Reaper's Chest and Monster battles

  • So i got two ideas here that i want to talk about.

    Reaper's Cursed Chest

    This idea is about a chest version of the Reaper's mark flag, except player's can't turn it off. Once you have unearthed the chest, it will show up on the map for everyone to see. The chest rewards players with a large amount of gold and thus could serve as a lesser version of maybe a fort chest. The main point is that this chest is meant to tell other players "behold, i have a rare and valuable chest on my ship. Try an get it." Thus, unlike the Reaper's Mark, a crew of player's can then attack another without ending up with no loot for their struggles. True, a player could just drop the chest because of this, but again, it rewards a large amount of gold and other players can easly find it with the map.

    Monster Battles

    This is another idea i want to talk about, many people have complained about not getting any rewards for defeating the Kraken or the Megalodon. Well this idea would serve to fix that (plus i also wanna add in this other idea made by @Trickrtreat01:

    Basicly, you all know about the Skeleton fort and ship clouds, well in my idea there would also be a new one. A cloud based on the Kraken skulls we have seen all over the Sea of Thieves:

    image is not by me

    When you sail to these Kraken clouds, you would find a collection of shipwrecks surrounding the area, but... don't try an swim in the water to collect the loot... It would not be safe while the cloud is still over the area:

    This is sadly the best image i could find of the aggressive Merfolk.

    Now, i would also make it clear that when you get to such an area, the monster won't show up... until you play the right tune to awaken the beast:

    Once you have done that, the monster will rise from the depths and attack you. If you defeat the beast, the loot from all the shipwrecks will float up to the surface, the skull will vanish and the water will then be safe for you to pick the loot up in peace.

    Now some may be asking why i included a mention to Trickrtreat01's idea in this. Well it's because i thought that these rare cosmetic chests could also be a part of these fights, as another reward for defeating the monsters.

    Also, there would be more monsters than just the Kraken and Megalodon for these fights in order to make things more interesting.

    Like for example, this Crustacean Kraken from the artbook

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  • I am all for whatever it takes to get ships out there battling over stuff and to give us rare items so we don't all look alike.

  • @dark-henrik-22 we 'ave that already but it would be cool if there was a giant crab in the game for that like the meg

  • @dark-henrik-22

    Great ideas, mate.

    I would leave the reaper's mark in it, otherwise it defeats the purpose.
    How could a chest worth more than usual chests be "more interesting at sea" if no other crew knows that you have it?

    With risk comes reward.

    In fact, I'd like to see this idea applied to the box of mysterious secrets. If you want to claim 25,000 then you had better guard it with your life.

  • LOVE the cursed chest idea!!!

  • @admiral-rrrsole Something i just realised with the Monster battle idea, is that they in a way add some life and maybe even more lore to the current Seas in the game. Just the idea of sailing to these clouds and then finding a collection of shipwrecks in one area, in a way adds to the dread of these monsters when one thinks about how many might have lost their lives to them. Plus also giving the vibe that, while you were sailing to the Devil's Ridge to dig up a treasure, the crews on these shipwrecks got attacked by a monster.

  • @dark-henrik-22

    Great ideas and presented very well! Here are my thoughts on what you presented here. I think the Reaper’s Mark flag should remain as it is. I think your concept would work in three very good ways:

    King’s Flag: This flag would function like the Reaper’s Mark except it works like you are taking about. Once flag is flown it starts a timer. The flag cannot be taken down for the event time limit. A King’s Bounty Chest is chained down on that ship. Ship shows up with a chest flag on the map. Maybe a music alert sounds for these type of events to alert players to check the map to see what is out there.

    A “King of the Sea” event is now underway. If players can sink the ship and crew, the chest breaks free and floats to the surface. If the crew manages to make it through the time limit, they are then free to sail to an outpost and turn it in.

    Gold Hoarder Courier: Similar to above. Except this is a voyage that can be purchased from the Gold Hoarders. A chest is locked down on the ship. Like cargo runs the crew has to deliver the treasure being transferred. Ship shows up on the map. Players could be again alerted by music and a ship with chest flag on the map.

    If Rare can truly implement skeleton ships popping up anywhere, they could be drawn to this treasure floating on the sea. Sure the skeles would want some of their lost gold and treasure back. If players chase down and sink the ship and its crew before the destination is reached, the treasure floats up for them to claim. If they crew starting the courier mission makes it, they turn in a manifest to claim a reward.

