Forsaken Shores - progress update

  • Hi everyone

    With the Forsaken Shores release getting ever closer, I wanted to give you a progress update. We are currently nearing the end of our polish and bug fixing phase, and our goal is to ensure we deliver a stable, polished and bug-free experience to all our players.

    As you’ll know, our last couple of updates have seen issues introduced into the build (such as the unfortunate spyglass incident) or have required emergency maintenance immediately following release. With Forsaken Shores it’s our priority to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

    One of the key steps in this process is to deliver a build to our Pioneers, ensuring we identify any issues that may only be present at scale and in a live environment. A near-final build is currently working its way towards Pioneers for testing throughout the coming weekend.

    We will be monitoring throughout the weekend, both for bugs and any final feedback points that we want to address. As we work through the final list of bugs and polish points we have generated internally, we know that there is always a chance of unexpected issues and feedback when we get this out to our Pioneer player-base.

    With this in mind, we wanted to let everyone know that there is a chance that Forsaken Shores may not release on the 19th September as planned. Should this happen, we don’t expect the delay to be longer than a few days, but we wanted to make sure everyone knew in advance so that you can plan your schedules for next week accordingly. It’s very dependent on the results from our testing over the weekend, and we will be in a much clearer position on Monday so please keep an eye on our social channels for more information then.

    Our priority is to ensure that everyone can play the Forsaken Shores update when it launches, without any unexpected issues disrupting the experience. We appreciate everyone’s understanding as we head towards this exciting release. I am writing this after playing the latest build, and I can promise it’s worth the potential extra wait. The new volcanic world region is a huge change of pace and intensity for Sea of Thieves, and my personal new favourite feature, the absolutely brilliant rowboat is just so much fun. I’m looking forward to taking on anyone I meet out there in an impromptu rowboat race.

    Finally, I wanted to thank all our Pioneers for your support in getting involved like this prior to release, providing valuable feedback and bug reports, and ensuring we can deliver a great experience for everyone. You are all awesome.


    Joe Neate
    Executive Producer

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  • @the3sheetsneate But, can you fly the Reaper’s Flag on the rowboat? ;)

  • @The3SheetsNeate Huzzah! I'd rather it be delayed than unplayable! Thanks for the update!

  • @the3sheetsneate Thanks once again for the open and honest update Joe!

    I wish you and the team all the best luck in the world - and no matter what day it launches on I'm sure we would all rather play a stable build than one that is rushed out to please the demand and not the players.

  • I hope the social media team is still going to be doing something for talk like a pirate day.

  • @xboxfanuk I bet they will knowing that bunch o' scallywags!

  • Aye, I was expecting a delay and I rather have the new expansion delayed than heavily bugged.

    The current build is still rediculated with small bugs. I would like to see a progress update on those as well, please.

    While I wait I'll will keep my spyglass pointed towards the horizon.

  • Take your time, Sea of Thieves is an amazing game and a real beauty. I'm giddy to play, but I always understand a need to polish. If you need another person as a Pioneer tester, I'd love to help out 😁 I am a pirate legend (as of Hungering Deep update) and have my Athena at 10. So i'm all up for exploring the world for bugs 🐛

  • @The3SheetsNeate
    I rather see something delayed then buggy and i'm sure that the vast majority of the community shares that sentiment.

    Thank you and the rest of the Team for the work you put into this!

  • @The3SheetsNeate

    Thanks Joe..... can't wait.... but if we must, we've your back!!

    I'll be worth the wait.

    alt text

  • Thank you ! Hope people will understand and don't complain about this !

  • I will always prefer a build that comes late but in good quality than a build that comes on time but unfunctional. No rush, take your time, we understand that game development ain't easy.

  • @the3sheetsneate This needs to be the big lesson to you guys about how you handle your game updates and new content progression. The reality is that the game has been a shambolic mess ever since the end of Cursed Sails and you all arrogantly changed the fundimentals of the barrel inventory system by ignoring feedback from Pioneers and without truly testing it properly before it was forced into the game and subsequently broke the game which now three weeks later has caused the possible delay of Forsaken Shores.

    I would rather you just delayed it officially instead of hoping that by telling the community that you are "working through the weekend" to get it ready which will probably just mean a sloppy release and further issues put in the game that you will then just take days thanking everyone for their patience.

    Forsaken Shores was going to be the last chance I gave this game after this past month has left it unplayable for me and my regular crew but this just scares me if quite honest and leaves me worried about the future of this game even more.

