Another crossplay discussion

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon well yeah anyone with a brain can see they updated it to hardlock pc players out of the lobbies. I wonder why pc players were trying to get into xbox lobbies in the first place hmmm. Plus you just check your recent players list to see.
    But anyway your just a pc player trying to come up with an excuse to try and push the pc.agenda.
    Either way opt out is here and its on the horizon for adventure. So the pc side of the game will be dead.

    ?? How am I trying to get into xbox lobbies while on PC?? Already stated was playing on xbox. Also stated that when we get on mic and tell everyone we are on PC the whole lobby believes it. Its not PC playing on xbox lobbies, its xbox playing in xbox lobbies then trolling the lobby by telling them we are on PC and its funny how FAST they immediately believe it. The amount of rage is actually really funny. lolololol

    Let me check are you saying that your not even on PC you've been playing xbox?

    ?? You can play this game on either xbox or you not know that or are you asking something else?

    I'm asking if you specifically play on PC or xbox?

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    Can confirm I definitely do not want PvE servers 😂

    No, you just want to be able to win more? You think you can't compete against PC, but the thing is you have this whole time.

    Time to be honest, how many people have you "beaten"?
    Do you know how many of those were PC?
    Do you only check if you lose when you think you should have won?
    What makes you check to see if they are on PC, is it cause you lost?

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    Can confirm I definitely do not want PvE servers 😂

    No, you just want to be able to win more? You think you can't compete against PC, but the thing is you have this whole time.

    Time to be honest, how many people have you "beaten"?
    Do you know how many of those were PC?
    Do you only check if you lose when you think you should have won?
    What makes you check to see if they are on PC, is it cause you lost?

    Again have I said I'm so good I should win all the time? Nope again never mentioned. But keep pulling out false statements to prove your point. I'm sorry are you asking how many people I've killed since I've been playing? What a sec let me go back and check over the last 2 years 🙄

  • @staceyxsx No I asked what makes you check? honestly.
    Do you check when you "beat" someone or win a fight?

    I find it quite telling none of you can answer such a simple question, instead you get so defensive.

    Also, I only asked if you were wanting to win more but way to overreact

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx No I asked what makes you check? honestly.
    Do you check when you "beat" someone or win a fight?

    I find it quite telling none of you can answer such a simple question, instead you get so defensive.

    I'm sorry that's not defensive 😂😂 I didn't answer because I didn't deem it relevant enough to answer. I'll check for a multitude of reasons, when I start a fight with someone I'll check to see what I'm up against, when I suspect someone is on PC (it's easy to tell without checking) I'll check to confirm if I was right. Most of the time you won't need to check-the abuse getting typed at you tells you all you need to know. I mean I checked yesterday after receiving abuse telling me how bad I was and how they were just better on xbox then I was- turns out they were on PC and lying😂😂

  • @staceyxsx

    I regularly play on PC due to complications why?

  • @staceyxsx I think maybe you spend too much time checking, and not enough actually fighting. Could be why you lose, I dunno just thought I'd help.

    Back to my questions then, when did you start checking? since you been playing for 2 years you going to tell me you have been checking the whole time (bare in mind they didn't used to show it, and recent player lists were broken)

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    I regularly play on PC due to complications why?

    I was getting confused sorry it seemed like you were saying on your post you play on xbox.

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx I think maybe you spend too much time checking, and not enough actually fighting. Could be why you lose, I dunno just thought I'd help.

    Back to my questions then, when did you start checking? since you been playing for 2 years you going to tell me you have been checking the whole time (bare in mind they didn't used to show it, and recent player lists were broken)

    So you think I stop mid sword fight and check 😂 Did I say I check every time, no I gave you some instances in which I may check, I never said I check every single time🙄 These questions have no relevant basis whatsoever which is why I'm choosing not to answer them-do you think I have it marked in my diary started checking pc on 22nd Nov

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx I think maybe you spend too much time checking, and not enough actually fighting. Could be why you lose, I dunno just thought I'd help.

