FORTUNE UNION | Legacy Crew | Social & PVP/PVE Events

  • @johnnyringo9 and @One0fouR
    Fortune has a lot of knowledge and people who have played on alpha. The group is friendly and active and always has an active Hurdy-gurdy radio room.

  • Hello everyone,

    I am happy to see that Fortune is doing well!

    We truly are blessed by the quality of Pirates that have united thus far. From the Pioneers and Founders that are always willing to help to the Landlubbers who eagerly await the Closed Beta, I am thrilled to see that we are working together to build a Community that resembles every single one of us.

    As we approach the Fated 24th of January, the day that the Closed Beta begins, we will be working on finding everyone a Crew to sail with. As stated in a previous announcement, the most experienced of us will be holding Training Sails Sessions to help out those who have yet to test their Sea Legs.

    I know that a lot of us have expectations of what the game is and what it should be but I believe that we must trust in the Devs. They have yet to deceive us, and they are Pirates just like us! As we make our way throughout the Heart of Sea of Thieves, we are bound to discover many riches, pleasures, and secrets but also some disappointment. Sea of Thieves is here to provide us with a great mean to entertain ourselves, but I truly believe that we are the masters of our happiness and we must always strive to make things better for us.

    I am certain that the upcoming weeks will be holding many surprises and I am really excited to be able to share this with you all.

    As always, Fortune smiles upon you!

    Sirio Neruda de Bastille
    Captain of the Triumphant Hound

  • @siriondb where do i sign?! ;)

  • @dudekingdom

    Hey dudekingdom! We'd love to have you aboard this Grand Odyssey! You can join us on discord,!

  • @siriondb Thank you! I am in your discord matey

  • I shall put me X on the paper matey. Give me grog and I might even play a full game o'noughts n crosses ;p

    I shall sail the six seas with ya. Haven't got me visa for the seventh's in the post...honest ;)

  • Hey @Wargrym! I am so pleased to see a Veteran such as yourself uniting under the Fortune banner!

    And for that Visa, don't worry! We only take counterfeit ones!

  • @siriondb Chuckles......giggles.....chortles.....Even Fnarffs.... "veteran"? I knew there was an imposter on the forums somewhere. Lemme at'em -.-. Seems like it's not only fake visa's you accept matey.

    I should be offended by ye kind worded compliments. Dress a pig in a suit and it still be a pig. ;p

  • @wargrym

    If the gloves don't fit, take 'em anyway!

  • @siriondb Tis always a pleasure to join another fleet of friendly, helpful, likeminded deck swabs who help extol the true spirit and use of the fleet and of the community matey.

    We strive not for greatness, nor claim it, it is merely bestowed upon those who carry the true heart of SoT with them and honour it's meaning in all they do. Long may the seas carry our poor sorry souls ;)

  • @wargrym arrrr i sahh thank thee! But if ye gonna vomit on yee deck of yonder boat yee shall be swabbin the deck! 😂

  • @dudekingdom I be swabbin night n day as it is, no matter who the 'green' belongs to. I wield me mop like I wield me blade.....(swing it everywhere til I hit what I was aiming for) 😣

  • Love to be in,
    -The jolly Roger is nice but can we turn this woman in a skeleton!!! would be better i think!!!

  • @kermar-tutu You want to turn a women into a skeleton? That's pretty.... interesting.

  • @jcmdeadpool HAHAHA ARRRRgggggg!!! like we don t already have enough of skeleton in Sot...
    Actualy after deeper though It will be fine!!!
    If the game allow us to have two flags to put on our boat... (if it happen) will be great!
    One for the guild and one personal or your Specific team!!! Its just i like to have at least a skull on one of my flag!!! ;D

  • Could not have said it better! I am thrilled to get to know you more and mabye even want to get in to this fortune fleet! DM ?

  • @kermar-tutu Hehe :D Custom flags would be great, indeed.

  • @Salty-Straw-Hat @kermar-tutu
    Come join us on Discord! There's also an xbox club.

  • @erinom3 i download it on xbox but i didn t find out how to do to add a personne i tried to put up the number sirio gived us but doesn t seens to work...

  • @kermar-tutu I am not very familiar with Discord, but you could try accessing it from the mobile browser and then check if it has been updated on xbox.

  • @erinom3 i click on your post but they ask me to give my email .. i put it, but it don t want it because its already use.i beleve its because what i download earlier on xbox. ... can i login somewere?? i got trouble to find that.....

  • ok im in ... i think...:/

  • @kermar-tutu Welcome! Hope you can settle on in. :D

  • @SirioNDB
    Would you ever consider putting a cap on the member limit? Say, 500..?

    Would you ever have a beauty pageant as a community event, where the winner is titled 'Miss Fortune?'

  • Heya @Nos37!

    I love the interest you show in Fortune. You're one to ask hard questions, and I like that! ;)

    At this point in Fortune, I think we need to focus on the Pirates that have joined the Cause and I don't spend much time thinking about a Member Limit cap. I love the idea that Fortune can grow to be anything that we desire. That's why I think that matters like these should be discussed as an Organization rather than me taking the structural decisions.

    Also, to answer your second questions, I think it's pretty clear that once the NDA lifts and that we get access to the Character Creator and more Cosmetic options, we will be holding Balls, Galas and Tavern Nights! I also have this idea in mind for a Grandiose Event.

    I do hope that there is a way for us to hold Large Community Events. There is nothing more exciting than Pirate Parties and Bonfires. I really wish we can create this atmosphere in Sea of Thieves.

  • This sounds great! I want in!

  • Hey @Baxys11!

    I'm happy to hear you're interested in Fortune! Come see us over on Discord!

  • @siriondb said in Fortune Smiles Upon You! - Join Us!:

    Hey @Baxys11!

    I'm happy to hear you're interested in Fortune! Come see us over on Discord!

    Yes. Go to discord. I shall stalk you all later.... wut?

    @Baxys11 Welcome aboard matey ;)

  • @wargrym

    Oh! Did you get a device that enables you to get on Discord :O?

  • Happy to be apart of Fortune! :)

  • @siriondb Nope :( hence the stalking only. One day I shall day.

  • @wargrym arr that be great matey!! just contact me on the discord matey! ;o

  • @jcmdeadpool said in Fortune Smiles Upon You! - Join Us!:

    @kermar-tutu You want to turn a women into a skeleton? That's pretty.... interesting.

    LULZ! I thought the same thing

  • @siriondb Do you still have a vacancy?

  • @xbotelhod
    Yes we do! Come on over to the discord

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