6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough)

  • A 3D flythrough of my 6 player crew MAN O' WAR for Sea Of Thieves

    5 Ship Types for Sea of Thieves
    6 Player Ship: In depth thread

  • 67
  • Not sure how they'd balance it... imagine a single player sloop getting fired upon by this with 6 players at the starboard cannons lol... he/she would be obliterated in a matter of 2 seconds. That said... i totally dig the ship with more areas of interest etc.

  • @thecanisdirus Remember, this thing makes the galleon look nimble. It loses maneuverability but gains survivability and firepower.

  • @thecanisdirus - A sloop should be able to outrun and outpace this type of ship all day long. Further, repairs on this ship would be time consuming sprints around the ship.

  • @shoothere4exp Your work is always impressive mate! The rest of us mortals can only aspire to reach the bar you set. Great job!

  • @shoothere4exp Looks brilliant! I would be intrigued to see how it would look after the design team gave it there "Rare" makeover! :)

  • I honestly think this might be too much, but it is awesome and would be akin to the tank in GTA online. Looks formidable and sort of indestrucible.

    What about a 2 masted boat, option between sloop/galleon for a little more action for 2-3 people. Better sailing without getting bored on the sloop.

  • @griffeythekid
    I get that you think it could be OP and I hear you, but the idea is that with this ship the barrier to entry would be higher and therefore rarer. (Don't allow matchmaking to sail it, require full party of 6. Or make it a ship you have to find on the map) Maybe it starts as a Skeleton Ghose Ship on the map that you have to capture. The goal is to have it be a rare PVP boss battle int he same way a Kraken is a rare PVE one.

    I've also designed a 2 masted 3 player ship but I don't have a flythrough of it yet. here is the picture:
    alt text

  • @thecanisdirus said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    Not sure how they'd balance it... imagine a single player sloop getting fired upon by this with 6 players at the starboard cannons lol... he/she would be obliterated in a matter of 2 seconds. That said... i totally dig the ship with more areas of interest etc.

    imagine the Galleons turning radius, but far worse. plus it would need to slow down. more sails means more speed, not in a realistic sense though. it would take a long time to lift the sails in order to slow down.

    as for the main topic:

    the general design looks Sea of Thieves. its very well done. however, i still think a 6 man crew is a little too much. really, i just want three more ships added; a man of war with 5 players, a gunboat with one player, and a frigate with three players. basically, each type of ships represents the number of players within your crew. my suggestion is to take away one cannon from each side, specifically one of the three toward the back of the ship and replace them with planks.

    there is still a ship type that is beyond a Man o war though. a "ship of the line" which is much bigger and could hold up to 6 players.

  • All of your ship ideas are great. Excellent work here. I'm a major proponent of having each unique player combo feature a different type of ship. It's already frustrating that from a distance there is no way to determine whether a sloop is 1 or 2 people, or a galleon is 3 to 4. Having visual signifiers to denote different player amounts is critical to ship combat, and increases the methodic chess-like nature of combat on the high seas.

    Regarding balancing, I think making this ship slow and tank-like is probably the best option. The major question I'd have is how to balance something like this at skull forts or other community events. The two thoughts I'd have on this, is that there either needs to be some sort of mechanic that encourages other ships in the server instance to take it down. Or perhaps there needs to be a weakness. Perhaps something like every "received" shot creates two holes instead of one.

    All the more reason to bring back a pioneer instance when it comes time to test additional ship-types. As balancing will definitely be critical.

  • @shoothere4exp I was just about to respond to him and say "don't worry, he made one of those too :)" lol.

    Back on topic: This is what I've been waiting for! Thanks you! :D It looks awesome! Can't wait to roll up to one of these things in game.

  • @shoothere4exp I like it!
    @Rare, Make it so.

  • @shoothere4exp One suggestion (other than that, top notch): At least one more mast. In its current configuration, there is nothing for at least two of the crew to do when not fighting. Bigger ships with bigger crews should be more complex to operate.