    Back to my questions then, when did you start checking? since you been playing for 2 years you going to tell me you have been checking the whole time (bare in mind they didn't used to show it, and recent player lists were broken)

    How about you just get to your point instead of asking nonsense questions trying to prove it first?

  • @nwo-azcrack explain to me what the problem is then?

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon man I cant even finish this post i'm gonna have a stroke from all the excess salt 😂

    Too much salt is indeed bad for your health 😂

  • @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells its all good once opt out is released for adventure none of us all will need to talk again.

    Not really a true opt out though is it.

    And here was me thinking we could all be pals for the benefit of the community, don't be such a spoiled sport.

    Your previous posts have made it perfectly clear that you don't really care for other facets of this community at any cost, your attitude is quite selfish in this regard.

    Nice to see your true colours at last.

    My inbox is full of xbox players messaging me to not even bother because the delusion on these forums from the pc community is out of control. They have all given up and are sick of the community as a whole. We just want to not have to play crossplay and that will be it.
    You can then argue about how you cant play arena now or that adventure is dead because of this unbalanced game.
    Either way its coming or we are going. Have fun either way. I will.

  • @staceyxsx

    No I play on PC because its easier for me, but I had access to a Xbox that had SoT on it and logged in. As long as you got a digital copy you can redownload the game as much as you want and just log into any hardware that has xbox live.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    No I play on PC because its easier for me, but I had access to a Xbox that had SoT on it and logged in. As long as you got a digital copy you can redownload the game as much as you want and just log into any hardware that has xbox live.

    Nice that's handy. Was just wondering if you were an xbox player what your thoughts would be on getting an ssd and if its worth it

  • @staceyxsx

    If you have an xbox one original then definitely. Some of the earlier versions of xbox one x and s probably? If you can go through the door and load onto your boat in 3 to 5 seconds I wouldn't waste the money on it honestly.

    If you are regularly and I mean regularly black screen for 10 to 15 seconds going from ferry door to boat then I guess it would be.

    I get blacked screened from time to time even on my PC so its not going to be perfect but if you are hitting 10 to 15 seconds from ferry to boat then probably would help.

    Do not count death to ferry. The timer starts when you die not when you load into the ferry.

    SIDE NOTE I'm cheap and few seconds don't matter to me, but if you have money to spend comfortable on stuff you want then a few seconds might be worth it.

    You'll load into the game a hell lot faster though thats for sure. "Set sail" 5 seconds later in the tavern. But its not combat related so eh?

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @nwo-azcrack explain to me what the problem is then?

    The problem is you are suffering from delusion.
    Its obvious you dont have any friends who play on PC. If you did you would see why your post is laughable.
    Not once in my time with crossplay games have i ever heard a pc player say they want easy xbox kills.

    Xbox players who think this have the mentality of losers. Every pc player i have ever met just wanted to play with their friends on different systems. They know they are the smaller player base and worry that they will be left to long loading times and seeing the same ppl all the time.

    Next time you try and tell everyone what pc players are thinking, you may wanna do some research or go actually meet and talk to pc players. Cause it looks like you just unlocked the Tinfoil Hat Commendation. Your new cosmetic is in your clothing chest!

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells its all good once opt out is released for adventure none of us all will need to talk again.

    Not really a true opt out though is it.

    And here was me thinking we could all be pals for the benefit of the community, don't be such a spoiled sport.

    Your previous posts have made it perfectly clear that you don't really care for other facets of this community at any cost, your attitude is quite selfish in this regard.

    Nice to see your true colours at last.

    My inbox is full of xbox players messaging me to not even bother because the delusion on these forums from the pc community is out of control. They have all given up and are sick of the community as a whole. We just want to not have to play crossplay and that will be it.
    You can then argue about how you cant play arena now or that adventure is dead because of this unbalanced game.
    Either way its coming or we are going. Have fun either way. I will.

    Correction a preference for adventure is coming, not a hard opt out.

    Personally I've always argued that input based matchmaking maintaining cross play, is the superior way to go, not segregation by platform, this a far better compromise.

