Custom built Marauder's Chest PC

  • Two months and HOURs of work was put into this. Literal blood, sweat and tears occured during this build, but it was all worth it. Everything was completely custom made except the base chest box, but even that had to be modified. More to come at a later date, such as a build log, pictures, and video action.

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  • 23
  • That’s great work man, loved it 👍🏻😃😃

  • that's pretty cool. good job

  • @vgtrooper
    That is some amazing work m8! Proper commitment right there.
    Would love that sitting on my desk, I am very jealous!

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    Sweet Job

  • @vgtrooper Awesome work!!

  • @vgtrooper Dang. Top job mate.

    I hope it has enough ventilation and fan force air-flow. It would be a shame to have done all of that work only for it to be a mobo coffin.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I'm sure playing with the top of the chest open is enough ventilation haha

  • @pixelhood To be honest, closing the top and having a good fan drawing air-flow across the motherboard, CPU and RAM would be more effective.
    It's like the difference of sitting outside on a hot day without any breeze or being indoors with air conditioning.

  • Nicely done! :D

  • Thanks everyone! Glad everyone is liking it as it was fun to build and see come to life.

    I've ran some benchmarks such as Unigine Heaven and Cinebench15 with the lid up and the gold shelf in place, and the CPU never goes above 120F, but sadly the GPU was hitting 170F. Not surprised really as its a GTX 560 Ti which are known for getting really warm (also Unigine pushes your card more than the average game does). Probably going to replace it with a 1050 Ti which is plenty to run SoT and other games/tasks. And being less than half the wattage it will run a lot cooler. Future pictures will show it better, but the gold shelf actually has large holes drilled into it for breathing and the left side of the shelf doesnt go all the way to the edge (on purpose), leaving about 1/4" gap front to back which allows for good air intake.

  • That is probly the only productive thing I have seen on these forums in a long time. Good job it is super cool!

  • THAT right there is SoT commitment! Give that pirate a hand!

    You sir, must now play this game forever!

  • That is pretty slick. Looks like a fun build for sure. I'm really diggin that mug. Where did you get that?

  • Awesome build!

  • Awesome stuff!

  • I kinda want to make either Chest of a Thousand Grogs or Chest of Sorrow for myself, cause I plan on upgrading/rebuilding my PC soon.

  • @oheck said in Custom built Marauder's Chest PC:

    That is pretty slick. Looks like a fun build for sure. I'm really diggin that mug. Where did you get that?

    Thanks, it was a long, fun build. Sometimes tiring, but worth it in the end.
    Here is where I got the mug:

  • @dreg527 said in Custom built Marauder's Chest PC:

    I kinda want to make either Chest of a Thousand Grogs or Chest of Sorrow for myself, cause I plan on upgrading/rebuilding my PC soon.

    Do it! Both would be really cool to see. Sorrows was on my list, maybe still someday, but I'm thinking Captains chest is next for me.

  • Thanks again everyone! I'm going to update this soon with build progress pictures

  • Links to videos showing it off more and of it running:

    Running -
    Showcase -

  • That’s wicked! Great job!

  • @vgtrooper
    That's awesome! Very creative and unique!
    My only question, why the marauder's chest and not something better?

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