Release Notes - 2.0.21 - Season One

  • Release Notes - 2.0.21 - Season One
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside with 2.0.21, which introduces our next Content Update: Season One!

    Release Notes - 2.0.21


    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 19
  • Why is it on the video you see pirates wearing a beard with the lunar festival costume but when I put on the costume it just hides my beard?

  • Are there any updates of the Renown delay, or inability to view the Season Progression/Renown/Deeds/Trials?

  • That was an expensive stroll around the outpost shops

  • So the Silent Barnacle set hasn't got a Figurehead then? I don't see it in the store.

    Lets see how all this goes when it settles down a bit. Having to wait for things to register is kinda meh but not at all unexpected for update day 1. Kudos.

  • @ixxolos The figurehead could come in the season pass. As a reward, Don't quote me but it is possible. Seeing as they're set it for tall tales finish part of a set you buy with the blue coins, such as the rose set. But you could need the plunder pass or just progress in the season to unlock/acquire the figurehead.

  • @kasanumi Seems a little off key to add everything else in game except the Figurehead though.
    Like, I mean, holding back one item out of the full set just doesn't make any sense.
    Then again you could be right, Rare have a habit of breaking up full sets into smaller release groups that are then earnable through a variety of different ways, heck they even rename parts of the same sets e.g. Black Dog/Onyx/Obsidian/Ebon/Midnight Set.

  • @ixxolos dijo en Release Notes - 2.0.21 - Season One:

    So the Silent Barnacle set hasn't got a Figurehead then? I don't see it in the store.

    Lets see how all this goes when it settles down a bit. Having to wait for things to register is kinda meh but not at all unexpected for update day 1. Kudos.

    3 years of this game and yet, the management of the cosmetics is horrible. Yeah, they added new cool cosmetics, but still don't understand some decisions (no figurehead of the Silent Barnacle, Wailing Barnacle and Fearless Bone Crusher still uncompleted).

    And sword is a joke since July... PVP is so broken guys.

  • This should be the image of the Season One!!

    alt text

  • Why were none of the issues with the expensive dark adventurer set not addressed?

    The compass is still almost useless at night

  • @ixxolos Rare has done some questionable things with cosmetics. I'm not new to the game but I definitely haven't played for years. But even so, I've already seen how unorganized things are and how all over the place things are. Even with the new season pass, it's a perfect example. It's just few cosmetics and even then it's random ones that have very few parts to a set if not just one piece. The plunder pass and just the pass alone I feel is underwhelming. They wanted to test out the season system before investing in it fully, but most people won't want to buy the second one with how this one ended out. Rare should try to organize the sets more and set things up so it's not certain parts locked behind random or hard commendations to sets that shouldn't be such a bother to handle.

  • The new merchant voyage is broken. After getting all the clues the shipwreck doesn't spawn, just the blue birds do.

  • my group and I finally got to try the update this morning... and holy cow its buggy...

    cannon reload bugs
    player firing out of cannon shooting straight up instead of direction aimed.
    long loading screens
    inability to interact with loot in water
    inventory screen getting stuck open..
    frame lock upon entering server
    the list goes on...

  • I encountered a glitch in the maiden voyage. I watched the stream of a new player and when he was asked to repair the ship, he boarded the sloop and was able to climb up the broken mast, he was able to reach the crow's nest and got stuck there.

  • Okay, you've pushed out your paid update, it's all so very lovely and reasonably priced, back pats all around.

    How about winding the clock back and fixing all the bugs you lied about fixing in previous patches?

    -Athena finales STILL appear as a message in a bottle

    -Wind markers STILL randomly disappear

    -Fruit crates STILL make chicken noises

    -Hitboxes on lower decks are STILL pitiful; collisions are all over the place on a moving ship and there's still a number of ways to warp through the hull

    -Hit detection in general is, and always will be, unreliable to the point of meaningless

    I should run sweepstakes on who writes better jokes in their patch notes; CD Project Red or you lot...

  • So seasons progression deeds are not linked to already unlocked achievements ? ie Expert Story Seeker - Tall Tales shows as none being completed or no journals found as an example.

    Hopefully it's a bug so please don't tell us if we wanted to complete the deeds we need to do all these sorts of achievements again just to complete these sorts of deeds.

  • @rtgunslinger said in Release Notes - 2.0.21 - Season One:

    -Fruit crates STILL make chicken noises

    Glad I read this on the forums before I had it happen to me or I'd think I spent too much time plundering in the mushroom caves

  • Both new sails are showing a price of 49,000 doubloons instead of 49,000 gold.

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