    Fort Flag: In this case players would send a flag up over a fort. There are all those forts out there that are empty. Players would gather their own treasure. Maybe they decide to protect the treasure from a defeated skull fort. Better yet the same treasure that would be locked in a skull fort now sits waiting in the vault for the players to defend instead of the skeletons. Multiple crews could be defending the fort under the same fort flag like an alliance.

    A flag cloud appears over the fort. The players defending the fort do so under a timer. If other players come and defeat the players they now hold the fort. Could have another alliance to try to take the fort. Which ever crew or crews can hold the fort until the event expires wins the key.

    This is a very disappointing under utilized feature in the game right now. Getting together to hunt, summon, and slay the megalodon was a lot of fun.

    Megalodon: No reason to not have players able to gather and go on a megalodon hunt. However, since the event is over, the players should be rewarded with treasure. Even if that never happens again, at least let random treasure and skulls pop up. Since the megalodon does not discriminate who or what it sinks its teeth it, it is bound to have swallowed things whole that could be coughed up upon death as a reward.

    Kraken: Same thing. Since the kraken attacks ships it would make sense it also swallowed a chest or two along the way. It does not have to be a kraken looking cloud. Maybe a swirling storm cloud pops up over the kraken when it attacks a ship. That way players who take notice can either sail to aid the ship caught in the kraken's clutches or finish them both off to take anything that was aboard the ship and what floats up from the kraken.

    World Bosses: I think Rare should add more big monsters. Give them a purpose to hunt and rewards to be gained for slaying them. Make them more world bosses. Would be similar to taking forts. They could even add a new faction. It could be something like the Order of Bones. In addition to treasure type rewards, these monsters would give bones, teeth, claws, etc. that can be turned in to the order. It could even be a new type of voyage added to the Order of Souls if it does not call for a separate new order.

  • @dark-henrik-22 people like your ideas mate

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Reaper's Chest and Monster battles:

    @admiral-rrrsole Something i just realised with the Monster battle idea, is that they in a way add some life and maybe even more lore to the current Seas in the game. Just the idea of sailing to these clouds and then finding a collection of shipwrecks in one area, in a way adds to the dread of these monsters when one thinks about how many might have lost their lives to them. Plus also giving the vibe that, while you were sailing to the Devil's Ridge to dig up a treasure, the crews on these shipwrecks got attacked by a monster.

    I really like the idea of a ship graveyard. It could pop up randomly. It would go well with my other idea under this thread:

    Add a diving helmet as player equipment. That way a character could stay underwater as long as someone in his crew is pumping air down back in the ship.

  • @soulseeker said in Reaper's Chest and Monster battles:

    So let me start off by say GREAT ideas love them. But as far as the chest lets make it more interesting an not turn on the reapers mark. This will make it more interesting at sea!

    Now the bad part. Rare doesnt listen to anything we say. There are 1000's of ideas here since day 1 and nothing. I even said they need to hire a Game Creative Department. People who don't do coding or anything like that. They just know what it takes to make a great game. This game had the greatest potential to go so far and its falling hard.

    I do know they hired a new game director I hope he takes note and changes the game but until we see what we go who knows.

    But again. GREAT IDEAS man great!

    It does appear that no one is really listening. If it is really true, someone needs to start now before it is too late. Otherwise everyone who is still here will not keep sticking around.

    Perhaps the Pioneers could become spokes people for what players are asking and shouting for. Instead of just testing new content and features Rare comes up with, be an advocate to promote and help forge a path of community driven content.

  • @soulseeker said in Reaper's Chest and Monster battles:

    @x-crowheart-x exactly man. People come and go using game pass but no loyal players much anymore. These worthless DLC are dumb and they push them so hard and stream them to make them see cool.and fun and they are absolutely the worst. I have a feeling in November when 2 major games are released they will see a major drop off.

    I know. I was accused of hurting the devs feelings and their pride. That is not what I am doing. Yes, it can seem like some of us is a bit too loud or just being mean. I can say that is absolutely not true. Everyone is getting louder because no one seems to be listening like you said.

    Some want to argue that they listened by scraping all their plans to give us everything so far. Yes, some good things have come out of it, but look where we really are. All the voices growing louder speak otherwise. Having to scrap everything was more of an indicator that someone did not have their finger on the pulse of the player community.

    I, like everyone here and many others, are simply trying to make the game something to be even more proud of. Something that makes us all very happy and proud pirates. Something that draws a lot more players into the game. Players who will stay. Players who become pirates to sail with and against us all for a very long time to come.

