Sea of Thieves Weekly Stream- FROM THE DEPTHS 13th Nov

  • Sea of Thieves - From the Depths - Skeleton Ships

    Shrouded Spoils

    • Shrouded Spoils adds a lot of life to the world with fog and roaming cursed ships, which are super cool, rewards for kraken as well as improvements and meg battles, a labour of love with numerous things pulled together from community feedback requests.

    • There are more features to Shrouded Spoils which have not yet been mentioned.
      #seaoftease - currently 3, but there will be 9...not animals, not ships..... not Companies


    • ....FORTS! 6 New Skellie forts active!

    • Also expanded ship cosmetics, Pirate Legend commendations, explosive barrel mk2 (megakeg) rewarded from forts.

    • Customisation for ship includes additions to some of the existing sets.

    • Shrouded Spoils content video will be released nearer to the time to show off the collection of features, late November most likely.

    • Campaign for Shrouded Spoils? There are a bunch of commendations around the new content so a light campaign with regard to story etc?

    • Bilge Rats - Festival of the Damned will remain live until Shrouded Spoils releases.


    Adventure is very dear to Rare and the foundation of Sea of Thieves.

    • Arena is embedded in adventure world, Sea Dogs are 4th trading company so some players might want to use them as their third trading company alongside two from the main game.

    • Would like to add more Trading Companies for further choices in the future, Arena is the first.

    • Arena - there is still work to do before pioneers can test, there will be lots of iterations, as soon as you put a competitive lens on features in the world, it means a lot of things will need looking at including balancing mechanics etc which means a great deal of testing and tweaking with pioneers, similar to that which took place before release of game.

    • Is Arena hub accessible from Adventure mode? No, to access it you need to choose from the initial menu at start of session. Tavern will be visible within the world of Sea of Thieves but not able to enter? Customisations and rewards gained via Arena will be visible and equippable in Adventure mode.

    • Arena - Meg, Kraken and other emergent elements? This type of content will be part of the iteration, doesn't want it to feel unfair or results due to things out of your control but would be very cool to have these included. Needs to be tuned as to when, how often, strength of attack etc. Where the sole aim is competitive and to win also brings specific rewards, different emotions will be experienced to those in the main world.

    • Arena's will include Forsaken Shore region and multiple arenas will exist within the world, if you know the world well, you'll recognise the area but other new locations/features might be added too.

    • Pioneers will be testing Arena early, a rough and ready experience to start with needing plenty of feedback and work done with real players.

    EDIT: Apparently I am missing that "boom booms" is the official term for Gunpowder Barrels and that Jon does not know how many people the Hot Tub can hold. 😉


    • Dee's favourite memory was her second week when at Eurogamer and the fanfest with people at the studio and public was super amazing because of how wonderful everyone was :)

    • Progress on designs for Duck Ship? Jon is modelling it personally.

    • Roadmap video incoming? No. What Rare have learned is that they need a bit more control, instead of a roadmap with specific dates and targets on, to ensure adequate testing times and pioneer testing, bug fixing etc community will be informed by Dev Update videos and other announcements.

    • Fall snails/Tall Tales - plans did change and this was something talked about in the summer - it will include quests, narrative, story etc and will be coming after more development time has been devoted to it as it has become quite broad and more extensive than at first expected, no release date as yet.

    • Pirate Legend support - to start with, commendations specifically for legends and cosmetic rewards associated with these in PL shop with Shrouded Spoils.

    • Pioneer changes, incentivisation and changes to encourage people to take part, details coming soon.

    • Mouse and k/b support is something still being thought about, looking into it and is more a 'when' rather than 'if'.

    • Kraken's ink is poison and gives purple flame.

    • Rare have lots of jobs available - there are ways to educate yourself in terms of skills and create a portfolio which shows your accomplishments, vocational qualifications and experiences also serve to show your achievements.
      Tailor your applications to the specific company you're applying to and make it unique for the post you want and show understanding and appreciation for what Rare are creating and what they do.

    Sea of Thieves - From the Depths on Twitch!

  • 31
  • Thanks for the Summary @KattTruewalker!

    What did Fall Snails end up meaning Tall Sails?

  • @sgt-palooggoo Tall Tales I think?

  • @katttruewalker
    Oh, very intriguing!

  • @KattTruewalker Thanks for this buddy

  • I chucked loads of questions in the Mixer. Some serious, some not so,

    Glad I got an answer to my “When is the Sea of Thieves feature film coming out?”

  • @katttruewalker All Hail Katt-bot! All Hail Katt-bot!

    awesome job kat as always !!

  • They keep avoiding my Soundtrack release question....

    It’s such a shame the Arena is not accessible through the Adventure Mode. It would feel more fluid if it was. Otherwise I’ll have to quit and go to a menu and rebuild my crew. Very jarring.

  • good job Kat. But you forgot one part:

    "mom, dad! i'm on TV!!"

  • @katttruewalker thanks Katt #workcrew

  • Thanks for the notes @KattTruewalker!

    Looks like a lot of nice things coming in the Shrouded Spoils. Wish they would not keep teasing us by keeping a shroud over it all! : )

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Boom boom!

  • Plus I never knew Khaleesibot was a real person. Ha! Thought it was a bot that posted news and announcements! I feel such a fool...

  • @katttruewalker
    Excellent summary as always!

    You are missing that "boom booms" is the official term for Gunpowder Barrels and that Jon does not know how many people the Hot Tub can hold. 😉

  • Thanks again for the summary!

