Addressing the "Double Shot"

  • I think it’s a bit daft to insist instantly firing two shots from two guns isn’t an exploit. It certainly is. The question is whether the exploit has been accepted and allowed by the developers, like the sword lunge, or if it’s something they simply haven’t gotten around to fixing. I think most people have expressed their opinions on this by now. But denying that an exploit exists is a non-starter. Obviously it’s an exploit, there’s no other way to look at it. The fact that the animation can’t properly cope with the action is ample evidence that it was not an intended function, ergo using it to one’s advantage is an exploit.

  • Haven't come across this to my knowledge, but could explain getting killed quickly in fights! Delay on switching sounds good if it's a gun, often use quick switch to cutlass when fighting so a general delay would be tough - just if carrying to guns

  • @genuine-heather said in Addressing the "Double Shot":

    I think it’s a bit daft to insist instantly firing two shots from two guns isn’t an exploit. It certainly is. The question is whether the exploit has been accepted and allowed by the developers, like the sword lunge, or if it’s something they simply haven’t gotten around to fixing. I think most people have expressed their opinions on this by now. But denying that an exploit exists is a non-starter. Obviously it’s an exploit, there’s no other way to look at it. The fact that the animation can’t properly cope with the action is ample evidence that it was not an intended function, ergo using it to one’s advantage is an exploit.

    100% Accurate. This is absolutely an exploit and you cannot logically argue otherwise. Nobody has made any case for it not being an exploit. It's not an issue of dual-wielding, it's an issue of game balance and using functions clearly not intended to gain an advantage over other players.

    This isn't a matter of getting good either, because as many people have stated and proven, it's INCREDIBLY easy to execute.

  • Just to bring the post back on topic. The point is about the animation glitch/cancelation to be able to fire two bullets in rapid succession before the animation has time to finish. Going from a two handed weapon to a single hand weapon with minimal/no delay is not cohesive to the other game mechanics.

    The arguement is not about players using two guns. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Thats a viable choice and it is correct it does have its disadvantages.

    Again "git gud" comments don't really apply. Because the fact is that to be good you shouldn't have to rely on a glitch. So if the animation glitch was fixed it should be a non issue for those who are actually good players.

    A definition for Exploit is "to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system, typically for malicious purposes"

  • @I-Mileson-I Please refrain from derogatory posts toward other users, it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

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  • ^Yes, @I-Mileson-I, no need to spew hatred because you disagree with people's opinions.

  • Still baffled that people are complaining about something 1% of the community are able to do correctly, lul.

  • @vulgrim1911 said in Addressing the "Double Shot":

    Still baffled that people are complaining about something 1% of the community are able to do correctly, lul.

    You don't have access the data to state that only 1% of the community uses this, stating it multiple times in this topic doesn't make it true. That said if it's truly only 1% there wouldn't be much of a problem to fix the animation bug. As this is clearly a bug, I've also reported it a while ago, so Rare is aware of it already. We'll just have to wait and see if it gets fixed or not.

    My reasoning about it is, as I also stated in another topic about this subject, that this bug messes up the weapon balance and it removes choice. Any serious PvP'er will always have the Flintlock/EoR as their combo of choice because of the ability to instant kill people from a distance.

    Weapon balance
    Rare balanced the blunderbuss in such a way that it's the only weapon capable of doing a 1-shot kill, however the downside they gave it was that to be really close to pull it off. They limited ammo on guns and gave the cuttlass the option to interrupt guns, to make the cutlass a valid option too. They gave the flintlock an aim at close range and the Eye of Range a scope for aiming at long range.

    No real weapon choice
    The weapons swap bug offers the same 1-shot kill but from a much larger range, which makes it a better choice than the blunderbuss. It prevents people from getting close to you and makes the 2nd shot uninterruptable which makes the cutlass completely useless. Allowing the almost instant shot will allow you to shoot at the almost exact same spot where you aimed with either of the flintlock or EoR. It circumvents all the balance changes that are in the game and all because of the ability to shoot before the animation finishes.

    Boring fights
    It doesn't offer any "epic" fights as the combat is over after you did your dual shot combo and there's nothing that can be done about it. The only chance you get when you face someone that uses this is that they miss their shot, no chances of healing/hiding or interrupting that second shot. If you really want to play that type of game, you should play some Unreal with the Instagib modifier, it'll be exactly what you're looking for.