    The only delusion I see on these forums is people trying blame platform communities for their woes. The reality is it comes from all sides, you are the perfect example for this, I don't blame xbox players I instead blame individuals with selfish attitudes.


  • @nwo-azcrack said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @nwo-azcrack explain to me what the problem is then?

    They know they are the smaller player base and worry that they will be left to long loading times and seeing the same ppl all the time.

    This thing a thousand times -----^^^^^^

    I've run into this in other games and it really is an issue. I've enjoyed cross play in this game because of the friends I've made. They've all been on xbox as well.

    Depending on the region, time of day, number of players playing. I could be merged into a server in Europe, or players in europe will be merged in US servers because of population counts. I mean its exactly whats happening in Arena right now. Hour long queue's and we never get into servers, we are moved into the most populated region to start the game. So either I'm lagging like crazy or my teammate that plays in a different continent is lagging.

    Its the same mentality people claim about smurfs in other games. Players fail to realize how boring it really is in the higher ranked matches. You literally have to wait for the same players to log in or you don't get to play. So high level players make low level accounts so that they can actually join games and PLAY the game.

    Its not about face rolling low levels and laughing as you are stomping trash players. A lot of players do it because its the only way they can actually PLAY the game. Its about getting to play the game you enjoy and maybe meet some new players and change things up.

    You are asking for rare to take away a huge portion of the population and eventually it will be one side xbox and one side PC. Its inevitable with human nature. Its just going to happen.

    So no it was never about easy targets.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    No I play on PC because its easier for me, but I had access to a Xbox that had SoT on it and logged in. As long as you got a digital copy you can redownload the game as much as you want and just log into any hardware that has xbox live.

    Nice that's handy. Was just wondering if you were an xbox player what your thoughts would be on getting an ssd and if its worth it

    Figured I'd jump in here and give you another option that I use, sort of a compromise and less cost per gigabyte. Instead of spending that much money on a SSD for limited storage, I suggest looking into higher speed external hard drives than the stock one on the One or what most externals use (especially those portable ones). Look into getting a quality 7200RPM drive as opposed to the 5400RPM ones used internally and in most lower cost or portable externals.

    I have a Day One Xbox One console and have this game loaded on a 7200RPM drive (Toshiba makes some good ones, or look into getting a USB 3.0 docking station and use your own drive in it). Most of my "black screens" are in the 5 second range and never over 10 seconds unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as waiting for ship to respawn after sinking or scuttling).

    The hardest part is actually finding whether the manufacturer tells you the drive speed. WD is especially bad about this and many times the same model number could contain either a 5400 or 7200, though I think they are starting to just put in the 5400 models most of the time anymore. Also the bigger the drive the more likely it will be of higher speed - not a hard and fast rule but a good start. As I recommended Toshiba drives earlier (use a couple myself), the 3 TB and lower are usually 5400 while 5TB and larger are 7200. The easiest way to make sure is to get a bare 3.5" drive specifically stated to be 7200RPM and put it in either an external case or use one of those "toaster" docks for it (which you can easily swap out drives if you ever fill one up). Brands I would recommend on the hard drive itself are: Toshiba, Hitachi, HGST, & WD Black (the bare 3.5" drives, not those new externals they released as those are just laptop drives). I'm still a little leery of Seagate drives to this day, though I have used them with no issues. If possible, get one specified for Enterprise/Server use - these are typically higher quality and designed for longer life/extended use. Do not get a 2.5" (laptop) drive as those will always be 5400RPM or less and give no better loading times.

    And this would put you on the same playing field as probably 90% of PC owners in terms of loading times, since that is what the vast majority of desktop PCs would have as a base hard drive. Only the most hard core will have invested in SSDs due to the cost/gigabyte ratio and limited space on them.

    Do feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like some recommendations in this regard. Don't want to clog up the thread with somewhat related but still off topic discussion.

