This game is dying

  • this game is dying,I have a million gold i have nothing to buy,the game is just for the look ! nor is it adapted to that,what is my appearance when only four people see me on board? after buying everything I can not see the reason to play, I regret the 70 euros I paid! the game is empty,if the game does not get at least any of the mmorpg elements it will die completely

  • 19
  • @cyriljepan I get burnt out if I play to much, to be honest I do on every game. But with SoT i just leave it for a couple of weeks and usually will take a peek at the next update and it all feels fresh again and I carry on doing my thing.

    If your not currently enjoying the game and are getting bored, I would suggest putting it to one side for abit. They will still be adding things while your not playing and when ya come back again there will be more and new things to explore. :)

  • @cyriljepan sagte in This game is dying:

    this game is dying,I have a million gold i have nothing to buy,the game is just for the look ! nor is it adapted to that,what is my appearance when only four people see me on board? after buying everything I can not see the reason to play, I regret the 70 euros I paid! the game is empty,if the game does not get at least any of the mmorpg elements it will die completely

    Because the game is empty and boring you played how many hours to get 1 Million Gold on top of having buyed and acccomplished everything?
    And because of that you wonder now?
    I think this is a troll post, nothing else , if not i cannot take you serious , sorry.

    Assume you played it for around 1000 hours in 6/7 month.
    Wow, not worth 70 bucks to be entertained for so many hours?
    Or didn't you felt entertained and just rushed through and worked it off?

    No one to blame than yourself then.

  • @knifelife I firmly believe that the game will change, yes I agree, I hope there will be a big update in the near future, friendly area would help a lot a big city for all

  • @stundorn Are you kidding me ? yes I played enough,because I was hoping to add something new so it is not so I write it so far,if you do not understand or be silent

  • @stundorn you are here to judge who has fun? you are toxic ! I will say it

  • @cyriljepan sagte in This game is dying:

    @stundorn Are you kidding me ? yes I played enough,because I was hoping to add something new so it is not so I write it so far,if you do not understand or be silent

    Little bit ignorant?
    This is your personal view No valid statement!
    To me all is fine!
    Cannot believe people play the hell out of a game and then complain it's boring and empty, sorry.

    Edit : forgot to say there is nothing new?
    Eh don't know what game you played, i played this game what added cursed cannonballs, skeleton ships, a new region with new mechanics, cargo runs...

  • @cyriljepan geez mate, cool down a bit will ya?
    @Stundorn only gave his opinion like you gave yours with this post... Nobody needs to be in agreement with you to post something. And that doesn't make him toxic either...

    It's a forum to share thoughts and feedback, freely. There's rules and there's no need to attacks others.

    Cheers mates.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in This game is dying:

    @cyriljepan The game isn't dying, you just stopped having fun. When I get bored, I take a break a come back... Guess what? When I return, I forget why I left in the first place. I still have a lot to do in this game and I've been playing since day 1.

    Same here ;)

  • @ant-heuser-kush
    I think most players from Day 1 have been there and got the tshirt.

    What is there left to do?

  • @cyriljepan sagte in This game is dying:

    @stundorn you are here to judge who has fun? you are toxic ! I will say it

    I'm here to comment on a generalized statements that is false and creates a hookline what is only a suggestion of a disappointed player what imho just exagerated about playing a game and is whining about 70 bucks after hundreds of hours of gameplay.
    Dude, take a break .
    And next time you want to share your unreflected emotions maybe think over it and try to talk more differentiated.
    The only toxicity i see is your thread title a lot of people just can disagree with.

  • @cyriljepan I think if Rare allows us to have private servers, it will live. It should not be difficult to play anyway we would like to. It is time consuming to take over a server and make an event out of it. Let's simplify this to start. I'd like to play king of the fort and we get to see how many attacks from others we can withstand. It would be really nice if we could fight alongside the skeleton waves against the attacking sailors.

    The community is already making our own games. I no longer complete most of the PVE in the game, and i assume others are like me. Rare should simplify the process for us to do more of what we want in this pirate world from ship races to all out ship battles.

  • @cyriljepan a dit dans This game is dying :

    @stundorn Are you kidding me ? yes I played enough,because I was hoping to add something new so it is not so I write it so far,if you do not understand or be silent

    He's absolutely right though. You binge played the game and now you're sick of it. There's only you to blame.

    No one forced you to accumulate gold to acquire everything in the game. This goal is not a prerequisite for anything in the game.

    Had you spent the time informing yourself on the progress of Sea Of Thieves rather than grinding, you'd have a clearer ideas of what was to come.


  • @d-jaguar sagte in This game is dying:

    I think most players from Day 1 have been there and got the tshirt.

    What is there left to do?

    Hey, nothing personal , really :-)
    Why there need to be stuff to do?
    I mean in a sense of accomplishing more titles and stuff?
    I don't care since day 1 therefore still no PL, because I just play it.
    Not everybody needs these incentives.
    To those who need it, Rare has added really a lot to do.
    I think if you reflect about it what amount of hours a player who has buyed all and accomplished everything plus having 1 Million Gold has played, it is completely exaggerated .
    Games aren't made to fill your life or to play them everyday for 5+ hours.
    This is just ridiculous to expect.
    Some Gamers don't make just a hobby of it , they seem to have nothing else in their life to do but gaming and therefore constantly ask for meaning and more "work" to do.
    Imho no developer should cater to this. Nobody.
    It's completely out of measure.
    Normal players are barely PL, some maybe, i'm also somewhat close to it while I never exploited or concerned effective gameplay.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I am not a pirate legend and not athena 10. I have also been playing since release, and I have taken breaks. The voyages are still dull and there is no reason to do them as both Pirate legend and athenas 10 doesnt gain anything unique.

    I have taught new players and still prefer open crews over looking for groups.
    I have changed from a PvE player who defended for PvP to a player who mainly attacks with the occasional PvE (mainly skeleton ships and forts).
    I don't think the game is dying as there are still things I enjoy from it, but it is the last game I choose to play where it used to be the first.

    Edit: I just asked as I thought there may have been something i missed. Glad you are still enjoying the seas though.

  • @stundorn I agree we should just enjoy the game. But the game has become repetitive for me. I stopped playing Assassins Creed because of the repetition.
    I enjoyed my time on the seas. I just like to throw out ideas that would help me get on the seas again.

  • Just because you are bored doesn’t mean the game is dying. Stop being such a drama queen.

  • @cyriljepan the game isnt dying, just your enthusiasm for it has

  • @cyriljepan As the opening post of this thread does not contain material for discussion, but rather is intended to bait and troll the community, and to stir unrest on the forums, it will now be locked. Please ensure that threads you create have the basis for a constructive discussion that the community can engage with.

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