    Remove the bug, not the choice
    Nobody is arguing against being able to equip two guns or even shooting both guns after eachother without reloading. Having the ability to choose whatever two weapons you want to equip gives you choice which is good. This problem is fixed though if the 2nd gun wouldn't be able to shoot before you're actually holding it.

    I can completely understand that if this is your main way of killing people you'd hate to lose that, however I doubt you can honestly say that this is working as intended and offers challenging combat. If you think this is skill related, then I'm sure you won't have any issues killing the other pirate with a 2nd shot that shoots after you actually have the weapon in your hand.

  • I think that if Rare still has not fixed this bug today it is because they are in full dilemma. In my opinion there are much more than 1% of players who use this bug, and a bit like the exploit of the sword that allows you to swim very fast, it is possible that developers are too afraid to offend those players who are keen to take advantage of this bug.

    Replace this bug with a real mechanic in the spirit of the game, and in a more balanced and natural way (dual wielding?) is probably the best solution to make everyone agree.

  • "epic fights"
    I'm sorry, but swords in this game are anything but epic, extremely low skill ceiling weapon.

    And again, double shooting is not a bug, if anything they need to add an animation for it.

  • There are players out there that can use what may be unintended mechanics to erase all the weaknesses of the cutlass. They have practiced these for hours and removing the guns will only expose you to this much scarier beast. Double gun needs to stay because not all of us mastered lag reduction or elimination mechanics. But I am not here complaining about them. I accept that there is a part of the game that I could improve upon, and so should all of you. So leave guns the heck alone. If people are out gunning you you need to work on your timing, patience, and shot placement and get better at guns.

    Only really good players will know w*f I am talking about but there is no more point in debating guns. The only gun that needs to be touched up is the eye of reach because with its heavy damage it has become blunderbuss 2.0. Maybe a slight nerf to 75% instead of 80% life taken down. That way when someone lands the eye of reach shot you don't die from someone sneezing on you right after.

    The more pressing issue is the clunky barrels and the cursed cannonballs because last I checked any skill you may have is invalid when youre asleep.

    To be perfectly honest, someone good enough to shoot you back to back will be good enough to one shot you with a blunderbuss. Double shot just has some extra range for safe measure.

    When you see someone using this setup never corner yourself and stay moving. Characters move so fast in this game they may even think they hit you when they didn't because of lag. Never follow them down hallways or areas with 1 access point, unless you are sinking. If you are sinking bring 2 people if their skill level is enough to occasionally kill you. Open areas are double gun's enemy. Believe it or not the more mobile you are the more options you have to heal and dodge. Sword blunder will kill them if they play aggressive but not if they play defensive. Hope I helped.

  • yeah this double shot thing is just game breaking

  • I have posted about and submitted this issue to Rare (ages ago at this point). It is pretty standard practice in programming (and electronics where the technique came from) to "debounce" certain mechanics.

    In electronics you debounce things like contact switches to keep them from triggering on and off rapidly. In games and programming in general you debounce things like weapon changes, reloading, etc... they debounced reloads in this game... otherwise you would be able to fire as soon as you hit your reload button.

    Why they did not debounce switching and firing are both beyond me...but it needs to happen.

  • The biggest problem is, people using aim assist hacks are invencible while using this "skill". I fought one guys yeasterday who hit me with no scope no matter if I move, if I was on the water, if he was on the water, even behind cover since he knew where I was all this time (shame I can't point his name here). So even 2x1 or 3x1 becames hopeless if a cheater boards your ship now.

  • Another option is to link all guns to the same ammo-count - five shots for two guns, rather than five shots for each gun.

  • no reason to link ammo count between weapons. just force the cutlass and one ranged weapon. that single change would solve this problem.

  • @dawson-dev i highly doubt blackbeard could rip off successive shots within a second though...

  • you can double shot with a lot of practice

  • how is this still a thing and not fixed ... I don't get it
    changing Blunderbuss Damage to stop One-shooting and not fixing the Doubleshot is beyond my comprehension...

  • I have to agree here. I play on pc and yes if your on pc you can basically 1 shot players if you have two guns. I've done it and others have as well. Doesn't take much skill. There does need some kind of fix. Some kind of delay mabye.

  • So now if rare implements this if i simply want to quickly put away my pistol and take out my sword I can’t because I minority of players are upset about a small issue. Other than the sword and pistol issue I find this completely fine

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