Secret Snare Setter not working?

  • I buried a trap with a blunder bomb, buried it (bug it down trice) and an enemy pirate stepped on it and died. I did this two times and my progress for Secret Snare Setter is still 0/1. Is this commendation not working or did I do something wrong?

  • 7
  • Has to be trap only so it’s the final blow.

  • Also not working for me. I tried this with a friend (different crew, not in alliance). And neither of us could get any advancement.
    The bury traps doesn't seem to be working. Rare thief said once you bury a trap, you can't load it, yet everytime we "bury" it, we're able to load it. So not sure....

  • Be sure to fully bury it (2 digs) also player CANNOT be resurrected, has to go to the ferry

    We did it consistently by doing the following:

    • Bury trap
      1 Hit enemy with 3 sword hits or one point blank blunder
    • Enemy walks over trap, dies and goes to ferry
  • Worked for me when the trap was buried, not loaded with anything and it killed the enemy pirate.

  • I don't think anyone can reach grade v at this rate,, I've tried getting some other pirate crews to help me get this comm to grade v but they couldnt hear my mic, nor did they reply back, I think everyone's muted, nobody get grade 5, rare needs to change this comm

  • A pretty silly commendation to have it only count if using a plain trap. I have killed many a pirate by using traps with the blunderbomb loaded since it's far more effective.

4 out of 7