Kicked for anti-cheat violation(rumblebeard)

  • If anyone knows the problem of this error, please tell me
    I did everything to fix it but I still get this error
    The support team did not help me at all
    If you know the solution, please tell me

  • 17
  • @iniloo What were you doing right before this happened ?

  • هیچی
    من بعد از یک سال وارد بازی شدم اما ایندفعه با گیم پس
    و با این ارور مواجه شدم
    با اکانت های دیگه ای هم تست کردم اما بازهم ارور rumblebeard را دریافت میکنم

  • @iniloo Doesn't let me translate.

  • @sa1tynutz
    I entered the game after a year, but this time with Game Pass
    And I encountered this error
    I tested with other accounts, but I still get the rumblebeard error

  • @iniloo Well, what happened last time you played ?

  • @sa1tynutz Last year, the game was played well for me
    But this time I encounter rumblebeard error
    Last time I played with Steam, but this time with Game Pass

  • This error indicates that you have been banned from the game due to cheating. The "Rumblebeard" error is specifically associated with anti-cheat measures detecting unauthorized modifications or exploits. If you are playing on a PC, this error suggests that your account has been flagged for violating the game's terms of service.

  • @theonemoney2163 I tried with other accounts too
    Does this mean that the problem may be with the Gamepass account?

  • No , it simply says you cheated and now got punished ... Rare has warned numerous times that cheaters are not tolerated and they don't laugh nor forgive about these things

  • Bro, how are you?
    In all this time that I have been playing games, I have not even once gone to a cheat or anything else
    I am telling you that I came back after 2 years and bought the game pass for Sea of ​​Thieves to play it.
    But I face this error
    If I am a cheater, why should I ask others for help?
    Be reasonable first

  • @iniloo
    False positives happen as well.

    You probably find some better help by submitting a ticket here:

  • @iniloo u playing from gamepass right cuz gamepass give u like half the game somthing like a demo sot never was fully on gamepass only something like a demo

  • @theonemoney2163 said in Kicked for anti-cheat violation(rumblebeard):

    @iniloo u playing from gamepass right cuz gamepass give u like half the game somthing like a demo sot never was fully on gamepass only something like a demo

    This is false information.

  • hello. I use translator
    I had this situation: I was just playing the latest Tails when I first got rumblebeard and then a permanent ban. Now I bought a game on a new steam account, created a new xbox profile and can't enter the game with the rumblebeard error. What should I do? Support says they can't offer anything to do. Windows 10, updated a week ago

  • تو پی وی پی ریج زیاد کردی فحش زیاد دادی ریپورتت کردن همین بلایی که سر من آمده الان کل سیستمت بن شده باید سیستم عوض کنی بازی رو هم رو یه اکانت دیگه بخری کلا اون اکانت بن شده رو دیگه نباید بندازی رو سیستم جدید که وضعیتی که تو ایران هست بنظرم قید سی آف رو بزن کلا منم مشکل تو رو دارم تنها نیستی.

7 out of 17