Possible Additions to Arena: Ideas, Feedback, and Criticism Welcome

  • Inspired by @Atherza's thread on possible additions for the Adventure mode, so why not Arena?

    • The First thing I propose is for the devs to take a month to tackle bugs, glitches, and server problems for both Arena and Adventure. Making sure the base of the game for both modes is stable and running smoothly before adding new content.
    • Leaderboards: Arena is a competitive mode, so a leaderboard system would make sense. Depending on your performance within the game, your rank would go up or down. You would also face players with a similar rank, so new players don't face up against gods. Credit: @DanHoax
      Player Fighting and Tavern Games
    • Duels: The first thing on the list is the ability to duel your opponents outside the tavern in a vain similar to fighting Scervo from Skyward Sword. No guns, pure sword fighting mayhem. Long and thin boardwalk with tall fences to prevent jumping over. You have to push your opponent into a target behind them three times before falling into a shark shiver below. It could coincide with an update focusing on improvements to the current combat system with balancing and new abilities for swords like parrying, rolling, and other fancy footwork like backflips or side flips. Winning duels would not count as winning a match for Captain of Silvered Waters and Legendary Sea Dog. Here's a link to the Scervo fight for everyone curious. Scervo mini boss, not a rick roll
    • Expanded food and drink selection, as well as cooking: gotta celebrate that victory.
    • Shootout: using guns and cover to fight your foes on land somewhere in/outside the tavern. counts for all commendations
    • Have a billiards, lounge, and other places to just vibe in the tavern. sitting animations apart of the objects.
    • Players fights would take place in the barricaded room in the Glorious Sea Dog, its own mini colosseum.

    New modes

    • Ferryman's fury: last crew standing, no respawns. Counts for all commendations. or gaining points for only kills.
    • Team Ferryman's Fury: same as original deathmatch, but with more friends acquaintances. Credit: @BactaTankBill
    • Capture the flag: ships are on equal standing teams to capture the other teams' Great Sea Dog chest. 15 mins match or first to three wins. Counts for all Commendations.
    • Seas'O'War: Only two galleons duke it out to be the last ship standing. 8 players per galleon (two galleons in one.) Limited resources. The first ship to sink or run out of all resources wins. Counts for all commendations
    • Dead Man's War: Two teams with three ships each compete against one another to unlock their chest and eat the golden banana inside. One team has a chest and a key that the other must steal both to unlock, and visa versa. The chest and key are unique in that you can carry them in your left hand while your right hand can use a sword. You can also use a gun but can reload until you put the item you are carrying down. The first team to eat their target banana wins. Based on Pirates of The Caribbean. I still think it would be fun.
    • Trial of the Sea Dogs: The sea dogs have constructed a new section of the tavern underground designed specifically for gladiatorial combat to train pirates in preparation for the return of Flameheart. The arena can change conditions each round whether it be a duel bridge over lava, wooden platforms in stormy water, or nothing at all. The goal is to kill the other person or people in sword and gun only (no double gunning) combat. Double gunning is literally blocked from being used. You actually won't be able to equip two guns.
    • Skeletons VS. Pirates: The skeletons have gotten even bolder with the recent return of Flameheart and have now begun to invade Arenas with their skeleton armadas. Players will work as a competitive team to compete for sinking the most skeleton ships. The skeleton ships contain sea dog chests that pirates can compete over to turn in. Sinking a skeleton ship grants 1000 silver and you can turn in chests for 1000 silver. Team with most silver at end of the match wins.
    • Mark of the Reaper: Single reaper's chest on the map and only if one of your crew carries it will your ship earn points. Also a much smaller playing area. 1 silver every 2 seconds. First to 100 or most at match's end wins. If chest sinks or is in devil's shroud, it despawns to a random island in the playable area. Credit: @BactaTankBill
    • Lord of The Hill: Takes place on an island or in the open ocean. On land, you can claim two or three lantern sites depending on sloop or galleon, or in Kraken ink circles on the sea. You gain 10 silver every 3 seconds. There is no reward or penalty for sinking because that's just mean.
    • Gun game: every ship starts out with 3000 silver. Attack a ship to steal their silver, can happen to you too. No chests, only fighting. Gain silver for everything you do stealing the silver from other ships. Lose all of your silver, you're out. first to 7'000 silver wins. counts for all commendations.
    • Devils Fury: a variation on the current mode that takes place in Devil's Roar. Double silver and reputation.
    • Island Antics: 5 crews, one big island. Every X dug up is replaced by a new one. two turn-in zones. essentially just the regular mode confined to one island. Credit: @Fllw3rb0y
    • Race of Legends: The popular community-created event is finally an official mode in the Arena. The same rules apply. Counts for all commendations.
    • Monster Hunter: Megs Krakens and Skeleton ships are spread throughout the area. Shoot/ kill the monsters and or other players to earn silver. Sink a skull ship, player ship, or kill megs or Kraken to earn silver and sea dog chests for more silver. AI is much more aggressive due to constant PvP.
    • Update to the current mode: when one map is finished, another one is released. Prevents all 5 ships fighting over one island. they can kill each other for more profit later. Essentially preventing the stalemate we have all had at the end of an Arena Match.
    • 5 Ship Showdown: Someone in the OoS accidentally caused a spell that prevents anyone in the Arena Area from stepping foot on land. Sea dog chests are now to be taken from one Sea Dog turn-in zone to another, ship combat and boarding are the only ways to get chests and win the match. Points for crews who sink other ships.
    • Fleet fatalities: Two teams. Each of the three ships is a team. You can earn silver from maps or sinking other ships. If you sink a sloop, 1000 silver; Brigantine, 1500 silver; Galleon; 2000 silver. Same map system as before. Credit: @UltmateRagnarok.
      Have ideas of your own? Comment below and I'll add them to the list!
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  • New idea: In the current mode, when one map is finished, another one is released. Prevents all 5 ships fighting over one island. they can kill each other for more profit later.


