News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update

  • Just a little article, an interview with Joe himself

    To quote from the article

    "In a lot of ways, as a service, we are only just beginning," said executive producer Joe Neate during GameSpot's E3 livestream. He and design director Mike Chapman also discussed how they plan to add more regularity to their update plans so that players know when to come back, as well as to make the update pace more sustainable for the team going forward.

    "We've been going at a pace that isn't sustainable," said Neate, "and the team has done an amazing job, but these are the two pillars of our plans going forward: It's cadence and regularity for the players, but it's also making it so that there's flexibility in the plan as to when some things land.

    I think in the light of day, it's true that the team do need to take stock & adjust their development plans going forward.
    We can't have a burnt out team.
    Quality not quantity springs to mind.

    Just my thoughts.


  • 25
  • Good News @PirateCraggy

  • And Sea of Thieves now has over 8.4 million players, which means:

    • over 5.99 million players ate a banana (71.33%)
    • over 5.66 million players set sail for the first time (67.48%)
    • over 981k players defeated Karen and lived to tell the tale (11.68%)
    • over 104k players are Pirate Legend (1.24%)
    • over 493k players have completed The Shroudbreaker Tall Tale (5.88%)
    • over 85k players have completed The Shores of Gold Tall Tale (1.02%)
    • over 81k players have contested in The Arena aboard each colour of ship (0.97%)
  • @bugaboo-bill

    Yip.. a growing game!!

    ... and what changes that come to the game will hopefully be balanced, well tested, and add so much to this beautifully balanced game.
    It's pretty perfect that additions will be planned to enhance our experience, and not rushed into the game.
    For the sake of rushing them in, or indeed to potentially break game play.

    The word is "Sustainability".. we must secure SoT's future.

  • @skulliah said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    And Sea of Thieves now has over 8.4 million players, which means:

    • over 493k players have completed The Shroudbreaker Tall Tale (5.88%)
    • over 85k players have completed The Shores of Gold Tall Tale (1.02%)

    So basicly 1/4 did the Shroudbreacker Tall Tale (almost 500k / 2mil that logged in after SoT 2.0)
    around 1/20 did The Shores of gold
    Prob also due to the fact that the Fate of the Morningstar has been bugged for quiet some time.

    Now i only wished they annouced how many PL logged in after the update, since we rarely see one in Adventure. Hence we Barely see anyone with any kind of time-limited cosmatics

  • @nessiroj said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    @skulliah said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    And Sea of Thieves now has over 8.4 million players, which means:

    • over 493k players have completed The Shroudbreaker Tall Tale (5.88%)
    • over 85k players have completed The Shores of Gold Tall Tale (1.02%)

    So basicly 1/4 did the Shroudbreacker Tall Tale (almost 500k / 2mil that logged in after SoT 2.0)
    around 1/20 did The Shores of gold
    Prob also due to the fact that the Fate of the Morningstar has been bugged for quiet some time.

    Well, it may have influenced the possibility of unlocking this Tale, but only Rare know the real behavior of the players. I think there are many other factors, and I believe it's already a good number knowing that not everyone is playing the game every day and some Tales can take a lot of time to complete!

  • @Nessiroj

    Now i only wished they annouced how many PL logged in after the update, since we rarely see one in Adventure. Hence we Barely see anyone with any kind of time-limited cosmatics

    It can be hard to recognise a "Legend" these days, I know a fair few that don't wear the title ( myself included ), and love mixing up their cosmetics.

  • True, but most legends tend to have 1 or more time-limited things equiped (not talking titles / boat) but tools/equipment/weapons or clothing/tattoos

  • @nessiroj

    Yes I see what you mean, but also those may not be on apparent display.
    Guess it could depend on your encounter, if you hang around another pirate you may notice one or two of those if you are lucky enough.

  • Why you won't spot my time limited cosmetics in adventure mode:

    I stopped playing in adventure mode for several reasons.

    Firstly. Most of my Xbox friends stopped playing for a reason i'm not bringing into this thread
    Secondly. Having to sail solo become a real pain in the backside, Skeleton ships had become almost impossible to beat and escape from due to the new ship damage and almost always resulted in my being sunk.
    And then we have the issue of the sloop no longer having any way of escaping larger vessels. No longer can you navigate your way through rocks or shallows as larger faster, more manned ships can now use the harpoon to take tighter faster turns and catch you up even easier than ever.
    The sloop has become useless! And that is my ship of choice, whilst it's fun to play with others, i have always enjoyed sailing solo or with +1 on a sloop. But not any more. So adventure mode has lost it's appeal to me, so much so i have barely even touched the tall tales.

