A few Hourglass Suggestions...

  • Hello after getting my Ghost Curse and playing Hourglass for a while there are a few things I think would give players a better quality of life:

    • Only Pirate Legends should be able to participate in Hourglass.

    Right now there is no barrier of entry to compete in Hourglass and I think there should be. New swabbies that lack combat or naval skills should have to prove themselves before fighting for either faction. This would also help mitigate the amount of hackers right now because most are ban evaders with under 72 hours played.

    • Implement a quicker or more streamlined way of supplying our ship after sinking.

    This is a more complex issue because there would have to be checks and balances before implemented. Most people I play with have some frustrations about the amount of time it takes to supply your ship after sinking. From raising the emissary to looting the island and organizing the storage crates to each players preference.

    Perhaps the shipwright sells an even more expensive package that provides enough to get you through a couple of matches. Or maybe more supplies spawn in barrels when an hourglass match starts after diving or being invaded. Like I said it's complicated but I think we can all agree that there is way too much down time between matches and it should be addressed.

    • More Guardians cosmetics

    This one is kind of a joke but not really. I've noticed that Servants is more popular because the Skeleton Curse has more cosmetic options while Guardians have a couple of glow stick curses making you an obvious Target and some Mysterious Stranger Cosmetics after hitting 200. Where is the love?

    I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this or maybe expand upon it. I love hourglass but there is some room for improvement I think.

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  • Making player pools even smaller than they already are for content that isn't as popular as it needs to be (to thrive) is a very counterproductive idea.

    When they announced they were gonna gatekeep HG in some way over the cheating issue they were going in a direction that won't be effective against cheating and will create even less populated stamps. Leading to more people fighting the same people over and over again. Which typically isn't a good thing.

    "Lack of combat and naval skills"

    The people that run and reset over and over in HG are experienced players. Inexperienced players sink quickly or get caught in a chase.

    That's the issue in solo HG. Experienced players that run and reset all the time, like aggressive players do in random adventure.

    HG needs inexperienced players to play. That is the only way to offer any sort of quality experience to casual players.

  • Only Pirate Legends should be able to participate in Hourglass.

    That is a Joke title. Now days, 12 hours or less you can get PL

    Right now there is no barrier of entry to compete in Hourglass and I think there should be.

    All pirates are, EQUAL on the sea.

    . New swabbies that lack combat or naval skills should have to prove themselves before fighting for either faction.

    True, but that how the current system "Should work" No W/L, game finds someone with the same W/L, which is...nobody.

    Implement a quicker or more streamlined way of supplying our ship after sinking

    Supplies doesnt make you a bigger threat. Im sorry players still believe this. A well controlled ship, clever tactics and maybe better understanding always out plays a ship with 400 cannon balls :P

    Perhaps the shipwright sells an even more expensive package that provides enough to get you through a couple of matches.

    Captain ships already have this.

    I think we can all agree that there is way too much down time between matches and it should be addressed.

    Nope. If you win, you spend that down time collecting the left over supplies from the sunk.
    If you sink, that is a lose and you spawn with default (which is enough) supplies, then you can simply buy more. (waste that gold)

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