  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/108270/mini-games-in-the-arena

  • Ramming the post to the top of the forums. I really want to hear other ideas.

  • I would love to see a pvp combat mode on an island, kinda like what happens at the reapers hideouts. chests spawn every x minute and crews rush to turn them in.

  • @baronbrr said in Possible ideas for Arena: Additions Welcome:

    Ramming the post to the top of the forums. I really want to hear other ideas.

    Not supposed to bump threads...

  • @galactic-geek darn

  • Ok new idea, fighting ring in the barricaded room in the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern where the shootouts and duels take place. Card games and other ways to mess around are included.

  • New new mode: monster hunter. Megs Krakens and Skeleton ships are spread throughout the area. Shoot/ kill the monsters and or other players to earn silver. Sink a skull ship, player ship, or kill megs or kraken to earn silver and sea dog chests for more silver. AI is much more aggressive due to constant PvP. If you read this post, you don’t have to suggest something new. I just want to hear feedback.

  • New mode: race of legends. The popular community created event is finally an official mode in the Arena. Same rules apply. Counts for all commendation

  • @fllw3rb0y I'll put it on the list.

  • @baronbrr aww thanks!

  • @baronbrr

    Perhaps a fleet battle - one of each ship on each team, silver only has two pools - one for each team. Sinking penalties are changed, with sloops being 1000, brigantines 1500 and galleons 2000, same 'shared maps' as before.

  • @ultmateragnarok I'll put it on the thing. Good suggestion!

  • New mode: bumper boats. Someone accidentally put the bigger cannons on the ship, and they were outlawed by Pirate Lord. Only way to sink a ship is by ramming them into islands. Still same map system and boarding still possible

  • What do you think about any of the modes I’ve thought of?

  • New idea: no timed matches. Gain as much silver as you can with as much time needed. Real naval gladiator combat. Turn in silver at tavern, rotating circle of devils shroud

  • new thought: people could give feedback on anything I've listed. also new cursed cannonballs for specific situations, like causing rain, or the normal cursed cannonballs, 2 of each type in each barrel.

  • I'm running out of bloody ideas, please help.

  • @baronbrr Proper matchmaking instead of the abomination we have now lol

  • @betsill yeah that too

  • Any combat changes to be mentioned?

  • @baronbrr in general a fix to the sword pvp and double gun is much needed. i play on both console and xbox and the double gunning is just annoying. when i say double gunning im not talking about having 2 guns. im talking about the quick double potshots that are accomplished with macros instead of skillful weapon switching.

  • @baronbrr oh also the sword should stun while jumping

  • New idea: king of the hill. Claim the lantern for your team at the top of an island while your team defends the island from other ships. teams of 3 ships.

  • @baronbrr Some very good ideas here! I'd love to see them in the Arena.
    I've added a link to this in my feedback post :)

  • @atherza sound good to me.

  • @atherza also, what do you think is a bad idea. I’m open to criticism.

  • New Idea: Countdown, One chest, no turn in zones. Earn silver by keeping the chest for a certain amount of time while fighting off other ships. Can still earn silver in other ways. First to 5000 Silver wins.

  • New idea: factions. You can now chose which team you want to represent in Adventure and can complete commendations for the ship sets.

  • I think they need to get rid of sharks from the arena. It should be about the combat. They don't add anything.

  • @cpt-tagshot Actually they let you know when multiple players are around your ship. They also prevent people from swimming to turn-ins from across the map.

  • I propose making Arena Free to Play. It would really bring a lot of people into the PVP mode, expose them to SoT, and potentially sell emporium cosmetics, adventure mode access, and potentially gamepass sales. This business plan has worked outstandingly for Fortnight and Apex that I really am seeing so much potential for Rare here.

    Just to clarify. Arena Mode, Free to play but keep Adventure mode the pay to play game mode.

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