'Making Our Mark' - Official List of Community Influence.

  • @triheadedmonkey

    What? - Triheaded Monkey Flag

    Where? - Sanctuary Outpost

    Why? - For being an all round good guy and providing endless amounts of forum flags for the Deckhands to look through. Forum moderator extraordinaire!

    Location: Beside the fire in the Outpost tavern.

  • The Crow's Nest

    What? - The Crow's Nest Logo Painted on Wood

    Where? - The Crow's Nest Fortress

    Why? - Positive Community Member/Creator - One of the first Youtube Channels to cover Sea of Thieves News and Speculation.

    Location: At the very top of The Crow's Nest Fortress the logo can be found. (You will need to fire yourself out of a cannon to reach this location.)

  • Derrick, Son of Merrick - ( @Dr-Nefari0us )

    What? - Framed Picture of Merrick & Derrick

    Where? - Shark Bait Cove

    Why? - During the Hungering Deep campaign, Dr Nefari0us posted his likeness to the Community as his generated Pirate looked a lot like Merrick (in-game NPC) - Found Here

    Location: On the outer south-west beach is a campsite where Merrick was once found during the Hungering Deep. Now an image of the Father/Son duo can be found.

  • @DreadPirateDoug

    What? - Pirate Legend Resume

    Where? - Golden Sands Outpost

    Why? - For creating the first Pirate Legend Resume for his Pirate - Found Here

    Location: Stuck to the right hand post of the fireplace in the Captains Head Tavern.

  • @Capt-Ballzonia

    What? - Framed Artwork

    Where? - Sanctuary Outpost

    Why? - For accumulating a vast library of gorgeous Sea of Thieves screenshots and always sharing them with the community.

    Location: Inside the George and Kraken Tavern on Sanctuary Outpost, hung up on the left hand side of the room as you walk in.

  • @chocmoojoo (Rare Galleon, The Allegiant)

    What? - Model Ship of a 'Rare Galleon' with plaque name 'The Allegiant'

    Where? - The Finest Trading Post

    Why? - Positive Community Member, also sent a model ship 'The Allegiant' painted in the Rare Ship colours to Rare during the Anniversary Update of Sea of Thieves.

    Location: Found to the back of the sea post hut on the shelve.

  • Hungering Deep Book No.1 - Merrick-Rolled (@Chayification)

    What? - Merrick's Old Journal (Or is it?) This ones never gonna brig you up!

    Where? - Uncharted Island (J12)

    Why? - To "celebrate" Chayification's antics of blasting the Rick Astley hit down the speaking trumpet after The Hungering Deep event.

    Location: In the crows nest of the sunken ship at J12

    Image Pending

  • Hungering Deep Book No.2 - Un-Beard-lievable (@Beardageddon)

    What? - Merrick's Old Journal (Or is it?)

    Where? - Uncharted Island (N13)

    Why? - To commemorate Beardageddon's epic solo Megaladon battle! It has to be seen to beard-lieved!

    Location: N13 Uncharted Island

    Image Pending

  • Young Cartographer's Drawing

    What? - Drawing of Smugglers Bay

    Where? - Smugglers Bay

    Why? - To celebrate a drawing from a young pirates love for Smugglers Bay and the Seas. Click here for player tweet / original drawing

    Location: The central campsite near the islands cave.

    Image Pending

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