Freezing in PS5 with crossplay

  • Since I bought the game I haven't had any problems, until yesterday when more friends joined but from PC and Xbox.

    I started having a stutter which continues until an eventual permanent freeze that I can only get rid of by force quitting the game on my PS5 and rejoin my session.

    This only happens to me playing with crossplay (xbox and pc). Playing with another player on the same platform (PS5) works well.

    I haven't been able to play a full game, it always freezes

  • 12
  • Same issue here. Tried everything even called my IT buddy to come over. On PC no issues whatsoever. But as soon as ps5 join a game with pc player its gg. Freeze every minute or so.

  • Same here, whenever I play on PS5 with another person on Steam or XBOX, all things are fine. When another person joins that is on PS5 as well, we immediately start getting a freeze every 10 seconds or so, sometimes more frequently, then lag a bit. One of us constantly gets booted eventually. I can play with 3 other Steam or XBOX players, no problem, but as soon as we try to play duos or even a galleon with one other PS5 player, lag and freeze-fest until we quit in frustration.

  • Same issue here. It’s unplayable if I’m playing wi try more than 1 of my PC friends. Lagging and completely freezing up. The reason we all bought the game is to play together. PS5 is always the one to freeze up. Please fix this issue. Can’t even play the game :/

  • I thought this was getting better. But today was horrible. Please fix this!!!

  • Still having this issue, just bought the game yesterday on ps5. Joined crossplay session, couldn’t even leave the outpost due to the freezing. Happened twice in less then 10 min. Its crazy

  • Most likely a bug they will fix. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

  • Same here. There are days without a freeze, but sometimes it happens 20 times in a session. Really frustrating. It’s a serious problem with the game.

  • After my buddy spent hours digging through reddit and found a post from 2019 that had a theory that the in game voice chat is causing lag and freezing, we switched to PS party chat and 4 game sessions later no lag , freezing. Spread the word boys. We were close to quiting for good even though we loved the game cause it was near unplayable before

  • @seven-cdn also heard Discord chat work as long as your not using in game voice chat all the time. I'll switch over to in game to communicate to other crews

  • Yes the game is extremely unstable using in game chat and crossplay on while playing on the PS5. Hope it gets fixed because the soul of the game (for me) is the ability to communicate with enemy crews in the game. It produces the most fun experience in this game. I did report this as a bug report. The game freezes at least once every play session under the above circumstances. It happens to ALL of my friends playing on the PS5.

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