Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0

  • Still getting the bug where I start the game with just one weapon and can't pick up/equip a second. Quitting to the menu or killing my character doesn't always fix it.

  • @doctor-n****e написал в Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    Still getting the bug where I start the game with just one weapon and can't pick up/equip a second. Quitting to the menu or killing my character doesn't always fix it.

    Pick the missing weapon (choice it) and die. when u ressurected - u got it

  • @w-ii-n-k-s-o rare has stated that any content updates will be free

  • @chillypaper074 they just posted on Twitter that they won't implement it, thanks to feedback.

  • @katttruewalker it's a shame they listen to this feedback but not to the feedback they've been getting from players for a year about worries for lack of content and now a massive backlash for still having so little content.

  • Please Just add a way to change base character appearance without losing progress and everything. Add a monkey plastic surgeon or anything! I wasn't aware of a reroll option and now having almost half way to each rep and around 100k gold collected I found out there were more than 8 options for characters.
    Please let me change this up! Thank you

  • @iamnowbored
    Considering the pop-ups you get before you create the character, and also the tooltips down the bottom for buttons that can be used during character creation (one of which is re-roll), I unfortunately do not see yourself being allowed to roll a new character and yet keep your current progress.

  • That's nice.

  • @ninjarvo

    Very Nice to know :D
    Thx for your Work on this Brilliant Game :D

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