Athena Voyages - which actions earn you Emissary points?

  • Hi all,
    Just made it to Pirate Legend and completed my first Athena voyage.

    I'm not completely clear on what actions during the voyage help towards your Athena emissary level.

    It was a massive effort that took us about 6 hours, and we seemed to get very little emissary level by the end. The emissary level indicator appeared several times but the bar didn't move.

    Obviously I get that this is sort of endgame content and is not supposed to be insta-win, but I'm wondering if there's any tips to maximise the emissary points you get and/or speed up the first 8 quests so you get to the 2nd chapter sooner.

    thank you very much for any suggestions.

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  • I'm pretty sure itd digging up chests, killing skeleton captains, completing a map, finishing a riddle, and delivering cargo crates. Oh and when you put loot on your ship it adds some points. That's everything I can think of.

  • Thieves Haven missions are good (You will need about one and a halfto get to emissary level 5.) Or you will need two regular Athena voyages to make it to emissary level 5, or one and do some skeleton ships and side stuff.

  • Kill everything, megs, skeleton ships etc that gives rep

    athena haven runs are better than regular

    captains and ashen guardians and do those riddles the clues all give rep

    You just incorporate all the above into a run. In between bouncing back and forth between islands you should get at least 1 meg and a skelly ship and 2+ captain/guardians you can kill for the riddles

    Often times you're on an island long enough digging that a second captain will spawn

    Overall I think it's worth the cost of the haven voyage

    One drawback is it's obvious when people are on a haven run so you'll get more attention if your server has pvpers hunting athena ships

    You can also just speed run a regular athena. This means ignoring all the non-athena loot. You sacrifice some gold but overall saves a significant amount of time.

    Or you can channel your inner dark arts and be on the hostile side of a sea interaction with another ship that is engaged in one of the above athena activities

  • Thanks all - are Athena Thieves haven runs the ones you buy from Duke at the Tavern?

    Also what's the significance of the red border vs. regular voyages from the pirate lord?

    Thank you again for the tips!

  • @horridsquire37 said in Athena Voyages - which actions earn you Emissary points?:

    Thanks all - are Athena Thieves haven runs the ones you buy from Duke at the Tavern?

    Also what's the significance of the red border vs. regular voyages from the pirate lord?

    Thank you again for the tips!

    yeah the ones you buy from duke

    the red ones are devil's roar

    the legend's chest is worth more as is the other loot but obviously it's more of a hassle however it's also typically less populated

  • Thanks again all. Last question - do I get Athena rep from megs and skeleton ships etc. Just because I have the Athena flag up, or do I only get rep for that stuff if I'm on a haven voyage?

  • @horridsquire37 sagte in Athena Voyages - which actions earn you Emissary points?:

    Thanks again all. Last question - do I get Athena rep from megs and skeleton ships etc. Just because I have the Athena flag up, or do I only get rep for that stuff if I'm on a haven voyage?

    You rank emissary up with them, but you get no xp for them, just for anthena treasures

  • @horridsquire37 Regarding your question on Athena reputation (and not Emissary progress) some Athena's Fortune commendations can be progressed solely by doing stuff as a Pirate Legend, unrelated with Athena's Fortune voyages or quests, such as repeatedly selling high-end loot, hunting Megs / the Kraken numerous times etc. These commendations, when advanced, also add to your Athena's Fortune Reputation.

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