• There is a large number of players who exploit the game through steam commands by making their fov increase by nearly 30%. This goes against the sea of thieves rules and it is becoming an epidemic. Please do something about this. People who do this also have a massive, unfair advantage.

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  • People have complained to rare asking it to be an accessibility setting for higher FOV since some players experience nausea when playing. However Rare has yet to respond to it. I would like to see a Higher FoV setting added since the way that SoT FoV works is not like the usual First person games and a 90 FoV is more like a 70 FoV.

  • What's their maximum PoV versus the 90° maximum of console pirates?

    I'd also like to see screenshots for comparison too, if you please.

  • @galactic-geek ah my old favorite person to argue with on the forums, haha hows it going. The maximum fov they can have is 120. They can make it go anywhere from 91 to 120 fov. ( here is what it looks like (not my screenshot). it makes boat movement and pvp significantly easier.

  • Before I share my thoughts on this I want to clarify I do not like the higher fov and I would never use it even if I could (I don't own steam version and I play on xbox series x), that being said I really don't care if others use it because it actually isn't that much of an advantage for the one using it. While there seems to be such a dramatic difference and at first glance it looks like a super unfair advantage it really doesn't make that much of a difference and it has its own disadvantages for sure. The max 90 fov is far more confined than the 120fov, but since the game was built for 90 it all functions properly. Those using 120fov have quite a few disadvantages as well based on some clips and screenshots I have seen; an example would be the use of cannons seems pretty much unplayable since the camera angle is just below the back of the cannon and you cannot even see the enemy ship. Overall it is lame how people obtain this visual difference but the advantage isn't a massive unfair advantage and would have little to no impact on skill in pvp.

  • I actually made a similar post not too long ago about how the low FoV in sea of thieves makes me nauseous, I would actually like to see a higher FoV added to the game :/

  • @cayzeo said in FOV:

    There is a large number of players who exploit the game through steam commands by making their fov increase by nearly 30%. This goes against the sea of thieves rules and it is becoming an epidemic. Please do something about this. People who do this also have a massive, unfair advantage.

    This issue needs high priority of attention.

    Higher FoV (and by a whole 30) really can give a great upper hand at times during PvP.

  • @galactic-geek
    Here you can find a before/after comparison

    edit: deleted the link to the guide and made a screenshot

    Not possible to do with Store Version of the Game, although some may can do it due to Windows Version and policies, i wasn't even able to locate the files.
    Some pvper buy the Steamversion extra for the higher fov even if they have it already .

    My opinion: make it available for everyone or ban people cheating the game files and get advantages.

  • @stundorn said in FOV:

    Some pvper buy the Steamversion extra for the higher fov even if they have it already .

    That's not true. You can run the game through Steam even if you have purchased it through the MS Store.

    Quite typical @stundorn over here, he just likes to talk without having a clue what he's talking about.

  • @greengrimz no, he's telling the truth

  • @cayzeo said in FOV:

    @greengrimz no, he's telling the truth

    Did you even read what I wrote? He's not right.

    You DON'T need the Steamversion to play the Steamversion. You can have the MS version and still play the Steamversion.

  • @cayzeo sagte in FOV:

    @greengrimz no, he's telling the truth

    i know why i have blocked him :)

    the file is located in different folders for the Steam or the MS Store install.
    You wouldnt have access to that folder, although i remember one said he can, but i'm Admin and i have a prof. Version, not sure what he had to be allowed to see and open that folder.

    MS Installs are cryptic, you cannot find or easily access all files.
    Steam Install is easy, you have access to all files.

  • @stundorn Well yes, you have a bigger fov but everything is much smaller, I have friends who play Rb6 with 70 Fov because it is a natural zoom, which makes distance shots easier. So higher fov gives you a bigger field but also everything is smaller, how is this necessary better?

  • Honestly Higher FOV should be available to everybody. Although as soon as it is I am sure people will complain that XBOX one stutters like crazy when you set it up. People like to complain.

