability to get away.
    @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    It also clearly forces someone who did not want to PvP (or they would not be running) into PvPing.
    It takes away player agency by punishing the runner for running.

    There's nothing more unpleasant than seeing a runner make no effort to shake off the chaser. If you don't want PvP in Sea of Thieves and risk losing your loot, go to Safer Seas. At some point, if you're not capable of protecting the loot you've accumulated, in the game.

    After 35min do something or get involved in something like PvE or sink in the red sea

    And there it is.
    You just want the runner punished because you find them running 'unpleasant'.

  • The Kraken could do with more variations to its combat, I don’t think it needs a huge rework as such. It definitely doesn’t need to referee regarding ship chasing (how does one even determine that’s what’s happening?) or including it in HG (big no no).

  • @guildar9194

    If you dont want PvP at this point my guy. Just dont play aha. Its like you dont want to play at Sea of Thieves.

    "You don't want to play the game as the devs designed it? As far as I know, no devs want runners who flee for hours. That's why they were disadvantaged with the Red Sea and can no longer escape and sunk off their loot. So yes, it's a good idea to BRING BACK SOME PVE and not PVP.

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    If you dont want PvP at this point my guy. Just dont play aha. Its like you dont want to play at Sea of Thieves.

    "You don't want to play the game as the devs designed it? As far as I know, no devs want runners who flee for hours. That's why they were disadvantaged with the Red Sea and can no longer escape and sunk off their loot. So yes, it's a good idea to BRING BACK SOME PVE and not PVP.

    Nothing you said is an excuse to add a mechanic that actively punishes runners.
    The game is for both PvP and PvE players, and you're not owed PvP by anyone.

    It's a bad idea. It's based on an sense of entitlement towards PvP and runners not giving you what you think you deserve.
    Just because 'It's Sea of Thieves" does not mean people can't run, or should be punished for running.
    Again; No. It's a horrid idea build out of a skewed sense of how the game should be played, and trying to force people to play your preferred way.

    No, no and no.

  • @guildar9194 a dit dans Kraken REWORK :


    It's a bad idea. It's based on an sense of entitlement towards PvP and runners not giving you what you think you deserve.
    Just because 'It's Sea of Thieves" does not mean people can't run, or should be punished for running.
    Again; No. It's a horrid idea build out of a skewed sense of how the game should be played, and trying to force people to play your preferred way.

    It doesn't punish the runner; on the contrary, if the chaser and runner kill the Kraken, the chaser will probably stop to retrieve the loot. And the runner can take advantage of that opportunity to leave if the chaser realizes it's more advantageous to stay for the loot in the water.

    at this point It's a matter of perspective at that point. cuz IMO None of what you're saying is true.

    They can run, but why for hours? lol it doesn't bring anything and it's not fun.

    No, no and no.

    Yes, yes and yes?

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:

    @guildar9194 a dit dans Kraken REWORK :


    It's a bad idea. It's based on an sense of entitlement towards PvP and runners not giving you what you think you deserve.
    Just because 'It's Sea of Thieves" does not mean people can't run, or should be punished for running.
    Again; No. It's a horrid idea build out of a skewed sense of how the game should be played, and trying to force people to play your preferred way.

    It doesn't punish the runner; on the contrary, if the chaser and runner kill the Kraken, the chaser will probably stop to retrieve the loot. And the runner can take advantage of that opportunity to leave if the chaser realizes it's more advantageous to stay for the loot in the water.

    at this point It's a matter of perspective at that point. cuz IMO None of what you're saying is true.

    They can run, but why for hours? lol it doesn't bring anything and it's not fun.

    No, no and no.

    Yes, yes and yes?

    It doesn't punish the runner; on the contrary, if the chaser and runner kill the Kraken, the chaser will probably stop to retrieve the loot.

    You really think someone who's chasing another person for 35 minutes is going to stop just because a Kraken attacked?
    I feel like you're arguing in bad faith; That you know the attacker would just sink the runner, but you want to ignore that so you can pretend your idea has merit.

    I will say it again: The runner should not ever be punished for running.
    It won't happen, and it should never happen.

    You already said you don't like runners, so it's clear you want a mechanic in place to stop them from getting away.

