Your Ship's Name

  • I have two ships -

    alt text
    The Devil's Hind - captained by Bran "the Ent" Speaksy


    St. Muirgen's Trident - captained by Phelim McNab (no image, yet.)

    Have you named your ship? If so, what have you named her?

  • 62
  • Coo Coo for Cannon Balls

  • after long debates, we went with "Serenity"

  • We go with "Tugger." Because sometimes we like fightin' round the world.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Naming Your Ship:

    Galleon: Unsinkable VI
    Sloop: She-Got-The-House

  • Teabaggers

  • Me Sloop be the Starchaser and me Galleon be the Sunstorm. Me Brigantine, I be still workin' that out.

  • My galleon is named "Ship Happens"

    My sloop is "Hang on Sloopy"

  • The Cursed Clover

  • I named my ship "The Rusty Ladle". Because it's the best thing to use to serve ice cold revenge with.

  • IronTyde one of the most formidable war ships in the IronFleet.

  • the USS Sloop Dogg

  • The Mahogany Falcon.....yes, Star Wars fan lol

  • The Little Kitty, the cuter the name, the more it should be feared

  • Mine is Susan

  • ive got 12 jenny's

  • The "relation-ship"

  • @admiral-greyjoy And, here I thought the Silence was the most powerful ship in the fleet. ;)

  • Bananabread

    Because I played a bunch of spy party and I'm not a very creative type.

  • The Atlantis - Captained by NeptunesRise of Rouge Legends

  • I be Captain of "The Kattegat", Terror of the Seas! alt text

  • IronTyde on the clock.

  • I call my ship the Spanish Inquisition, because nobody expects her!

  • @thecageddeath said in Your Ship's Name:

    I call my ship the Spanish Inquisition, because nobody expects her!


    Mine is and always has been 'Dark-Water Witch'.

  • @Reedski, @o-pixel-pixie-o we need a ship name!
    We are far too formidable at the moment, as @PersonalC0ffee personal can attest to!

  • My sloop is called Sloop Dogg

    I am thinking of naming my galleon after my ex because she never went down on me.

  • My galleon is named, "The Good Fortune", and my sloop has no name.

  • @sshteeve HMS Clustercluck lol

  • @evil-wolf-snipe said in Your Ship's Name:

    My sloop is called Sloop Dogg

    I am thinking of naming my galleon after my ex because she never went down on me.


  • I usually refer to my sloop as "Sharkbait"
    Galleons get named different things depending on the crew and colours, HMS Vengeance, The Dawnwaker, Patchy McPatch, Halfsunk Hero, The Ship with No Name, Sloop Botherer... there's quite a few, we're not sentimental lol

  • @reedski I like it!
    Does it need to be an HMS thiugh? What about WPS? (Welsh Pirate Ship!)

  • @sshteeve you sicken me sir! It could of course just be "The", we're not necessarily on naval business after all

  • @evil-wolf-snipe nooooo thats the name of our sloop too because both of us are Barker pirates and only roll a sloop

  • My galleon name is "The Rock Crawler"
    I let you guess why

  • Galleon is named: The Wilson.
    Cuz it's simply 'woaw'

21 out of 62