My first stolen Athena chest was actually mine to start with....

  • Just thought I'd share an old tale which was prior to the commendation for stealing another crew's Athena chest. I was towards the end of the grind for PL 10 and most of my friends were not online so I joined with a random crew from LFG. The players were all newer so it ended up being one of the longest Athena runs I ever had to do. This was partially my fault as I was busy doing some things around the house so I was multi-tasking and would help as needed. During our travels we meet another crew doing an Athena quest and they sounded French so we nicknamed them the Frenchies and started an alliance. They were efficient and completed their quest probably an hour before ours was final so they switched to merchant quests.

    Two of my crew ended up having the leave due to the length of time (I think they were happy with the half rep for Athena the Frenchies so kindly provided us with) so I put up a post on LFG to find us some replacements. My other crewmate invited his friend right away and I soon after invited a British guy from LFG. At this point we only had a couple skeles and a riddle map left and I had friended one of the Frenchies who asked if we needed any help because they were getting low on time. So I said yes and they came to help us clear these maps. Well the original crew member's friend turned out to be kinda of a jerk. After we had cleared the first skele map with the Frenchies' help (they even loaded the skulls to our ship) this jerk says that he's going over to the Frenchies' ship to practice sword fighting. I told him not to do this because they were helping us and due to the language barrier they may take his sword fighting the wrong way. Sure enough he ignored our warnings and killed a couple of them before their captain sent him to the ferry. So by then some private messages had been sent amongst the rest of us and we decided to brig the jerk in our jail. He of course made the comment that he didn't care if he sat in the brig, he was going to wait it out until he got the Athena chest rep. The British guy and I then noticed my original crewmate had put us on a course into the red sea and before we could drop anchor we had entered this deadly area and were starting to take damage so we quickly put him in the brig as well.

    Our boat was surely lost (same with our loot for the whole play session minus two maps) so I went down to the brig to play some music as we sank and then the weirdest thing happened. When I spawned back onto the new ship I was now inside the brig even though I was never voted in and there was no way possible to be since it was just me and British guy as the only active crew members. So now we had a galleon being sailed by the British guy and the other 3 of us were in the brig. I then asked the British guy to vote out the original crew member of mine (there's was no option for me due to I was never voted in there in the first place) to see if they could both vote me into the brig and then wait it out to vote me back out. But the British guy said he didn't want to take a chance even though my original crewmate promised to play nice.

    I couldn't believe this, I told him I was the one who invited him to this Athena quest that was almost finished and I didn't want to spend my time in the brig. He said he did not care and didn't need our help since he had the Frenchies with us. This angered me to the point where I messaged the Frenchies and told them the situation. I told them I didn't care if I got credit for the Athena chest and would throw it into the ocean if I had the chance to. At this point I wanted them to steal it and break the alliance because nobody on that ship deserved that chest at this point in my opinion. The Frenchies said back that they were willing to do this and asked if I wanted to be invited to the their crew for the turn in. It turned out that they had been a man short for a while now since we had taken so long. I told them they would be my best friends in the world if they did this but asked for them to wait to invite me until they were super close to the turn in so that way the British guy couldn't invite back up in time or to un-brig the jerks.

    So it had been a good 20-30 minutes since I had heard a word out of the British guy (he no longer had a need to talk to me since he knew I was mad that he wouldn't try to get me out of the brig) when he unmuted his mic and started complaining that my French friends had dug up the Athena chest, put in onto their ship and sailed away in a hurry. So he thought they were gonna turn it in for themselves. I informed him the situation was worse than he knew. I told him that I was actually in contact with that crew and I was leaving this crew to join their crew in a quick minute and that we would be immediately breaking the alliance at that point so that none of them would get credit for the quest. He was so surprised he didn't even reply back. I then quickly accepted the Frenchies game invite, loaded into the Frenchies' game, saw the pop up that the alliance was broken, and then one of them was waiting in the tavern so almost instantly I got the Athena rep. This was the first Athena chest I ever stole and it was originally mine LOL!

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  • Nobody has a comment on this?

  • If I’m honest I skipped most of this. However, it’s a common way of earning the commendation. It does have its risks though
    Server mergers making it disappear if you hide it on an island for example.

  • They deserved it!

  • Nice story!

  • I loved the story! I've done similar acts with guys who sit in the brig. Make a verbal alliance only, join the other crew, while one of them joins your crew, cash half then let the allies flip flop members and cash the other half. Finish cashing then join back to your crew.😁 It costs a little but it's worth denying a troll. The bonus is the allies mutilating the brigged troll!😂

  • @contentzilla nice tale

  • Thanks to those that read it!

  • @contentzilla lol good work ambassador.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in My first stolen Athena chest was actually mine to start with....:

    @contentzilla lol good work ambassador.


  • @contentzilla my favorite part was “thats when i informed him the situation was worse than he knew” lolol.

  • @contentzilla Ho boi, that was pretty much what happened with me. British PL didn't want to give someone a DR Athena because he said "you're just a kid" and was getting angry at the british dude for trolling us for the last three hours. In the end, he threw everything off in a raging fit because us (now brigged) and started throwing personal insults for the next two hours.

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