  • @shoothere4exp that looks awesome! Great work coming up with these ideas and taking the next step to sketch them out.

  • @nickpalaz0123 said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    @shoothere4exp One suggestion (other than that, top notch): At least one more mast. In its current configuration, there is nothing for at least two of the crew to do when not fighting. Bigger ships with bigger crews should be more complex to operate.

    They can swab the p**p deck :)

  • First and foremost, great work on the 3D Model. The Man o' War is quite the idea and I've spent a great amount of time trying to figure out how it would work with this game. And my best constructive suggestion would be to implement the ship as a derelict ship in the sever. Having the option to start in a Man o' War would change the entire balance of the game. However since everyone would like to see more events and experiences, I believe a derelict ship can solve that problem. Here is what I mean when I say derelict ship:

    Man o' War Derelict Ship

    • Either is always present somewhere remote in the world similar to the Kraken or spawns on a similar timer to a Skull Fort.

    • The ship is empty and comes in different degrees of damage, from pristine all the way to waterlogged and in need of boards.

    • A crew would have to approach and board the ship and abandon theirs in order to commandeer said Man o' War.

    • The Man o' War COULD be crewed by a 2-4 man crew but incredibly ineffectively. This would encourage a Parlay with other crews.

    • The Parlay idea is not something I thought of until these forms but this derelict ship working in tandem with "Parlay Papers" could prove to create meaningful experiences with other players.

    • In order to make the ship a server experience instead of a server dominator, players would not respawn on the Man o' War but instead maybe a nearby island or their old ship.

    • Players would face the dilemma to either sink the ship or board and take over the ship because once sunk, the Man o' War would be on a long respawn timer, very similar to the Skull forts.

    • Additionally, when on a Man o' War with another crew, loot should not be shared but rather split between crews who enter into a Parlay.

  • @nickpalaz0123
    I've played around with the idea of a fourth mast... the trouble is where would it go?
    What I've done instead is added crosstree paltforms mid level up the fron two masts, and the idea is that from those platforms you would control the furling of the top sails. Rotation would all be done from the main deck, but furling of the top sails would add extra work.

    Below is a study I did a while back of a fourth sail... It doesnt really work to me but I'm curious what you all think.
    alt text

  • @shoothere4exp You know what, you are right. Four masts don't work on a ship of this type (and weren't used historically until flatter ships came around). I do think that adding sail ropes on the upper platforms would help. Perhaps adding some sails to the bowsprits would help as well?

  • @shoothere4exp

    I actually really like it with the 4th sail. I also think it makes it much more visually distinct from a difference. The size of it would be pretty obvious as soon as you're close, but I'm thinking that if you're looking at it along the horizon line through your spy glass it could potentially look pretty close to a galleon without that 4th sail.

    If you kept it at three sails, perhaps it could have an ornamental sail that runs down to the bowsprits.

  • @williamherschel I'm thinking make the bowsprit sails functional, give player #6 something to do.

  • @WilliamHerschel @Nickpalaz0123
    My hesitation with the bowspirits is that Rare has conciously made a decision with it's ship designs to not include them in either the Galleon or sloop, historically Galleons would have had them and Rare instead chose to make the front of the ship a social/combat space rather than a sailing one. I wouldn't be opposed to adding the bowspirit if Rare added them into the game, but as of right now it seems to me like its part of the Sea of Thieves look and ship design concept not to have them.

  • @shoothere4exp said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    I get that you think it could be OP and I hear you, but the idea is that with this ship the barrier to entry would be higher and therefore rarer. (Don't allow matchmaking to sail it, require full party of 6. Or make it a ship you have to find on the map) Maybe it starts as a Skeleton Ghose Ship on the map that you have to capture. The goal is to have it be a rare PVP boss battle int he same way a Kraken is a rare PVE one.

    Or - as I keep trying to point out - use ship draft.

    This ship should be difficult to bring into any type of shallow water. Make turning and slowing the ship difficult - even with anchor.

