Why does the 3D model of Demarco have potions on him?

  • I realized that the 3D model has Potions on him.
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    Just thinking that potions might be added to the game.

  • 5
  • They might not be potions, but they certainly do look like them!

  • There have also been potions on and around the Order of Souls characters for quite some time. Maybe there is at least going to be some lore revolving around potions, given their notable presence in the world?

  • Let's keep our hopes up for them in The Arena! (would make sense being a pvp update and all, but they will affect the game probably more than cursed cannonballs so we'll have to see)

  • I recall a very old update when the game was new claiming "the only paid DLC in this game would be pets and potions." So I have been expecting them for sometime but there has been no mention on what they do. Perhaps it does have something to do with the arena if it is in fact happening.

4 out of 5