First wave of bans

  • @admiral-greyjoy im amazed by this post being locked but anyway no you dont deserve anything if you are a "victim" of a hacker but i also wouldnt mind seeing how many i dont need names a number would suffice

  • @captgraykid said in First wave of bans:

    Frankly, I just want everyone who trolled these forums telling everyone that there are no hacks, get gud. To get a permanent ban.

    git gud

    -an xbox user that's never seen a hacker

    p.s. come at me pro

  • This reminds me of something my father told me back when I was but a wee lil hippie. He said "you listen, gator, and you listen good! Flying a plane is no different than riding a bike. It's just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes!"

  • If there is cheaters, it is not xbox problem alone. "Hey lets remove crossplay so it is not my problem anymore." Do you notice how selfish that is. You sound like corrupted politics that only think about themselves and let everybody else suffer. "Lets raise taxes for poor ppl so we rich ppl do not get involved by this."

  • I've played since launch and the beta before then. I'm yet to meet a cheat using hacks and although I agree that some are out there, I'd say it's far less than reported or suspected. It's been documented that 14% of users in the first month were PC players and I'd say it's less than .01% of those players. But of course that's just a guess.

    @admiral-greyjoy said

    I don’t think the pc community will innovate new hacks I 100% know they will & I’ll swear to it.

    lol Although some might take it as a compliment, the "PC community" as whole isn't that smart. Hacks are made by a minority, most often just one person and up to a small handful of people (maybe five or six people) who claim the hack as a team effort. The hack is then downloaded by cheaters. There is no "community" of hackers.

    The ESP / aim bot would have been designed for other games using the Unreal4 engine and adapted to SoT.

    Not directing this at any individual, but...
    Claims that "all PC users are hackers" is beyond a joke.
    Not only is it insulting to all PC users but it simply makes whoever says it look like a bloody idiot.
    PC gamers don't like cheaters any more than you Xbox users do. We've had to tolerate them for far longer than the (until recent) sheltered console user. Micro$oft have only just cut the cord on you guys now.

    If people are really so against PCs then why play any video game? They were all made on PCs. Yep, even the console exclusive games.
    If you've ever downloaded mods for any game, they were made on PC, by PC users.
    Let's not forget, most if not all cheat detectors are made by PC users. Not developers.

    So which is it? Send the lynch mob out on a witch hunt for all PC users and stop producing games, mods and anti-cheats or grin and bear it like the rest of the true "PC community" has had to do (since 1995) until these hacks are detected and the cheaters are caught?

    @Sun4k0 said

    If there is cheaters, it is not xbox problem alone. "Hey lets remove crossplay so it is not my problem anymore." Do you notice how selfish that is. You sound like corrupted politics that only think about themselves and let everybody else suffer. "Lets raise taxes for poor ppl so we rich ppl do not get involved by this."

    Thank you.

  • @el-dunco I would kick the {Mod Edit - Removed swearing} out of you

  • @el-dunco As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    I would like to see some numbers on these bans. Out of those banned for hacks & exploits recently. How many were PC players I wonder? Was it 100%? How do they propose to curtail cheating moving forward because I can guarantee removing crossplay would eliminate 95% of it, if not all on consoles. What do we do for those that have been the victims of hackers? Are they just out of luck & loot? Having their time & efforts unfairly taken leaving them with nothing but a very bad taste in their mouths regarding crossplay.

    Translation: "Hmm, i feel like beating a dead horse today, anybody wanna join me?"

    I will not validate your bias against PC users, i will not feed your delusions, have a good day.

  • @captgraykid said in First wave of bans:

    @el-dunco I would kick the s**t out of you

    You can't kick in this game. I bet you're a hacker!

  • @cardshark-360 said in First wave of bans:

    @el-dunco As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


    Is saying "git gud" jokingly more offensive than wishing a permaban on a bunch of people?

    and then your comment to me is directly after he said he'd kick the s**t out of me haha ok...I'll behave

  • @captgraykid said in First wave of bans:

    [Mod edited]

    You're definitely a hacker. How else would you be able to make fun of autism and not get a warning?

    Pls don't dox me :(

  • @hynieth there is a bunch of lag switching going on

  • @howdoishoot926 I'm used to playing on EU servers and whenever I encouter an eastern European person it's often a lagfest. It's not as bad as during the early 2000's but it's still noticable. I think it's more of an ISP doesnt care problem.

  • @racmop lol nice video. Really highlights the differences between platforms. See how quickly he looks around and aquires targets? Even the ability to navigate around on his ship is vastly different.
    And people say there isnt a difference, very dishonest people. This is why we want optional crossplay, its so obvious!

  • @captgraykid You're comment to el-dunco is massively offensive and against both the forum rules and the Pirate code. I'd suggest you delete it before a @Deckhand or moderator does.
    Threatening violence in the manner you did isn't really by the rules either, try and keep it as civil as possible.

    Cheers, have a good day.

  • @sshteeve it was a pirate comment after he told me to bring it. Lol, chill out my dude.

  • @CAPTGraykid -

    Do not use vulgar language or harass other users. This is a warning, further breaking of the forum rules will result in a temporary ban. Please remain respectful.

  • [Mod edited] (I say that as a console and pc player) it’s so evident this topic isn’t about bans but how you want to prove that all hackers come from pc and that Xbox players would be better off without crossplay.

    I love the crossplay in this game and I wish for it to continue. :)

  • @admiral-greyjoy because you’re not looking to remove hackers you’re looking to remove pc players from Xbox players. It’s like getting a paper cut on your finger and chopping off your whole arm.

  • @Sytoki Please refrain from name calling and derogatory language on the forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

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  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in First wave of bans:

    @racmop lol nice video. Really highlights the differences between platforms. See how quickly he looks around and aquires targets? Even the ability to navigate around on his ship is vastly different.
    And people say there isnt a difference, very dishonest people. This is why we want optional crossplay, its so obvious!

    i'm on PC and i can't do what he did and I can bet that most PC players can't either...
    I can also bet that there is a chunk of Xbox players that can whoop my PC booty.

  • As this thread was 4 months old, and revived today, it will now be locked. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this topic!

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