Error code ashbeard on ps5

  • @riicolaaaa thank you for the answer, been trying to sign in even after changing it, but it just doesn't wanna work for me... i waited years for this game to come out on console.

  • I have the same problem and I don't know what to do and everything I did didn't work and my friends couldn't do anything like me. May God give you a correct solution with full explanations.

  • You say me I need to delete my account mybe yes?

  • It's good to know that I am not alone on this, but I get a Lavenderbeard error. I've port forwarded, etc and still an issue.

  • Dont do it, I tried and the problem persists @ariaman9913

  • I spent money and prepared the best version and it worked like this, you are happy, and I put the simple version, but it didn't work. It has nothing to do with the version, and this problem mostly belongs to Iranian players, it doesn't enter and gives an error, and I did everything, it didn't work, God bless you Give a solution to solve this problem for people like us please 👏🏻

  • @amirsp80 yeah man, same here,
    no matter what i do i get the same AshBeard error. ive been waiting for this game to come out for years...

  • @toxicsepi its not just Iranians, im Iranian myself and i got friends from other countries who have the same problem.

  • I’m from Iran as well I pre ordered the premium edition and I have spent 8h hours of gameplay just for fixing this stupid error. And it’s like the supporters don’t even care I paid 60$ for this to see a single error.
    Let’s just pray and see what happens 🙏

  • Just like this dear friend, I got the premium version and my problem is not solved and I tried all the solutions and it didn't work. Please follow up. Now many people have this problem and are upset when will it be fixed? May God follow you, I lost a lot of money on this game

  • FIXED!!!

    Set a password for your Microsoft account and use that instead of email code!!!

  • @Scallywankk
    If you can give me a complete tutorial, which part should we go to, or send me a message on Telegram, it gives me all the errors, and it doesn't even show the QR code anymore, and the direct error is Not signed in to Sea of ​​Thieves. Please sign in and try again, what should I do? Complete the guide?? iD telegram lIlISslIlI

  • @scallywankk can give us a tutorial?

  • @abanmaxx i had the same problem, what idid to solve it was clear the ps5 cache, look for a tutorial on how to delete it and maybe it will work for you

  • I can't delete the confirmation by code, but I log in with the password and still get an ashbeard error, it says that the login is successful, but it doesn't log in.Help me pls

  • Hi everyone I'm Iranian and I had the ashbeard error but I cleared the system software cache in the ps5 safe mode and it worked for me.for getting into the safe mode you should turn off ps5 and then hold turn off button on ps5 until you hear the second beep and then you should connect a controller to the ps5 with a cable or charger and press ps button on controller and then choose clear cache and rebuild database and then choose clear system software cache.I hope it works for you.

  • @RichRhyme873997 Hello, can you give me complete guidance, which part should we go to and what should we do??? Thank you, I am Iranian, my telegram ID is lIlISslIlI

  • @toxicsepi
    Hello i have the same problem with ps5 sea of thieves .Says ashbeard error die u fix it can u helpdesk me with it thanks.

  • FIXED!!!

    That with the password instead of Email Code worked for me!!
    Choose instead of Email Code your on passwort as confirmation and Done.

  • Hello,
    The way I fixed it was by

    1. On my pc going to the Xbox icon and logging off
    2. After I logged off Xbox (with the same account you trying to login with) I closed sea of thieves on PS5
    3. Reopen the game and do the login steps again with the in game link.
    4. Sign in doing the steps it will ask you and it will ask you to create password. (I used the same password for account to be safe).
    5. Now you should be login

    If you get the code I received these are extra steps

    1. Received a code name (strawberry)
      7.Accept the code
      8.Now login again (no login request) and you should be in the game.

    Hope that helps.

  • @ChrisDomain5790
    Hello, if you can give me more detailed advice or send me a telegram message, I will be grateful. I have been in trouble for 2 weeks and I don't know what to do. Please give me some advice.
    ID Telegram: lIlISslIlI

  • I am Iranian and I receive this error
    I tried all the solutions but it didnt work except this I went to and changed my account region from iran to us
    (for example) and this time I did not receive an error and entered the game
    Maybe if you are Iranian, this will be useful for you and maybe not

  • @noobhoonter how do i fix this

  • @thelordemojezuz But how you made sure no other account was on your ps5? I can't find where to link or unlink conections on my psn account or microsoft's

  • UPDATE: I debugged the bug and will leave it here in case anyone has the same problem and wants to try! First of all, I turned my PS5 internet off and on for 30 seconds, when I returned to the game the QR code appeared! But here's the thing, a “strawberry” error will appear, don't continue forcing login, close the game and open it again and magically it will start normally with the linked account! It was the only way I found to be able to fix this error.

  • @riicolaaaa worked for me too. Thank you

  • @exactb please help me it’s not working

  • Haven't had this issue until today. Anyone ever find out a real fix for those of us that had no luck with their suggestions?

  • @richrhyme873997 It didn’t work :( Still got Ashbeard 12:47AM EDT 6/1/2024

  • Ive done legitimately everything that has been suggested in this thread. Was playing fine, got off for 1 hour around 11:20pm EST. It is now 1:01am EST as i type this and not a single solution. Ive relinked my account multiple times, just for it to ask me to do it again. And again…..I’ve dipped over $300 into this game and now i cant play it? Weird

  • I just got the game this afternoon and haven’t been able to get past this error code. I tried everything on this thread. SOS Lads

  • ITS SHAREPLAY GUYS, disable in your account settings on your ps5. Re link your account by deleting the cache and logging back in. BOOM! Fixed it for me!

  • Fixed!!!
    If u got ps5 and u got the ashbeard error just go to settings/storage/saved date/ps5/delete sea of thieve data (u wont lose ur pirate) close the app and enjoy

  • I tried all that stuff but it looks like it’s a Xbox issue and all of Xbox live services are down currently. Guess I’ll try again tomorrow

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