  • @guildar9194

    I will say it again: The runner should not ever be punished for running.
    It won't happen, and it should never happen.

    You already said you don't like runners, so it's clear you want a mechanic in place to stop them from getting away.

    I never said that i dont like runner? I already did it a few time in the game.

    At least it will give an opportunity to do something other than nothing. A brief alliance between the chaser and runner. And achieve something ! as I've already told you! If the Kraken has good loot, the chaser may think it's more profitable to wait for the Kraken's loot to surface than to continue chasing a runner who's not worth it. I have nothing more to add to convince you. If you don't agree, you can leave the thread. Because we're just repeating ourselves.

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:

    It doesn't punish the runner; on the contrary, if the chaser and runner kill the Kraken, the chaser will probably stop to retrieve the loot. And the runner can take advantage of that opportunity to leave if the chaser realizes it's more advantageous to stay for the loot in the water.

    Side-note... Kraken kill loot drops are not and HAVE NEVER BEEN worth even the cannonballs you waste to get them. One to two pieces of kraken meat and something like a crate of ancient bone dust or skeleton captain's skull per tentacle.

    NO. PIRATE. EVER. is going to stay to collect some piddly lame junk like that instead of continuing the chase that lead them into the kraken attack to begin with.


    Whatever other points you may try to make, that one's a complete non-starter and frankly ridiculous to say with a straight face if you expect anyone to take you seriously.

  • @thegrimpreacher

    NO. PIRATE. EVER. is going to stay to collect some piddly lame junk like that instead of continuing the chase that lead them into the kraken attack to begin with.


    Who said it would be bad loot?

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    I will say it again: The runner should not ever be punished for running.
    It won't happen, and it should never happen.

    You already said you don't like runners, so it's clear you want a mechanic in place to stop them from getting away.

    I never said that i dont like runner? I already did it a few time in the game.

    At least it will give an opportunity to do something other than nothing. A brief alliance between the chaser and runner. And achieve something ! as I've already told you! If the Kraken has good loot, the chaser may think it's more profitable to wait for the Kraken's loot to surface than to continue chasing a runner who's not worth it. I have nothing more to add to convince you. If you don't agree, you can leave the thread. Because we're just repeating ourselves.

    I never said that i dont like runner? I already did it a few time in the game.

    Hmm, here you said:

    @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    It also clearly forces someone who did not want to PvP (or they would not be running) into PvPing.
    It takes away player agency by punishing the runner for running.

    There's nothing more unpleasant than seeing a runner make no effort to shake off the chaser. If you don't want PvP in Sea of Thieves and risk losing your loot, go to Safer Seas. At some point, if you're not capable of protecting the loot you've accumulated, in the game.

    After 35min do something or get involved in something like PvE or sink in the red sea

    Basically, you're saying the runner should stop running and fight. And now you want the kraken to force the runner to stop running an fight.

    You can lie about your motives all you want, but the truth is right there; You dislike running (saying 'There's nothing more unpleasant') and thus, your idea removes running as a tactic. To force PvP to happen.

    Once again; It's a bad idea that is based on this idea that people should only play the way you want, and PvP should be forced onto people who don't want it.

  • @guildar9194

    I didn't say I didn't like the runner. I said that if you've been running for hours and hours, maybe you're not cut out for the game. Because yes, at some point, something has to happen other than nothing.

    You want your Season 12? What could it be then?

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    NO. PIRATE. EVER. is going to stay to collect some piddly lame junk like that instead of continuing the chase that lead them into the kraken attack to begin with.


    Who said it would be bad loot?

    Because it is ALWAYS bad loot. It always HAS been bad loot. A meg drops anywhere from 5-12 pieces of loot and four to six pieces of meg meat, all in a tiny pile. At least trying to make up for quality with quantity to make it profitable to kill one.

    Each tentacle of the kraken drops ONE piece of kraken meat and 1-2 random, non-Athena/non-World Event treasure items spread out over the entire battlefield where you killed them.

    Meaning only stronghold, ashen or basic-level treasure loot. You're never gonna get a Chest of Ancient Tribute, a Chest of Legends/Fortune, a ship Manifest or an Ashen Skull from one. Nothing worthwhile or valuable.