  • I like it. Looks great. My only suggestion would be to relocate the anchor to the forecastle or front of the ship. Keeping it out in the open creates a weakness and vulnerability to the crew try to raise anchor. That and having an anchor midship and below decks doesn't seem like it should be historically correct.

  • @shoothere4exp said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    @WilliamHerschel @Nickpalaz0123
    My hesitation with the bowspirits is that Rare has conciously made a decision with it's ship designs to not include them in either the Galleon or sloop, historically Galleons would have had them and Rare instead chose to make the front of the ship a social/combat space rather than a sailing one.

    I think the design decision on spritsails was less about "social space" and more due to the fact that it would interfere with how the ship sailed in the seas. The ships don't sit high enough and the plunging of the ships would send the sail beneath the waves.

    This is likely similar to why they hid the anchor. The chain was likely an issue and they couldn't get it to sit properly against the hull.

  • @shoothere4exp Considering the size of the open spaces you have on the deck of this bad boy, I think it would be ok to have a bit less on the foredeck. It's a beautiful design, by the way.

  • @captainsloopdog Outrun? The sloop already gets chased down by the Galleon? Out maneuver yes. But I keep seeing people say the sloop is faster, it is not.

  • @dakushymonster said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    @captainsloopdog Outrun? The sloop already gets chased down by the Galleon? Out maneuver yes. But I keep seeing people say the sloop is faster, it is not.

    Well, this was a cruddy design decision - Galleons were slow ships. The sloop wasn't the fastest ship available - but it was faster than Galleons.

    Anyhow, in the game universe it depends if you are sailing with the wind or against it.

    The Sloop outpaces the Galleon against the wind.

  • @captainsloopdog You have 3 sails vs 1. The Galleon makes sense to outrun the one sail sloop. Idk ive never had a sloop outrun me in a dead straight race with both out ships sails in the wind, but have had one escape by turning.

  • The way this boat is laid out is a perfect PvP Skirmish mini map. I would say it would need a couple of ammo boxes on it though to keep the entire thing as a PvP battlefield. Instead of limiting the entire boat to the area surrounding the ammo box.

    This thing taking damage shouldn't be that much of a concern. Keep damage normal, just put the supply crates on the top deck. Just running water from the bottom deck to a point where you can throw it overboard is already more difficult based on the design of the boat. Having to run up 2 flights of stairs to get to more planks would slow down the repair process. Also bigger hull, holds more water, more water quicker to sink. Just speed up the amount of water it takes through a hole.

    And honestly this ship should never be sank by a sloop anyways. If you cant get away from this thing in a sloop then you need to improve your skills.

  • @dakushymonster said in 6 Player MAN O' WAR (3D Model Flythough):

    @captainsloopdog You have 3 sails vs 1. The Galleon makes sense to outrun the one sail sloop. Idk ive never had a sloop outrun me in a dead straight race with both out ships sails in the wind, but have had one escape by turning.

    You're arguing against physics.

    The single sailed Sloop was light ship (~100 tons) with shallow draft (low drag and able to sail over shoals) with gaff rigging (usually) which allowed the ships to sail close to the wind. An average Sloop would run ~11 knots.

    A Galleon on the other hand was a behemoth of a ship (500-1200 tons). Heavy with a deep draft. It was mostly a merchant vessel as opposed to a war ship. While it had a bunch of canvas - it was square rigged and needed to sail with the wind. An average Galleon would run ~9 knots.

    The designers decided to ignore reality in favor of creating the ability of a Galleon to close on a Sloop. It's absurd.

    While I like the idea of a 6 man ship - I think a Schooner needs to be added first. That would be a ship between Sloop and Galleon.

  • So when are you joining the team at Rare? :D This is sweet!

  • This is absolutely beautiful! Awesome work mate, keep it up!

  • While this is really great artwork, I think that such a big ship would be much too powerful to keep the game fair. What I love is the design for the three-person brig. This is what the game needs!

  • @captainsloopdog Yay for science!

  • @ShootHere4EXP Youre a god....holy cow thats nice!

26 out of 67