Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6

  • Dear Rare,

    This "Sunken Curse" adventure- had me really bummed out... i was expecting some progress with actual mermaid enemy, or at least somthing that gives us somthing more after the two weeks it appears...

    But no.. we got another chair adventure... and a sucky one too-

    After this event will be over- we will do nothing with those statues... they will remain in the world (maybe)- unworthy of our time and attantion- just like the chairs..

    I was kinda hopfull after the explosive skeletons- which improved the ai treat range and varity, and made a direct impact on forts, quests and exploration...
    And here... nothing- just hitting statues for nothing... no new treat interupting, no new mechanic implimented.. i mean- we could have got GEMS! as a reward! but no.. nothing...

    The only thing good about this patch- was the edition of underwater shinies...
    The outfits are not that special, the gameplay is boring, and the legend quests- which is the only thing keeping me around- is now broken..

    Now look- i understand that you are a company that do improve their game on a weekly bases and do listen to their community- and i really appriciate and respect this... but it doesnt change the fact that the game is missing TONS of content- just from the top of my head:

    We need dolphins, whales, jellyfishes, sea / land turtles, crabs, stingrays, frogs, worms and varies of interactable fishes (and fishing), clams, squids, octopuses, algae to pick up and make potion out of.

    More chests, more skulls, more collectiable trade goods, more collectiable supplies- more fruits and food types, maybe ropes, metal bars for fixing cannons, the option to fix a fallen mast, more cosmetic's and body & hair color setting, variations and missing types of cosmetics such as- jewelry (as loot for gold hoarders and things the charecter can wear), face paint, trinckets, sholder belts, more weapon types and ammo varitations, drops from enemies and "bosses", more instruments, more ships, more quest types, more activities with great impact on the game world, more island variations (size, looks, types of npcs), more npcs, more mechanics....

    This game is lacking and i'm very dissapointed at the direction it's heading... we get promises for things, and always get the minimum possible additions :/

  • Found an issue,
    My sloop was as close as possible parked at the shore, there where no waves, but a Skeleton shot my sloop with a cannon and hit upper water line in bottom deck, and water was flushing in as it is like a hit at underwaterline. So i checked again and let the Skeleton hit my sloop on and on all hits at upper water line at the bottom deck did flush all time without any interrupts.
    Pls fix it sloops get sunk so easy with that bug...

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @xmaster13ag used 4+ gunpowder on a single statue and hasn't broken lol

    Must be a red one. They heal very quickly so by the time you swim down with a second barrel the damage from the first barrel is healed. You're probably going to need 3 people all doing damage at the same time to destroy it fast enough

  • @guepard4 Has not effected me once since I started playing, Xbox One X.

  • @blindnev nah, 3 players will do. I’ve heard people say they’ve managed to do it in duos or even solo with enough well timed leg explosions but that just sounds like way more trouble than just finding a couple extra pirates to be honest lol

  • When will my character get his light blonde hair back? He has had greyish/black hair for a week now.

  • Game is still crashing to desktop. Are you planning to fix this issue? It has been going on for 2 weeks now and is still occuring?

  • @gamerofthebeer dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @guepard4 Has not effected me once since I started playing, Xbox One X.

    Then you are too slow playing or it only happens in PC.

    Why I say slow? Because the problem with the cannon happens if you shoot yourself extremly fast after loading yourself.

  • CURSED SAILS relase date?

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 Ahoy there, we don't know for sure yet matey, but a video and release date is coming next week.

    And then we will know :D

  • And coffeebeard.....

  • Wish they would give us an update if they were going to fix the randomly crashing to desktop bug while firing cannons. It's affect me and my friends and a few streamers I watch. Game never crashed before last week's patch.

  • Disappointed in this patch. They said you need 4 ppl total to destroy the ruby red statues yet it only requires 3 ppl total. Lies being told to us. Or lack of testing maybe. They can't even give us accurate estimations on damage to statues requiring 4 ppl. I've even found them on the beech not even in deep water. After this event I hope they just remove them. After this is over they won't even be touched. And where's the loot on the ocean floor. I have yet to find any. Can they atlrast give us a captains chest for sinking these cursed ships in the next update. Give us loot rewards for these events.

  • @closinghare208 heach area. Snake Island has a bunch too.

  • Yeah I have enjoyed the new event. Plus its given a nice break in the everyday grind of Athena voyages.

  • I'm really getting tired of crashing............ Can we get a fix for this! This game isn't in beta right?

  • I wish they would at least acknowledge that the game is unstable at the moment. Grrrr the crashes are so frustrating.

  • Take it offline until its fixed.

  • @pvt-partts227 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Disappointed in this patch. They said you need 4 ppl total to destroy the ruby red statues yet it only requires 3 ppl total. Lies being told to us. Or lack of testing maybe. They can't even give us accurate estimations on damage to statues requiring 4 ppl. I've even found them on the beech not even in deep water. After this event I hope they just remove them. After this is over they won't even be touched. And where's the loot on the ocean floor. I have yet to find any. Can they atlrast give us a captains chest for sinking these cursed ships in the next update. Give us loot rewards for these events.

    To be fair, they didn't say four people would be required to do the ruby statues. They said no more than four. How many people it takes depends on your choice of tactics. In any event, the more people you have the less time it will take. And although the treasure isn't easy to spot, it's there. I've found a villainous skull and a seafarer's chest. Others have found a lot more. So it's definitely there, if you're willing to search for it.

  • @soundwavedebomb This new adventure can be completed solo. 5 kegs will destroy a shallow Ruby Statue. Yes it is more time consuming to complete the challenge but that is the price we solos have to pay.

  • Took a few days to get legendary curse breaker, but definitely the longest bilge rat adventure yet!
    I like that it's easier with others, but doesn't require another ship to complete. Also, nice use of underwater.

  • so far blues and greens can be done solo. Ruby's can too but takes a little longer doing those solo.

  • I'm 14 statues away from Legendary Curse Breaker, and I have yet to spot any treasure near the statues. Is there a wide radius I should be searching?

    FYI - I did all so far with a 2-person crew.

  • @jhaden762 it's just random, I found a villainous skull dug in to the sea floor nowhere near a mermaid, like I couldn't even hear a mermaid... this was on Shipwreck Bay but also seen stuff off Mermaids Hideaway

  • My friend has now purchased several letters of recommendation and gotten nothing from it. Dubloons gone, but his rank didn't increase. We've made reports but Rare just ignores them or closes them like usual with out even acknowledging it.


  • Can we wrap up this adventure? I have a heavy work schedgual 12 h a day 5 days a week and finished legendary curse breaker solo. We have had plenty of time to do it. + with the cursed sails release it will be half way through an event.

  • Please separate pc players in a server for themselfs,

    We can play vs mouse and key.


  • @edward-six-echo

    Please don't.
    I can't play with my family then.

  • @edward-six-echo Please don't separate PC and Xbox players. While I have both and can play either my friends and family do not have such a luxury.

  • @edward-six-echo WHY? Lots of PC players use an xbox controllers. Like myself.
    Anyway - they will never divide the player base like that.

  • Almost the posibillity to choose

    I bought an xbox not a pc, i dont wanna play with cheaters.(not all of them of course)

    I wanna choose not to play with them.

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