    Glad I was able to get some answers about Fall Snails and the roadmap video. It confirms that the Arena update is the one that will come after Shrouded Spoils, and that an update (Fall Snails) originally planned for this end of the year is the one that will come later with the improvements around the quests and the exploration. Hopefully not too far.

    Arena - Meg, Kraken and other emergent elements? This type of content will be part of the iteration, doesn't want it to feel unfair or results due to things out of your control but would be very cool to have these included. Needs to be tuned as to when, how often, strength of attack etc. Where the sole aim is competitive and to win also brings specific rewards, different emotions will be experienced to those in the main world.

    This was really interesting as it could feel really unfair if you're the only one getting attacked by Meg or Karen.

    While the first iteration will be about Treasure Hunting, I hope all the emergent encounters (Meg, Karen, Skeleton Ship) and world events (Skull Fort/Skeleton Ship Battles) will never be available in the Arena mode because what would be the incentives for the players to still play the full Sea of Thieves experience if all the highlights are in the Arena mode? Some elements must really remain exclusive to the adventure mode or that would depreciate them entirely from the full experience.

  • @KattTruewalker ...many thanks as always for an excellent summary :-D

  • The kraken will be interesting because if it ends up being a good reward more people will clear skeleton ships and forts so that they can spawn. At the moment not many people clear the skeleton ships. The new kegs though, that will be interesting because I'm getting tired of getting normal kegs in the fort which I usually just detonate because I don't want people climbing our crows nest and nuking our ship, and they don't sell for much.

  • @thor-von-blitz

    Sorted and thanks!

  • well put together! Though I will miss seeing that special roadmap :,/ oh well.

    That fall snail/tall tales. I've wondered that for so long and i'm guessing that the contest that is currently going for the writing a story will tie into it...maybe. lol.

  • @katttruewalker
    Thanks Katt... missed the last part... a pirates gotta eat! Hungry Pirate.

  • I hope when more lore and quest driven things coming in Tall Tales then we see finally the Peril Skeketon Lords 0.0

  • @katttruewalker said in Sea of Thieves Weekly Stream- FROM THE DEPTHS 13th Nov:


    Sorted and thanks!


  • Is 3 but will be 9....

    Inventory items (bananas, wood and cannonballs currently)

    Forts (not sure on the order of announcements so I threw this in)



    Skeleton types (not including “standard” we have 3)

    Ways to customize ships (hull, flag and sails currently)

    Any more I’ll add as I come up with them

  • @katttruewalker kraken body?

  • @katttruewalker so is that one of the 9 features or just 1 out of the 9

  • Arena is embedded in adventure world, Sea Dogs are 4th trading company so some players might want to use them as their third trading company alongside two from the main game.
    Would like to add more Trading Companies for further choices in the future, Arena is the first.

    Great addition. Other companies need a ton of work, but I might get PL with this addition someday lol

    Arena -it means a lot of things will need looking at including balancing mechanics etc which means a great deal of testing and tweaking with pioneers, similar to that which took place before release of game.

    I hope so. Combat needs work lol

    Is Arena hub accessible from Adventure mode? No, to access it you need to choose from the initial menu at start of session. Tavern will be visible within the world of Sea of Thieves but not able to enter? Customisations and rewards gained via Arena will be visible and equippable in Adventure mode.

    B****r. They should really add this in the future. IMO should be it's own island for Arena and other competitive shenanigans.

    Arena - Meg, Kraken and other emergent elements? This type of content will be part of the iteration, doesn't want it to feel unfair or results due to things out of your control but would be very cool to have these included. Needs to be tuned as to when, how often, strength of attack etc. Where the sole aim is competitive and to win also brings specific rewards, different emotions will be experienced to those in the main world.

    Meg and karen SHOULD NOT be in the arena any time soon. The arena needs to be as bare bones as possible at first to iron out balance before adding extra stuff into it. If they do add meg or karen it should be as an objective that you seek out. Not a threat that randomly shows up and loses you the game.

    Arena's will include Forsaken Shore region

    All I can say is that volcanoes better be turned off or imma be quitting out every time I spawn on this version of Arena.

    Roadmap video incoming? No.

    Glad they figured this out. Setting deadlines over and over is just gonna lead to missed deadlines, disappointment, and rushed content. The "Release it when it's ready" school of game development is far better.

    mouse and k/b support is something still being thought about, looking into it and is more a 'when' rather than 'if'.

    The "when" should be ASAP and at the very least better be before Arena drops.

    Good job on the post Kat.

  • Thanks so much for this post Katt; excellent work!

    After reading through this and seeing some of the developer feedback, I am a little less concerned for the direction of SoT. Seems like Shrouded Spoils will be an excellent update that contains many needed improvements : )

    Looking forward to "Tall Tales" when it finally releases, and I kind of like the fact that the Sea Dogs faction in The Arena update will give pvp oriented players and crews another path of progression. I am too close to PL to not just finish off what I am on the cusp of. 50/36/50. Only OOS left to conquer.....

  • 3 but will be 9 is Skeleton Forts. About time!

    • There are more features to Shrouded Spoils which have not yet been mentioned.

    so we did not see everything !

  • How exciting! It sounds like Rare is really pulling out all the stops with this update.

  • @katttruewalker said in Sea of Thieves Weekly Stream- FROM THE DEPTHS 13th Nov:

    @sgt-palooggoo Tall Tales I think?

    Thats what I had been telling people since the clue first came out and they were like nah.. welp guess I can prove them wrong again that I am right with most of my predictions for the game lol.

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