I guess Halloween is closing in soon.
Not that I would ever keep track of anything for real.
Looks cool & stylish and all the new costume, but again - it only amplifies a costume we all know we want.
And that is about anything that makes us look like a true SoThieves Skeleton Pirate!
Even better with the combination of the "Crew set" mechanic!
And then just give me a straight Ghostship skin! XD HELL YEAH - living the Undead dream babey!!
Make it so that everybody can still figure out it is a playership by the sails, but give me the bones, the additional plank-sections and everything!
Uuuuuh yeah!
( Well that escalated quickly. )
New costume, cool 9 out of 10 at least.
But Skeleton costume gimme gimme!! :D
The Warsmith one is too Flameheart-like for my taste.