[YoRHa] Level 12 Guild Recruiting - No Requirements

  • Reply to this post if you're interested. I've been working on getting this guild up to level 15 to unlock the guild emissary.

  • 28
  • Hey I would like to join

    Mic 21+ East Coast

  • @taboo8614 Sent you an invite

  • The guild is now level 13. We're close to unlocking the guild emissary.

  • if you're still looking for people i'd like to join :3

  • @theferalwizard2 Invite sent

  • I'd like to join


  • @microdinotrux Invite sent

  • I would like to join


  • Would like to join! :)

  • @armoredsun69894 @aDylxn I invited both of you. The guild is now a sliver away from level 14.

  • Ahoy! I'd love to join yer guild

  • I don't have a mic but I am an experienced pirate legend


  • @warmindvalhalla @CheepyOfMa Just sent invites to you guys. We're now a sliver away from 15.

  • I would like to join :) ?

  • @salges Invited. Guild just hit lvl 15.

  • im happy to join this guild
    play on EU servers

  • Somebody sailing?

  • @xvil3ez Invited.

  • Crossplay on paintling?

  • @paintling7616 if you have room for another active player, I’d like to join

  • I'd like to join if there's still room:

  • @big-papabear414 @QWERTYman19tda Invites sent.

  • @paintling7616 Is there a guild discord server?

  • @qwertyman19tda Nah, this thing is kind of informal.

  • @paintling7616 Fair enough. It would be nice to be able to easily communicate with the rest of the guild though 🤷

  • currently looking for active guild

    discord is illeryian#5119
    xbox is SilentMotard
    i am online every night from 1am-6am pst...have trouble finding players online when i am]
    currently have 175 hours on xbox
    levels are:
    HC=7(i dont fish a lot)
    Reapers=2(not active fighter,but i do know how)
    i mainly helm but can cannon easily..open for any kind of sailing
    just tired of solo slooping

25 out of 28