Sad news

  • Today my mum took my dog to the vets to be put to sleep, because she was in a lot of pain and the painkillers we're not helping my dog get better so there was no choice but to put my dog to rest, I didn't know it till my mum came back from the vets because I just woke up and she told me she was taking her to the vet, I didn't know it yet till she gave me the sad news when she came back, I broke down in tears,

    R.i.p petty bentley
    May you be blessed for eternity 😭

  • 7
  • Notice: this is not fake, this is real, so please, no bad comments please,

  • I’m sorry this happened but what does this have to do with Sea of Thieves regarding feedback or suggestions?

  • Moved to 'Off Topic' section.

  • Sorry to hear that. We had to put ours down a little over a year ago after 16 wonderful years. It's never easy, but you'll have the memories forever.

  • @d3adst1ck aye

  • Mine was putted to "sleep" aswell May of this year....

    She had a disease very advanced with no cure aswell... her lungues, paws, almost everything was infected she was literally rotting inside.... you could smell the putrid ....

    I miss her.... I had since i was 7 years old and now she is gone... but i know she is in a good place....

    Psalms 36:6
    "Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
    You, Lord, preserve both people and animals."

    And so is your, yours is just waiting for you to go back home with her just like mine is waiting for me.
    Take care!

    Best Regards

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