"RESERVOIR SEA DOGS" Guild recruiting pirates (Distinction 5)

  • @deviri Yup! We still have a couple of spots left. So I just sent you an invite!

  • Hello, my friend and I are searching for a guild and we play almost daily :)

    BakaLorehat and LennyPKL

  • I would like to join if possible. Having trouble finding reliable people to play with.
    Xbox- Grim187x
    Discord- Grim187x

  • @bakalorehat That sounds perfect! Just sent the invites to you and your friend.

    @grim187x Just sent you a Discord invite and an in-game invite too!

  • Do you still have room? My GT is TheDTRAIN2013

  • I want to join to your guild, and I added you to xboxlive, my g tag is @Mortis20252026

  • Hey brother, alcoholicrattata here. Just added you, pirate legend here plus old player from 2020 and i just came back

  • Season 1 OG PL getting back on the seas and looking for a guild to enjoy the open air with. Still got room?

  • Solo hourglass PL getting back in and Commendation hunting would love to join!

  • @thedtrain2013 @mortis20252026 @alcoholicratata @il-hardscope-li @subzliketk Yes to all! We once again have spots to fill so everyone gets an invite!

  • Hello, I am fairly new to the game and I have been struggling to play solo, do you still have room in your guild?

    xbox- Mrs Nesbit4862
    discord - Hippopotamusies

  • @mrs-nesbit4862 Just sent you your Guild invite in-game! I've also sent you a Discord request (I'm aliceinwesteros on there)

  • Hey! Still fairly new and would like to join if you still have spots open.
    Xbox - Templar157
    Discord - 73MPL4R

  • Ahoy pirate, I would really love to join
    Gamer tag: capt toto42
    Discord: B6303

  • Gamertag: Madhatterx88
    Region/Time Zone: na east
    Platform: pc
    Experience (if any) with the game: played when it came out just starting back so i suck but wanting to learn pvp

  • Hi
    I am Wolverine101887 and i would like to join your guild
    My Xbox username is Wolverine101887
    Thank you Mate

  • Can I join?

    Ps5 - swandog1142
    MSN - swandiggit

    All of my friends play call of duty.

  • We're currently getting more active players into the Guild to get on the new Guild Ledger this month so I've sent all of you invites! @templar157 @capt-toto42 @madhatterx88 @wolverine101887 @swandiggit

  • Hi can you please add my friends what would also like to join please:
    Thank you

  • @iceheart7158 Thanks!

  • Still got room? I got 300 hours and was pirate legend before but I had to restart due to microsoft issues, so Im looking to grind back fast

  • Do you still got space in your guild? My GT: RegularBigRed
    And if u got a second spot my friend is looking for one to his GT: TLF BloodRayne

  • @iceheart7158 I'm active almost every single day, I'd love for an invite to the guild. I've got just over 1200 hours in the game and I do a variety of things, currently mostly world events, hourglass and commendation hunting.

communityjust for fungeneralcompetitionevents
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