Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!

  • Hi all!

    Our friend the kraken has been roaming the sea of thieves for quite some time now, but he has not revealed his head yet. I hope they will add one in soon, whats your opinion? I'd love to hear your reason for why a head or body would be cool!

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  • I hear this a lot, and the problem with that is that you would need to also have the t*******s that come up from the water actually work as one giant monster, the mechanics of a giant beast that can actually work (not to mention the fact that its ink water and you cant see the body anyway in the water). There are many variations of things that the kraken should look like as well, its a thing that pirates used to think they saw upon the sea, it has many types of things that people had assumed it look like and things people depict it to look like so it would also be hard to get a specific head and body for the kraken. I also wanted to add that in the wilds, there are islands such as "Kraken's fall" and "Shipwreck Bay" to name a few which actually have kraken bones and kraken skeletons lying around on the beaches, shores and dotted around islands, this also depicts that it may have a beak of some sorts too if Rare wanted to go with accuracy that already exists for Sea of Thieves.

    Personally, i would rather have no body and head to the kraken, for me it leaves more to the imagination in the game too, allows people to even suggest and wonder what it's body is.

  • I also don't know why it censored that word but whatever

  • As much as i would love it, much like Taaaamas said it could be a technical problem of it working all together. It would have to be huge to support the area the tentacles cover, and its already probably a large resource drain without any body already. It would be cool but not sure how practical it would be.

  • @muzackmann The fight itself would obviously need to reworked. It wouldn't remain how it currently is.

  • @betsill Agreed but still, how? its the one thing that's always a bit odd when they show "krakens" on any form of entertainment because it would have to be kinda enormous to have the size tentacles that it does let alone to pull down ships like they tend to show. As far as our Karen goes, this thing would have to move around our boats much like the meg does all while throwing those tentacles out. Like I said, it would be a very cool idea but this could be asking a lot in this case.

  • @betsill said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @muzackmann The fight itself would obviously need to reworked. It wouldn't remain how it currently is.

    Aye, I would much prefer a kraken that goes beneath your ship, wrapping around it and trying to kill you from all sides. Even if they don't want to rework it, a body would be nice to shoot at. The tentacles could defend the body and it would make the fight more intresting.

  • @muzackmann They could keep the ink at the start to hide potentially wonky animations while it stops your ship and wraps around it. After that idk. They would just have to design the fight. you could knock off the tentacles and it will try to run away? It could leave and come back from a different side? They could add a new Harpoon weapon to attack sea monsters? There's a lot of options.
    As for what it looks like, they already designed it. There are a bunch of kraken skeletons around the map. The "bone crusher figurehead" is a kraken skull.

  • @dyornos According to the lore, there is a reason you do not see the Kraken body. Of course, that lore may be intended to cover a technical difficulty, but... there is a reason lore-wise.

  • @betsill Have seen those and that was one of my first big shocks sailing around when I realized all those skulls were krakens. Seems like an insanely crazy thing to try to code into what we have currently, but I left coding behind a long long time ago. If they manage this I definitely am going in the water with it cause this would be terrifying seeing this thing swim towards me.
    @Bran-the-Ent what did the lore say? I love all the outside stuff thats canon in the game and I don't remember reading it.

  • I don't mind them changing it completly if it means he will have a body. The concept art looks nice. Either use that and make him wrap around the ship while attacking us, or use the current kraken and add his head as a sort of phase in the fight.

    Fighting a bunch of tentacles that roar at you is not scary and the black ink that roots you in place is just a time waster. I mean, imagine if the megalodon was just a big fin in the water that hits your ship underneath. Would have been terrible.

  • the kraken is already more of a nuisance than anything. My opinion, it would be a waste of man hours to even bother with this.

  • @taaaamas said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    I also don't know why it censored that word but whatever

    Lol. I think it thought you were referring to, er, certain jiggly male parts...

  • @muzackmann It's in the novel. There used to be many Krakens... including the original, Old Mother. In the time of the Pirate Lord, there was but one living Kraken remaining. It attacked Sanctuary Outpost and a couple of crews went to fight it. It had it's head above water and Ramsey (the Pirate Lord) noticed it was missing an eye and blew out the other with a powder keg. They didn't kill it, so now, as a form of defense, it inks the water and no longer brings it's head up. So, that's the Kraken we have now... an old, blind beast.

  • @bran-the-ent Wow... would have been better to just admit that they just didn't do it for whatever reason lol

  • @bran-the-ent said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @muzackmann It's in the novel. There used to be many Krakens... including the original, Old Mother. In the time of the Pirate Lord, there was but one living Kraken remaining. It attacked Sanctuary Outpost and a couple of crews went to fight it. It had it's head above water and Ramsey (the Pirate Lord) noticed it was missing an eye and blew out the other with a powder keg. They didn't kill it, so now, as a form of defense, it inks the water and no longer brings it's head up. So, that's the Kraken we have now... an old, blind beast.

    Sounds more like an excuse than well written lore. In my opinion, they should change the kraken and add a body. The kraken from the earlier trailers looked way better in my opinion.

  • @dyornos said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @bran-the-ent said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @muzackmann It's in the novel. There used to be many Krakens... including the original, Old Mother. In the time of the Pirate Lord, there was but one living Kraken remaining. It attacked Sanctuary Outpost and a couple of crews went to fight it. It had it's head above water and Ramsey (the Pirate Lord) noticed it was missing an eye and blew out the other with a powder keg. They didn't kill it, so now, as a form of defense, it inks the water and no longer brings it's head up. So, that's the Kraken we have now... an old, blind beast.

