Merchant Rework - Fruit/Wood/Cannon/Kegs Deliveries

  • Rare - Can you please rework merchant?
    Fruit Crate 50
    Wood Crate 50
    Cannon Ball Crate 50
    Keg Deliveries 100

    We used to be able to get the bottle quests from barrels, not anymore.
    We used to be able to get actual voyages to deliver, not anymore.
    The image still shows the crates and the keg in the quest image.

    If no rework, at least drop the kegs down to 50 like the others.
    New players will have a much harder time getting this commendation vs people that already did it when they were much easier to get.

    We have all seen what happened to the numbers when horns came out. The dramatic decrease in amount needed to sell, etc.

    Please do something to address this.


  • 6
  • I say after the Hunters Call season we might see some changes to merchant

  • @xooghostoox4733

    Add Keg/Wood/Cannonball/Fruit deliveries as a component of the contract voyages like the image shows.

    That's the only change needed and it is desperately long overdue

    It's the simple things, Rare.

  • I still see the crate deliveries (albeit last couple months have probably seen decline). The keg ones are super rare though, to the point someone starting now cannot reasonably complete that commendation.

  • These commendations feels impossible to do. We barely can find any voyages, the rng is BRUTAL. Def need a rework.

  • Totally agreed, these are in need of a rework. These the last non-athena trading company coms I need. The RNG is punishing and not very fun. I'm fine with it not being easy, but the way it is now is brutal.

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