Stache needs!!!!

  • As most are aware of me I am a lady who loves to be partially naked on the seas except for my staches and I think one I found is a must

  • 30
  • @devilstassia The Kraken-Stachen.

  • This needs to be launch content!!!

  • So you're requesting moustaches for the female characters?

  • @lucid-stew

    Oh I wear them and proudly already!

  • @devilstassia said in Stache needs!!!!:


    Oh I wear them and proudly already!

    Female characters can already have moustaches? Did not know this.

  • @lucid-stew

    Of course!!!! During the beta I was naked and stachey ;)

  • @lucid-stew As far as I've seen, none of the customization options are gender-specific

  • @drbullhammer said in Stache needs!!!!:

    @lucid-stew @BoredBurrito87 this guy is unaware of the lady beard!

    well I'm aware now, and frankly I'm cancelling my preorder.

  • @erikinthebakery

    Not at all first beta when I was a man I wore a dress.

    Second female with a stache

    I like to be unusual :)

  • @drbullhammer

    Total agreement!!!


  • @drbullhammer said in Stache needs!!!!:

    @lucid-stew well then, I'll just have to preorder it for a friend who will celebrate the lady stache/beard, also, the man dress.

    well then I'll just preorder it again and then cancel my preorder again. :P

  • @drbullhammer

    Nonsense! 😂💜🐙

  • Lets add some more to the list.

  • @canadianmuscle3

    You are only feeding my obsession!!!!

  • Partially naked you say?

  • @psych0-knightro

    I mean I do wear gloves, and the leggings ;)

  • fixed it.

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  • @Lucid-Stew In the interest of fairness, there is more historical precedence for lady pirates dressing up like men than firing themselves out of cannons

  • @erikinthebakery

    See you understand the lady beard in me..

    My soul not only calls to the seas ;)

  • @lucid-stew said in Stache needs!!!!:

    fixed it.

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    That is the most epic "comb-over" I've ever seen!!

  • @erikinthebakery
    neither of them have facial hair, and I would now like to see pictures of people being fired out of cannons, please. :P

  • @erikinthebakery said in Stache needs!!!!:

    That is the most epic "comb-over" I've ever seen!!


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  • If any, it has got to be a handlebar 'stache... Cant wait to see all the variations.

  • We are LadyBeard Burrito and LadyStache @DevilsTassia , defenders of female facial hair!!!!

  • @boredburrito87 yes!!!!

  • @scheefinator thank you!

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