  • @dark-henrik-22 Awesome idea, it would be cool if the reapers chest wasnt dug up but rather it manifested itself on the lower deck of your ship after having the reapers mark activated for a certain amount of time without being sunk.
    Say like after 30 min your Reapers Mark icon on the map would change to a Reapers Chest icon. The chest would be locked to the floor on the bottom of your ship until your ship is sunk and then it would float up.

  • @lord-pharqwad said in Reaper's Chest and Monster battles:

    @dark-henrik-22 Awesome idea, it would be cool if the reapers chest wasnt dug up but rather it manifested itself on the lower deck of your ship after having the reapers mark activated for a certain amount of time without being sunk.
    Say like after 30 min your Reapers Mark icon on the map would change to a Reapers Chest icon. The chest would be locked to the floor on the bottom of your ship until your ship is sunk and then it would float up.

    Exactly my thought in my King’s Flag and King of the Sea twist above to @Dark-Henrik-22 idea.

  • @x-crowheart-x lol didnt even see that great minds think alike!

  • @lord-pharqwad said in Reaper's Chest and Monster battles:

    @x-crowheart-x lol didnt even see that great minds think alike!

    Especially when it is a good thing! So many great ideas from players.

    Most of this could easily be implemented using basically most things already in the game. Would bring so much more to PvEvP. The more chance for players to do things together, even if it ends up battling each other, the more fun that can be had by all.

  • @x-Crowheart-x @Lord-Pharqwad @SoulSeeker The thing about the cursed Reaper's chest is that the curse IS a reaper's mark. Not so much that the reaper's mark flag shows up if you have the chest, but that the chest itself have the same effect. This chest could easly thrive in a pvp enviorment. Now some players would undouptly not like this because of the mark telling everyone where you are, you can't even use the rowboat to sneak the treasure off your ship. The only way that you and your reaper chest would be safe would be if no one has looked at the map or spotted you yet.

    And when it comes to the Monster battles, i like to imagine that these battles could even be used for Bilge Rat events by rare, in the same way the Skeleton ships were used during Cursed Sails.

    By the way, do any of you also think that the past Bilge Rat events should have had their own tattoos and scars like the main dlc events? I wonder if someone will make a topic about that, because there are some interesting ideas one can think of when it comes to scars and tattoos from the old Bilge Rat events. Oh, just think of how a Cursed Crew scar would have looked like. :o

  • @dark-henrik-22

    I see you find a cursed chest that bestows the mark. In that case together we have four good ideas using flags and treasure to help create player driven events.

    Yeah the idea I had about world bosses would definitely need to be included under the commendations. After you slay several you could earn a title like Monster Hunter.

    Yes also miss not having more scars.

  • Maybe someone should start a thread to begin tracking all these ideas. That person can maintain a list of things found in other threads and under the idea tracking thread. Everyone can vote on the ideas. The person who started the thread can update the votes and rank the ideas.

    Instead of ideas getting buried as topics come and go, we can keep the creative juices flowing. It could help better illustrate the desires of the community.

  • @x-crowheart-x when it comes to your fort flag idea, what i can instead imagine is that player's would have to defend a new kind of fort of a small outpost located on a mountain or a hill and in the scenter of this fort/outpost is a winch operated lift that will go down in a deep hole and over time bring up treasure chests of different value.

    Crews who find this places first can then raise their flag/alliance flag and take control of the area and thus use the lift to give them treasures.

    There are two ways i think this area could be attacked in order to have the main player crew defend it. Other players could attack this fort/outpost and try to take control for themself, or the area could instead be attacked by a large wave of skeletons and skeleton ships who wants their treasures back.

    Also, the reason the lift brings back treasures from the hole, is that under the mountain or the hill that the fort/outpost sits on, there is a large treasure trove hidden deep inside it and the hole is the only open path to that trove.

  • @dark-henrik-22

    Very cool ideas everyone! Has hints of the fort battle in Black Sails and the Money Pit of Oak Island. Deep money vault, tunnels, traps, and a fight over it all could lead to a lot of epic fun.

    I was thinking of ideas that uses the mechanics and content already in the game. New tools to put in the hands of players sooner than later to drive the content and fun for all forward. It all will have to grow and mature over time, getting bigger and better.

    We have a major hurdle first. That is how to make player driven ideas and content a reality in game so we all can play it. If we do not, it will be endless Bilge Rats adventures.

    If that is going to be the norm maybe we can get Rare to start routinely alternating Rare conceived Bilge Rat content with adventures inspired from player ideas. I know I would be a lot happier playing all the ideas everyone is coming up with than most of what we have been sailing into. I think the brightest future for the type of game Sea of Thieves is rests in the hands of the players.

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