  • @staceyxsx yeah they are taking there time with it hope they still intend to do it think the console players should have it after this is the only game I have played out of the many with cross play that does not give you the choice and they added it to arena which I have no interest in and was pretty dead anyways hopefully it arrives sooner rather then later

  • @staceyxsx it's as if they don't want lots of different threads asking for cross play opt out cos then rare might have to pull there finger out and deliver something they said they was working on 10 months ago isn't it 😂😂😂🥰

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx it's as if they don't want lots of different threads asking for cross play opt out cos then rare might have to pull there finger out and deliver something they said they was working on 10 months ago isn't it 😂😂😂🥰

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    This is literally what the situation looks like:

    Down to the impatient honking at the end while being in the car lol

  • Won't hurt

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Won't hurt

    Right, because nagging non-stop clearly made it faster last time!

    I remember a livestream (so sad I don't remember which one) where Joe said jokingly that every time someone asked about crossplay, they delayed it's release. Starting to think he was not joking 😆

  • @bloodybil might be right there when it comes to this starting to think they have a grad student working on it with a zx spectrum somewhere in the office they need to get some decent Devs from the Fortnite and rocket league games and learn how to properly implement cross play and opt out they seemed tov manage it alright

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    If you have an xbox one original then definitely. Some of the earlier versions of xbox one x and s probably? If you can go through the door and load onto your boat in 3 to 5 seconds I wouldn't waste the money on it honestly.

    If you are regularly and I mean regularly black screen for 10 to 15 seconds going from ferry door to boat then I guess it would be.

    I get blacked screened from time to time even on my PC so its not going to be perfect but if you are hitting 10 to 15 seconds from ferry to boat then probably would help.

    Do not count death to ferry. The timer starts when you die not when you load into the ferry.

    SIDE NOTE I'm cheap and few seconds don't matter to me, but if you have money to spend comfortable on stuff you want then a few seconds might be worth it.

    You'll load into the game a hell lot faster though thats for sure. "Set sail" 5 seconds later in the tavern. But its not combat related so eh?

    Im on xbox one S. Sometimes I can be in the ferry for close to a minute, in terms of combat for the most part before you've came back from your black screen your ship is either gone or it gives a huge advantage when one jumps on kills you and by the time you've came back the whole ship has had time to pull up behind you and destroy you with cannon balls. So I'd say it's directly ship v ship combat related.

    I was playing with a PC player the other day and couldn't believe how quickly he loaded when I invited him. Sometimes loading screens can take up to 5 minutes to load in for me.

  • @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    No I play on PC because its easier for me, but I had access to a Xbox that had SoT on it and logged in. As long as you got a digital copy you can redownload the game as much as you want and just log into any hardware that has xbox live.

    Nice that's handy. Was just wondering if you were an xbox player what your thoughts would be on getting an ssd and if its worth it

    Figured I'd jump in here and give you another option that I use, sort of a compromise and less cost per gigabyte. Instead of spending that much money on a SSD for limited storage, I suggest looking into higher speed external hard drives than the stock one on the One or what most externals use (especially those portable ones). Look into getting a quality 7200RPM drive as opposed to the 5400RPM ones used internally and in most lower cost or portable externals.

    I have a Day One Xbox One console and have this game loaded on a 7200RPM drive (Toshiba makes some good ones, or look into getting a USB 3.0 docking station and use your own drive in it). Most of my "black screens" are in the 5 second range and never over 10 seconds unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as waiting for ship to respawn after sinking or scuttling).

    The hardest part is actually finding whether the manufacturer tells you the drive speed. WD is especially bad about this and many times the same model number could contain either a 5400 or 7200, though I think they are starting to just put in the 5400 models most of the time anymore. Also the bigger the drive the more likely it will be of higher speed - not a hard and fast rule but a good start. As I recommended Toshiba drives earlier (use a couple myself), the 3 TB and lower are usually 5400 while 5TB and larger are 7200. The easiest way to make sure is to get a bare 3.5" drive specifically stated to be 7200RPM and put it in either an external case or use one of those "toaster" docks for it (which you can easily swap out drives if you ever fill one up). Brands I would recommend on the hard drive itself are: Toshiba, Hitachi, HGST, & WD Black (the bare 3.5" drives, not those new externals they released as those are just laptop drives). I'm still a little leery of Seagate drives to this day, though I have used them with no issues. If possible, get one specified for Enterprise/Server use - these are typically higher quality and designed for longer life/extended use. Do not get a 2.5" (laptop) drive as those will always be 5400RPM or less and give no better loading times.