  • @needsmokes said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    Firstly. Most of my Xbox friends stopped playing for a reason i'm not bringing into this thread

    Thankyou @NeedSmokes ... yes I'm sure there are reasons :) and I doff me hat for you not de-railing this thread.
    I respect your opinion & right to say whatever you like... but kudos matey for your restraint.

    edit: I will note... we basically are at polar opposites. ( However .. I'm a Solo Slooper/Duo Slooper)

    You don't play Adventure... I don't play Arena.

    Yet again in this great "spirit of restraint"... my reasons for not playing Arena... well... will stay with myself, and those who need to know :)

  • @piratecraggy said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    Just a little article, an interview with Joe himself

    To quote from the article

    "In a lot of ways, as a service, we are only just beginning," said executive producer Joe Neate during GameSpot's E3 livestream. He and design director Mike Chapman also discussed how they plan to add more regularity to their update plans so that players know when to come back, as well as to make the update pace more sustainable for the team going forward.

    "We've been going at a pace that isn't sustainable," said Neate, "and the team has done an amazing job, but these are the two pillars of our plans going forward: It's cadence and regularity for the players, but it's also making it so that there's flexibility in the plan as to when some things land.

    I think in the light of day, it's true that the team do need to take stock & adjust their development plans going forward.
    We can't have a burnt out team.
    Quality not quantity springs to mind.

    Just my thoughts.


    aye nice more stuff lol I would always say quality not quantity

  • Saw this information. It is still only part of the overall picture. How many players log on every day, how many full server instances are running on average per day, how many players are still logging on regularly since launch, etc. are more important stats.

    Information does not mean “millions” are constantly playing. 2 million could have “played” since x date, but how long did those players play on average, how many are still playing now, how long do they play, etc. would provide a clearer, more transparent picture.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    Yeah I always look at the percentages in the Achievements with a little curiosity.

    Now Bring Me That Horizon
    You set sail for the first time
    67.28% of gamers unlock this

    So it's a Pirate game... yet very close to a third.. never set sail.
    Out of all of these achievements, this is sorta puzzling to me.
    You wouldn't buy a TV, unbox it, look at it, and never turn it on, would you? :)

    It is an overview all these stats, whether you log into the game once & never again, or like most of us on the forum... players of the game.
    Overall, it's great to see a growing trend of playership... but yeah, is it the best marker for the success of the game. Is there a better way?


    edit: would be interesting to see how many Sail a 2nd, 3rd,4th etc.... time, to gauge the step down. Information we will never know...
    The only thing I know is I'll sailing these Seas for hopefully many many years to come.

  • @PirateCraggy @Skulliah
    It's refreshing to me to read these numbers and i cannot agree more about the dont rush anything and the sustainabilty thing.
    SoT is my favorite game and one i played longer as most favorite games i had for a decade or even longer.
    I may pause sometimes, but until i didnt miss anything.

    It's good to know we have this numbers.

    As for the less PL in Adventure mode thing @Nessiroj

    My crew are overall PLAX Pirates, but we also got some new Pirates recently and it is fun to share the knowledge or see them wondering why we knew the name of this island on the horizon without to check the map ;-) spot the ships and know it's a Brig or a Skaleone.
    Someone said, i admire the way you park the ship without the need of the anchor.
    I giggled and said: never use the anchor, expect you need to stop at an island in the storm, do an anchor turn or for a Meg.
    It remembers me of my first days not beeing able to park a ship without making me having 2 holes and then even not noticing it, going to dig a chest up and when i came back my ship already sunk :-D
    She then told me, that was exactly what happened to her too rofl
    I like this :-)
    I like to help new players and have a good time on the seas, even or especially when competing.

    So sorry if i've derailed.
    I wanted to say that i barely look like a Legend or use the AX ship. Unfortunately the Shores of Gold Curse is also no option for me since they "ruined" it (bad Rare!) , but i hope, since i dont have the Killer Whale already that the Spartan Ship looks good with the Gold Hoarder figurine.
    I like the figurine and green in general.
    I therefore wear dark green trousers and the dark green Bandana.
    Day 1 Eyepatch is the only very special i wear.
    I also don't use my Brave Vanguard Title anymore or equip the Founder Sails that often.
    But i can bragg a little with the Shrouded Ghost title :-)
    And i very much like the title from the Festival of the Damned.

