A day till launch!!!! This is how launch day will go!!!

  • https://media.giphy.com/media/7wUUmSjeuvIuA/giphy.gif

  • 18
  • YES love it. Bring it on!

  • @canadianmuscle3 Ahhh yes its gonna be epic! :D I wish the cannons in game gave of that much smoke when fired! Been a little quality of life request ive had for awhile. :)

  • @canadianmuscle3 will Cap’n Morgan be with ye or?

  • @knifelife I would love a lot more smoke like that with cannons as well. Makes it a bit more challenging when in battle.

  • @dutchdeadschot aye he will be wit' me!!!ye cant sail without!!

  • Plan 2........ Bring out the boom barrels!!!!!

  • @canadianmuscle3

    I am more leaning to the actual sea level will raise about 3 feet by the salty tears of many PVE landlubbers first true taste of the Sea of Thieves. And the tears of joy to those who will once again board our trusty vessel to sail the sparkling blues.

  • @shelbz44 It would be nice if you could somehow launch the boom barrels at other ships aha!

    @canadianmuscle3 Yeah theres just something really simple yet satisfying seeing it all, maybe they could add a no damage smoke type ammo. Would make boarding or attempted escapes more interesting.

  • @knifelife OHHHH now we are talking. Smoke pots to help you hide your ship. They do no damage but help you get away. RARE we need this!!!

  • You sure? I'm picturing this


  • @elite-assasin87 said in 3 Weeks to launch!!!! This is how launch day will go!!!:

    You sure? I'm picturing this


    This is how about half of my adventures end.

  • @greyscissors yup when you a solo player with one chest running from a galleon to outpost

  • @greyscissors said in 3 Weeks to launch!!!! This is how launch day will go!!!:

    @elite-assasin87 said in 3 Weeks to launch!!!! This is how launch day will go!!!:

    You sure? I'm picturing this


    This is how about half of my adventures end.

    Thats basically me leaving outpost after i first log in, its been highly recommended to not let me at the wheel xD

  • @knifelife what if we could carry the barrel up to the crows nest, then attach it a rope, we push it off, and it swings over to the other ship...kaboom?

  • @mistavanvleck Yes! Make it so you have to cut a rope with your sword to release it, would add a little bit of skill then. You would want to try and time it nicely so you could hit the cannons.

    Of if you are using smoke pots the wheel to obscure the vision! Im liking this, its all falling together.. (Pun kind of intended?)

  • Whos ready for the game release!

  • text alternatif

2 out of 18