    So yes, NO ONE EVER is gonna stay and collect two Crates of Rare Tea, a Marauder's Chest and a Hateful Bounty Skull while the ship they've been chasing for 25-30 minutes escapes into the distance.

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:

    I didn't say I didn't like the runner. I said that if you've been running for hours and hours, maybe you're not cut out for the game. Because yes, at some point, something has to happen other than nothing.

    If you're chasing for hours and hours, you clearly aren't doing anything amazing either.

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    I didn't say I didn't like the runner. I said that if you've been running for hours and hours, maybe you're not cut out for the game. Because yes, at some point, something has to happen other than nothing.

    You want your Season 12? What could it be then?

    And if someone is chasing a runner for hours and hours; Maybe they're not cut out for the game. I mean, they are clearly not good enough to catch the runner.
    See how it works in reverse?

    Because yes, at some point, something has to happen other than nothing.

    The runner could make a mistake. Or give up running & fight. Or log out.
    The chaser could make a mistake. Or give up chasing & find someone else. Or log out.
    Things can happen. Things not forced by the game to reward one player (the chaser) over the other (the runner).

    You want your Season 12? What could it be then?

    I'm not the one coming up with ideas to force PvP on people who don't want it via the Kraken spawning. So I don't see why I suddenly have to think up some idea for you.

  • @thegrimpreacher

    Because it is ALWAYS bad loot. It always HAS been bad loot. A meg drops anywhere from 5-12 pieces of loot and four to six pieces of meg meat, all in a tiny pile. At least trying to make up for quality with quantity to make it profitable to kill one.

    Things can be change my man. RARE just takes its time to do things one by one. Did you just realize they're slow? Yes, there hasn't been anything new about the Kraken for 4-5 years. All the more reason to bring it back to life. You've just reinforced my point.

    So yes, NO ONE EVER is gonna stay and collect two Crates of Rare Tea, a Marauder's Chest and a Hateful Bounty Skull while the ship they've been chasing for 25-30 minuts escapes into the distance.

    If the loot change yes.

    Have you seen how an average good idea can become great with just a few small adjustments? As soon as I have time, I'll modify this thread and make sure to explain the new loot. That's how it works.

    "Change some things, twist some things to make it happen."

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:

    You want your Season 12? What could it be then?

    Why are we assuming the game devs don't have something in mind already they've had planned for some time and have been working on for Season 12?

    Are we operating under the assumption that they're sitting around helpless, desperately waiting for some inane post that got blown out of some random forum member's idea hole to pounce on? Why do you think you're the hero that Gotham needs but doesn't deserve out of everyone else here?

    It's not our job to workshop your ideas back and forth to come up with something workable. You have GOT to stop telling or expecting anyone to do so in all your threads.

  • @thegrimpreacher

    It won't stop me from giving them ideas and suggestions that are thoughtful and don't stray from the context of the game.

  • @guildar9194

    Explain to me how the chaser is supposed to catch up to a boat with the same speed??

    No.. it's unpleasant for the runner and chaser. And no, I'm not going to admit something I don't think.

  • @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    Explain to me how the chaser is supposed to catch up to a boat with the same speed??

    No.. it's unpleasant for the runner and chaser. And no, I'm not going to admit something I don't think.
    Except none of the boats have the same speed in the same directions.
    The chaser can figure out ways to catch up, or give up. But the game should not hand him PvP on a silver platter by the kraken into a chase-stopper.

    Your idea is basically "The chaser should get the PvP he wants. If, after a set time, the Runner is not submitting to his PvP overlords like a good boy; The kraken should attack him and force him to stop. Oh, I guess it can also attack the chaser. So as to not be too obvious what I'm doing."
    It's glaringly obvious you just want to stop runners & force PvP on them.

    @littlematjab said in Kraken REWORK:


    It won't stop me from giving them ideas and suggestions that are thoughtful and don't stray from the context of the game.

    The 'context of the game' is 'Tools, not rules'.
    Your idea makes the rule 'Runners cannot run forever. Force them to stop.'
    If the chaser cannot secure the chase; It's their fault. The Runner should not be penalized with a kraken attack that stops them dead in the water.

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