    Sounds more like an excuse than well written lore. In my opinion, they should change the kraken and add a body. The kraken from the earlier trailers looked way better in my opinion.

    The people flying off of the rowboat! 😂 can you imagine that in Sea of Thieves! That’d be so funny.

  • @bran-the-ent

    You're right about that. Lore-wise there is a reason we do not get a glimpse of the Kraken's full body.

  • I’d be happy to sacrifice a skull fort being active for a full bodied kraken being active, maybe there could be a rotation between forts, skellie ships and the kraken if it’s too much to have 3 active at the same time

  • @dyornos

    Our friend the kraken has been roaming the sea of thieves for quite some time now, but he has not revealed his head yet.

    "SHE has not revealed HER head."
    Kraken is a she, and her name is Karen.

    (Just had to say it.) ;)

  • @Taaaamas @Muzackmann I think the tentacle argument could be solved by just adding a second phase to the fight. If you manage to defeat all the tentacles instead of running away or letting it time out, you’d fight phase 2 where the kraken would emerge to the surface for the rest of the fight. The pathing could be similar to the Meg or skeleton ships, but I think I’d want something different. Thoughts?

  • @dyornos If you didn’t enjoy the novel, that’s fine.

  • There are numerous reasons to believe that the Kraken in-game is not the same Kraken from the concept art:

    1. concept art Kraken is far too small.
    2. concept art Kraken doesn't have tentacle-mouths.
    3. similar creatures to the Kraken (like squids, for example) don't have bones.

    I firmly believe that the devs decided to go in a different direction from the concept art due to technical limitations despite already having in-game assets built in (the skulls). So, with those changes in mind, it is my belief that the skulls you see all over the SoT are actually ret-conned and are NOT Kraken skulls (or at least the type of Kraken we now see attacking ships - it's entirely possible there could be different types of Kraken in the lore).

  • @Galactic-Geek I really hope that the current kraken is just a placeholder. Pretty much everything in the game (including the set) looks like the one in the concept art.
    The first thing people see when they enter the game is the kraken skull at the inn.

    They probably rushed his design for the release and gave it a "lore" reason.
    I think the kraken, together with the megalodon, are a wasted concept. We should have a reason to defeat these sea monsters and the kraken needs to be more interesting. Players shouldn't feel like they are fighting an oversized vacuum cleaner. It needs to be a cool scary fight.

  • @blindnev I dunno - vacuum cleaners are pretty scary to us scurvy sea dogs.

  • @taaaamas said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    I hear this a lot, and the problem with that is that you would need to also have the t*******s that come up from the water actually work as one giant monster, the mechanics of a giant beast that can actually work (not to mention the fact that its ink water and you cant see the body anyway in the water). There are many variations of things that the kraken should look like as well, its a thing that pirates used to think they saw upon the sea, it has many types of things that people had assumed it look like and things people depict it to look like so it would also be hard to get a specific head and body for the kraken. I also wanted to add that in the wilds, there are islands such as "Kraken's fall" and "Shipwreck Bay" to name a few which actually have kraken bones and kraken skeletons lying around on the beaches, shores and dotted around islands, this also depicts that it may have a beak of some sorts too if Rare wanted to go with accuracy that already exists for Sea of Thieves.

    Personally, i would rather have no body and head to the kraken, for me it leaves more to the imagination in the game too, allows people to even suggest and wonder what it's body is.

    Those skeletons you mentioned are actually whale or dolphin bones. Look it up, the skeletal structure of the head of these fish actually looks like a beak. But either way, it would be cool if something like the whole animal was shown in the game. You could climb and slide on top of the tentacles as they try to swipe and slam you down like a mosquito, shoot and jump through them, to try to reach the eye or head of the kraken where you slice and dice, and finish it off with a taste of gunpowder blasted through the membrane. I'd prefer the eyes, as it can be used as a weak point, too small for cannon balls to hit but the right size for swords and bullets.

  • @dyornos mate the reson the kraken doesn't show her head because of the pirate lord

  • @bran-the-ent Fantastic. I have yet to get Athena's Fortune, though I can't wait to read it. Even more so now.

    I actually like the lore reason, but maybe its because I haven't had too many run in's with her and still like the fight.

    @Red0Demon0 I originally thought they were gonna be for some giant snapping turtle because of that shape of the skulls.

  • @closinghare208 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @dyornos mate the reson the kraken doesn't show her head because of the pirate lord

    Thats a excuse masked as lore. In my opinion it should be changed and we should get a decent kraken fight.

  • @bran-the-ent what happened in chapter 11 i forgot?

  • @dyornos They should just give it a body come on it has already skeleton of it lying around do it rare it would please a lot of people

  • @galactic-geek the skeletons on krakens fall and at some outpost are the krakens bodys and if you don't believe check the artstation

  • @red0demon0 its a kraken lol its been confirmed

  • @roughleech03117 said in Kraken needs a body and head, it's time to rise up and ask Rare!:

    @red0demon0 its a kraken lol its been confirmed

    Where was it confirmed, mind posting the link here?

  • @roughleech03117 Again, that's CONCEPT art.

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