    So you wont neccessarily recognize me as a Legend or someone who was a Pioneer and all that.

    One of my favorite Ships is the red 50 Merchants one.
    But i think the Spartan will my next favorite Ship.
    Maybe with the Ancient Isle Sails and the Gold Hoarder Figurine.

    I never used the AX ship although i have it complete.

    What i sometimes do is wearing hat's from Events, while not wearing a Jacket, but the Bonecrusher Tattoo.

    The Barnacle Hat is cool and for sure many are jealous for the Bonecrusher Set, cloth and also full Ship.

    Bilge Rat Flag is also unique iirc.
    It's the flag i use the most.

    Good winds to all of you, we will be here for the next years i guess :-D

  • @Nessiroj A lot of limited timed cosmetics are ship cosmetics. Every single limited time cosmetic from this year has been for the ships.

  • @nessiroj
    Also because of the time requirement for tall tales. I think you should be able to save them at certain points to fix this.

  • @piratecraggy said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:


    Yeah I always look at the percentages in the Achievements with a little curiosity.

    Now Bring Me That Horizon
    You set sail for the first time
    67.28% of gamers unlock this

    So it's a Pirate game... yet very close to a third.. never set sail.
    Out of all of these achievements, this is sorta puzzling to me.
    You wouldn't buy a TV, unbox it, look at it, and never turn it on, would you? :)

    It is an overview all these stats, whether you log into the game once & never again, or like most of us on the forum... players of the game.
    Overall, it's great to see a growing trend of playership... but yeah, is it the best marker for the success of the game. Is there a better way?


    edit: would be interesting to see how many Sail a 2nd, 3rd,4th etc.... time, to gauge the step down. Information we will never know...
    The only thing I know is I'll sailing these Seas for hopefully many many years to come.

    Rare is playing with numbers to paint a picture that is intended to give a more favorable perception of the state of the game. The numbers and percentages indicate that the overwhelming majority played The Sea of Thieves only a very limited amount of time and do not keep playing. There is also some installing from game pass and not even playing it.

    There are not millions sailing in the Sea of Thieves all the time. In the interviews they carefully use the word “played”which reflects what I said that most “play/try” and never sail regularly playing the game like pirates we have been.

    I am glad you find the heart to still set out on the sea. My spouse and I stopped after the anniversary update. We did hop on a sloop to acquire the Halo inspired livery, but have no plans to return to sailing to the sea until Rare improves on the mess they move made of the game and bring new content for life after becoming Pirate Legend and reaching Athena 10.

    We greatly miss our friends and sailing treasure ships with them. May the wind stay at your back my friend.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    We greatly miss our friends and sailing treasure ships with them. May the wind stay at your back my friend.

    Matey... we do miss you.... & Wolf you know.
    I know we hadn't sailed much together lately, but I have to thank-you both for our time together, you guys where the ones that re-sparked my interest in playing the game just after Christmas. I shall for always have gratitude to both of you for your kindness and our time together. I heartily raise me tankard with a cheer to you guys... always!


  • @skulliah how is the pirate legend so low?

  • @x-crowheart-x another factor I think we need to consider are smurf accounts are those counted for? So if I had like 3 xbox live accounts and played sea of thieves on them would I count as 3 people

  • @nessiroj sagte in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    Now i only wished they annouced how many PL logged in after the update, since we rarely see one in Adventure. Hence we Barely see anyone with any kind of time-limited cosmatics

    Maybe you won't reckognize them. I am PL A10, but wear other titles and cosmetics than PL A10 related stuff. A lot of my friends do so, as well.

  • What do you need to do in order to become a pirate legend? Level up everything, or does it have to do with being a founder or one of the first to play? I'm a newbie who enjoys fishing in the game.

  • @chilledcola said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    What do you need to do in order to become a pirate legend? Level up everything, or does it have to do with being a founder or one of the first to play? I'm a newbie who enjoys fishing in the game.

    Hello mate! You have to each 50 in any three of the four factions such as Gold Hosrders and Order of Souls. Three are in Adventure and one is in Arena. Can be any combination.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in News from elsewhere... 2 million from Update:

    @x-crowheart-x another factor I think we need to consider are smurf accounts are those counted for? So if I had like 3 xbox live accounts and played sea of thieves on them would I count as 3 people

    Interesting question. I would think if all the accounts are independent of each of the answer would be yes.

13 out of 25