    And this would put you on the same playing field as probably 90% of PC owners in terms of loading times, since that is what the vast majority of desktop PCs would have as a base hard drive. Only the most hard core will have invested in SSDs due to the cost/gigabyte ratio and limited space on them.

    Do feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like some recommendations in this regard. Don't want to clog up the thread with somewhat related but still off topic discussion.

    Thank you very much ill definitely have to pm you though I'm not techy in the slightest wouldn't even know where to start lol but I'll have a look! Thanks so much for this😁

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @nwo-azcrack explain to me what the problem is then?

    The problem is you are suffering from delusion.
    Its obvious you dont have any friends who play on PC. If you did you would see why your post is laughable.
    Not once in my time with crossplay games have i ever heard a pc player say they want easy xbox kills.

    Xbox players who think this have the mentality of losers. Every pc player i have ever met just wanted to play with their friends on different systems. They know they are the smaller player base and worry that they will be left to long loading times and seeing the same ppl all the time.

    Next time you try and tell everyone what pc players are thinking, you may wanna do some research or go actually meet and talk to pc players. Cause it looks like you just unlocked the Tinfoil Hat Commendation. Your new cosmetic is in your clothing chest!

    Gonna have to disagree with you on this one. People I play with on PC know they have an advantage and have spent time showing me them. Case in point shooting whilst going up ladders to board! The only tinfoil hats seem to be needed for the people on this forum who continuessly deny any advantages pc have 😂😂

  • @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

    Because they have a valid point about user numbers, and that there is a better way than platform based matchmaking which addresses input complaints and is fair for everyone .

  • @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

    Because they have a valid point about user numbers, and that there is a better way than platform based matchmaking which addresses input complaints and is fair for everyone .

    How can a point be valid when there is no actual proof, who can anyone predict what will happen? The only people who know for sure is Rare everything else is just a guess. If there is a better way which is fairer for everyone I'm all ears but I haven't seen anyone come up with another solution.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

    Because they have a valid point about user numbers, and that there is a better way than platform based matchmaking which addresses input complaints and is fair for everyone .

    How can a point be valid when there is no actual proof, who can anyone predict what will happen? The only people who know for sure is Rare everything else is just a guess. If there is a better way which is fairer for everyone I'm all ears but I haven't seen anyone come up with another solution.

    If numbers weren't low then surely they would have handed you hard opt out on a silver platter right?


    Like I said input based matchmaking that maintains cross play across the board. No divide by platform.

    One mixed input and another for controller only that includes all platforms on both.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

    The difference is we don't create 10 new threads a day crying for something already promised 😘

  • @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    And it's as if you lot think stomping your feet daily will make it happen faster 😄

    How's it any different than the PC community stomping their feet whinging that it'll kill the game blah blah🙄😂

    Because they have a valid point about user numbers, and that there is a better way than platform based matchmaking which addresses input complaints and is fair for everyone .

    How can a point be valid when there is no actual proof, who can anyone predict what will happen? The only people who know for sure is Rare everything else is just a guess. If there is a better way which is fairer for everyone I'm all ears but I haven't seen anyone come up with another solution.

    If numbers weren't low then surely they would have handed you hard opt out on a silver platter right?


    Like I said input based matchmaking that maintains cross play across the board. No divide by platform.

    One mixed input and another for controller only that includes all platforms on both.

    If they were worried about numbers why would they be implementing it at all? If it was to kill the game as everyone says surely they wouldn't even consider it!

    Sorry I really don't see how that helps maybe I'm just stupid 🤷‍♀️

106 out of 649