  • Completely wrong that some are able to have higher than the maximum allowed by the game. But why am I not surprised this happens.

  • You DON'T need the Steamversion to play the Steamversion. You can have the MS version and still play the Steamversion.

    Explain how. (Homer's voice when asking how to exchange $20 for many peanuts)

  • @black-eye9800 sagte in FOV:

    @stundorn Well yes, you have a bigger fov but everything is much smaller, I have friends who play Rb6 with 70 Fov because it is a natural zoom, which makes distance shots easier. So higher fov gives you a bigger field but also everything is smaller, how is this necessary better?

    please be honest, that is maybe true for some online FPS and small characters, but absolutely not for SoT when people run next to you and dont see yuo because of the FoV etc. and characters are half size of the screen.
    Also R6 is about tactical combat in close spaces, houses, small corridors etc.
    Not comparable to SoT where oversight of the situation is key for PvP and you have 99% open spaces.
    Only exception is below deck, what is only a 10th of my combat if ever, most of my battles are ship battles on the sea or on deck where you also profit from beeing able to have a wide angle!

    I wont use 120, but maybe 100- 105.
    When using stations , think of anchor mid battle or helm, you will have better overview.

    Its not neccessary for me, only sweaty PvP still need to exploit all and everything - i dont like this mindset and i wish Rare to deal with it to keep the game casual and family friendly for fun and beeing inclusive.
    Neither we all need to be able to change it or nobody should be allowed to do it.
    else to me this is cheating/ exploiting.

    People who have fun to bungle imho should play among themself and trick, bungle, exploit, cheat on each other at will.

    edit: @RealStyli iirc you were able to find and open the files on the MS Version, still possible?
    I havent tried until the last thread about it.
    the optional update you mentioned i have also installed, need to be something else i guess.

  • My view on a sloop whilst steering dead ahead unable to see either ladder, but with a FOV of 120, I bet both ladders are in view?

  • @stundorn now the question is if rare is going to do anything about this issue

  • I'm sure this issue was raised and stated on a month or so back.

    Unsure if anyone else here saw it or not but I'm ni on positive we got a statement from Rare on it saying it is not allowed and anyone found using it could be punished.
    The statement came in the form of a support response not a direct statement on the forums.
    I'd go back an check my logs to be sure but it seems I can't past 21 days.

    Edit: Found it so I did here ye go.

    Ship Mate
    Rare Employee

    Ahoy! Dropping anchor on this thread as any applications or unintended modification to game files is not permitted.


    alt text

  • @ixxolos You are correct; altering game files can lead to a ban and/or loss of game license privileges. However, after the .ini has been changed, it can be set to "read only" and detection of alterations by Rare is probably not likely to happen or pursued.

  • @awsmstaccntname said in FOV:

    You DON'T need the Steamversion to play the Steamversion. You can have the MS version and still play the Steamversion.

    Explain how. (Homer's voice when asking how to exchange $20 for many peanuts)

    afaik you cannot play the steam version without a steam key (ie: you bought it on steam). i mean how would you even get access to the install? the drm would check for a valid steam key and say "no!". buying the windows store version does not grant you a steam key.

    what you might be able to do is add the windows version to the steam launcher (you can add non-steam games) and play that. not sure how that's going to help you at all.

    maybe it unlocks command line arguments for launching? i'd be doubtful though, but stranger things have happened before.

  • @bizi-betiko Ah I see, that's how the cookie crumbles then I suppose, probably.
    Forgive my lack of understanding the in's and out's of this type of thing, is it correct to say Rare can't detect this? As in has no way too. Or they can and in your opinion probably just won't?

  • I recall reading another thread on this topic in the past. I'm betting that it's the 1 with the developer response in it that was shared.

    BTW, if you think 120° is bad, I've had the pleasure of seeing the Sea in VR! That means there's no edge! It keeps going! 😅

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