Megs keep running

  • Trying to complete my milestones for killing megs. I'd say 4 outta 5 times the meg has been despawning. As soon as I hear the music, I hit the anchor and raise sails. If I'm close to an island, I try to slowly head out to open water all the while hitting it with gunshot or cannon. Yet they are still wondering off and then despawning. I have tried retracing my steps to get it respawn, doesnt work.

    Any advice on keeping this stupid fish from running away?

  • 11
  • If it's someone else's meg and you just happen to go through that area while it is in the process of despawning there is nothing you can realistically do about that.

    I dunno why they did this (and I was hoping it would be a part of the recent meg fix) but in season 8 they made it to where other people's megs won't target different boats and they just wander randomly till they despawn. Without the original target it becomes very unlikely that someone can take it out in time before it despawns.

    If it's your meg it's just a matter of experience and being prepared.

    "Pick your spots" a meg typically will spawn anywhere from 4 in game days all the way to 8+ in game days

    This means keep track of your session time and plan to at least sail through open sea a bit so that area is less of an issue.

    Example: I don't want to deal with a buggy meg and a galleon fight in between islands that are all close together. It might happen but I want to minimize that. So I pick my spots and plan my route around the in game times.

    Nothing is ever a guarantee, all you are doing is increasing your chances of success, stuff can always go wrong and/or get chaotic.

    That's why I enjoy it, it's a hunt, lots of planning and strategy in organic adventure.

  • @wolfmanbush thanks for the info. That is crazy that if someone else spawned it, it will act that way to another boat. Can you recommend a video that helps with hunting megs? I tried a method I saw the other day. After 4 hrs, one finally spawned and ran. So that method is out XD.

  • @songdog2210 said in Megs keep running:

    @wolfmanbush thanks for the info. That is crazy that if someone else spawned it, it will act that way to another boat. Can you recommend a video that helps with hunting megs? I tried a method I saw the other day. After 4 hrs, one finally spawned and ran. So that method is out XD.

    Do you record your gameplay or can you record your gameplay?

    If you can get a clip to me of what is happening when you run into issues I can figure out what the issue is pretty quickly.

    Entire encounter, from spawn to despawn.

  • @wolfmanbush i play on xbox but ill see what i can do

  • merfolks lullaby website has a map of where the megs spawn and you can put your boat in a big circle and wait for a meg. For example, in-between plunder outpost and thieves haven is a big meg spawn spot, just put wheel 3 clicks to the left or right driving in a big circle and just wait (might take a while)

  • @karkona said in Megs keep running:

    merfolks lullaby website has a map of where the megs spawn and you can put your boat in a big circle and wait for a meg. For example, in-between plunder outpost and thieves haven is a big meg spawn spot, just put wheel 3 clicks to the left or right driving in a big circle and just wait (might take a while)

    I would avoid the in-between island spots unless someone is cool with pvp interference (on high seas)

    If someone just wants a meg without extra issues it makes sense to go chill out in open sea somewhere out of the way and away from areas that get megs to act goofy.

    A person just looking for the harvest on high seas isn't likely gonna want to get pvp'd after waiting an hour or two for a meg.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Megs keep running:

    @karkona said in Megs keep running:

    merfolks lullaby website has a map of where the megs spawn and you can put your boat in a big circle and wait for a meg. For example, in-between plunder outpost and thieves haven is a big meg spawn spot, just put wheel 3 clicks to the left or right driving in a big circle and just wait (might take a while)

    I would avoid the in-between island spots unless someone is cool with pvp interference (on high seas)

    If someone just wants a meg without extra issues it makes sense to go chill out in open sea somewhere out of the way and away from areas that get megs to act goofy.

    A person just looking for the harvest on high seas isn't likely gonna want to get pvp'd after waiting an hour or two for a meg.

    That spot does indeed draw attention when they see a boat circling for long period of time. Folks get curious.

  • Can't speak for everyone on here of course, but what works for me to keep a meg from despawning lately is to keep my anchor up and sails slightly dropped so that my ship is turning in lazy, relatively tight circles rather than being anchored or spinning in place.

    What seems to keep them active for me is my ship staying in motion across a map-square or two of sea without drifting too close to an island or leaving the meg's hunting grounds.

    Hope this works for you!

  • this is all great recommendations. thank you all for it! happy sailing

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