  • Thanks for the warning in advance, guess i might have to withdraw my day off on thursday o0

  • None could have imagine this happening!
    More seriously, like others said, better delayed than unplayable!
    Take your time to let everything in place, we understand.

    Thanks again for the new interaction between devs and community, we sure appreciate!

    Cheers! 🍻

  • I am so excited for the new update.
    I’m also really pumped about the new rowboats. They’ll probably be really cool. I’m excited for the mechanic of the rowboat, how it’ll feel to steer them 🤔.

    In addition I’m really glad of the news you just gave us. That’s the type of transparency I think is really important.
    Thanks for that one @The3SheetsNeate
    The notification about the possible delay of the release really happy because as I mentioned before in other threads “just tell us about the problems and delays we will understand”.
    To come to us challenging you: 😂
    Let me figure out the steering and speed.
    Than it’s on 😉

    Arrrr sail on ;)

  • @the3sheetsneate Thanks for the update Cap'n! I'm certainly looking forward to the new features :)

  • @The3SheetsNeate

    It is way better to release an update that is playable and fun than the mess dropped by the barrelful in the last update.

    Hopefully the extra work to get Forsaken Shores as right as possible will also include the additional improvements to the new inventory system everyone has been asking for.

  • @the3sheetsneate Good stuff. Thanks for the update and keeping us in the know!

    Looking forward to abandoning my mate in a row boat - the sucker!

  • As always fantastic work guys. I agree with all other comments being made I would rather wait a few extra days and have less bugs being discovered than have the update early with multiple problems. I know for one I am very excited about the new update and wish your team all the best with getting it to us in what I hope a fully functional state.

    see ye all on the seas ye salty dogs!

  • Take your time! The players will live! Thank you so much for everything you guys do!!

  • Thanks for the update @The3SheetsNeate !

  • @the3sheetsneate Thank you for the update Joe, love SoT and the general direction of the game. I do wish to ask though, are you guys working on fixing the current bugs in the game. Many of them really have an affect on the games overall performance and enjoyment. Especially the random shaking/jittering that occurs on a very constant basis.

  • That is 110% percent okay! I’d rather have a polished release late than it be broken. Take your time and give us the best release possible! Happy sailing! Argh!

  • I'd rather it comes out late but bugless than on time but broken.

    When Cursed Sails launched I had a really bad first day.
    The game wouldn't stop crashing, I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling. Which took a long time.

    • So take your time Rare ... I'm not going anywhere!
  • I kind of hope it's not pushed back too much, I took the 20-23 off to play it on my B-day on the 20th. But if it is pushed back I hope it's only a day or two.

  • @geek3rs said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    I kind of hope it's not pushed back too much, I took the 20-23 off to play it on my B-day on the 20th. But if it is pushed back I hope it's only a day or two.

    Happy birthday a bit early matey!!!! While I do hope that they have all the bugs out of the system so that you can enjoy it, I believe even you would rather be able to enjoy it free of bugs, rather than the same level of frustration as we had the first day of Cursed Sails followed by the first day of Cursed Crews. Hopefully, whether the update is released on time or not, you will have a fantastic birthday mate.

  • @the3sheetsneate thank you for all your hard work :)

  • @nofears-fun sagte in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    @geek3rs said in Forsaken Shores - progress update:

    I kind of hope it's not pushed back too much, I took the 20-23 off to play it on my B-day on the 20th. But if it is pushed back I hope it's only a day or two.

    Happy birthday a bit early matey!!!! While I do hope that they have all the bugs out of the system so that you can enjoy it, I believe even you would rather be able to enjoy it free of bugs, rather than the same level of frustration as we had the first day of Cursed Sails followed by the first day of Cursed Crews. Hopefully, whether the update is released on time or not, you will have a fantastic birthday mate.

    A bug free game would be a charm as a birthday present

  • @nofears-fun Oh I agree, a big free game would be better late than buggy game on time.

  • I’d rather have a working update than an on-time update.

    I gladly volunteer as tribute to be a pioneer to help out! :-)

  • Thanks for the update. Sad about already scheduling the day off Wednesday if it's delayed but that's better than being mad at the game all day!

  • Yey take the time u neate ;))

  • @The3SheetsNeate Yet another excellent and informative post! I for one am perfectly happy to wait for a smoother build. As they say..."It's better to go slower in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction." :-D

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