Adventure Thoughts

  • So I have been doing a lot of thinking ab out the upcoming adventure and how it pushes the community to split and choose a side. I think this is going to be wonderful. I think we are going to see people roleplaying for one side or the other. Pledging their swords and guns to support something.

    I am having a dilemma. My motivations for picking a side have nothing to do with the in game lore and factions. It has nothing to do with choosing Merrick or the Reapers. I want to see something change. After over 4000 hours the world has grown. We got to see the roar, the additions of vaults and sea fortresses. We witnessed the building of the Sea Dog tavern and Molten Sands in their progression. But MOST of the world has remained stagnant. I want to join the Reapers and see Golden Sands burn not because I want to lose an outpost, not because I want the Reapers to maybe gain another foothold, but because I want to see what happens if it doesn't come back? My greatest fear if Merrick wins is that Golden Sands will just go back to how it was, the damage removed, the bridge repaired, the residents back in their shops. Even if they leave the scars, even if they make it so you can tell its not the shiny pristine place it once was, it will still just be Golden Sands.

    What happens if the Reapers win? Where do the residents set up shop and home? Cannon Cove could work, maybe Lone Cove or Discovery Ridge. Maybe they set up a permanent residence up on a nearby rock and we see a place build from nothing like we saw with the Reapers Hideout. How do the other Outposts react? Does Sanctuary or Plunder outpost fortify its self? Do we see the rest of the world react to the hostilities of the Reapers? This is what I want to know, this is why I want to fight for the Reapers. I want to see the world evolve. I want to see the creativity of what comes next. I still want a replacement Outpost, I just dont need it to be Golden Sands.

    So think on this when you choose how to do the next adventure. Cheers and see you out there.

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  • i reckon the outcome has already been decided, and everything else is just window-dressing.

  • I hope that if Golden Sands is restored perhaps it'll be reinforced with stone bridges and foundations maybe. And maybe even have it be renamed 'New Golden Sands Outpost' that way some level of change still occurs

  • @tehstepford I really hope that isn't the case.

  • I think every choice leads to changes and new ways to play. Reapers is one choice, yet Merrick and his dedication to improve the life in SOT is another. Hopefully under his guidance Golden Sands will be reborn as a Hunters' Call affiliate and bring some changes in the way that company operates.

  • @captain-coel I doubt it is, sure if there was in depth features that a certain side will unlock if they win then yeah it'd probably be rigged but as far as we know it's either we have an outpost or not.

    There'd be no reason to rig this, they've specifically decided that we were going to have a choice here they're not gonna rig it. Heck I even bet the next adventure after this one won't be related to our choice because they don't know what we'll choose yet

    If it were to somehow be found out it was rigged then that would completely destroy their reputation and jeopardize everything for no reason, that's way to big of a risk for minimal gain. I'm not sure what's with this weird trend over the past like 4 plus years where people just assume game devs are actively always scheming

  • @tehstepford said in Adventure Thoughts:

    i reckon the outcome has already been decided, and everything else is just window-dressing.


  • @peony7185 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    I hope that if Golden Sands is restored perhaps it'll be reinforced with stone bridges and foundations maybe. And maybe even have it be renamed 'New Golden Sands Outpost' that way some level of change still occurs

    This. Who is to say that it will stay the same? It could easily go in the other direction if Merrick wins out - it could thrive and prosper as a major port of call - perhaps like Tortuga. Don't let fear guide your actions, @Captain-Coel.

    Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...
    -Master Jedi Yoda

  • @galactic-geek I hope that happens to all the outposts eventually one day!

  • @peony7185 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    I hope that if Golden Sands is restored perhaps it'll be reinforced with stone bridges and foundations maybe. And maybe even have it be renamed 'New Golden Sands Outpost' that way some level of change still occurs

    I said the same thing when they brought in the Sea Forts, before I even knew we would decide its fate, would love to see Golden Sands rebuilt in that style.

  • @galactic-geek I'm fearful for the game. Not for the reapers. Ive chosen the side of extreme and radical change.

  • I am hoping for the Burn. I’m going to take my anger out on the innocent Sea of Thieves pirates for DeMarco’s death… even if Lesedi was the one to kill him.

    Plus, Belle and Merrick are plain lazy and not very smart. I mean, 2 man a galleon? Come on 🙄

  • It would be nice but Rare got to commit to that split, more reasons to ignite the war.

    Not dooming and saying they wont do anything after, but they need to commit to the split or it would just feel lame.

  • Only way this will work is if you can only do one side of the adventure and only do it once.
    If you are given the option to participate in both sides, to acquire all cosmetic/commendation etc that may or may not be related then it’s pointless, as the majority will do both.
    Hopefully you can only complete once and have to commit to the cosmetics you would like, however, knowing Rare and their insistence on everyone getting a prize for being involved, you will be able to do both sides.
    I hope I’m wrong

  • @pabio-escobar If you could only do it once people would choose the coolest cosmetic and forget about this whole thing for 2 weeks, with it being repeatable the event then actually becomes an event. This way people are going to be genuinely fighting in game over Golden Sands because they'll be actively able to sway things to their side, your way it would be like voting in a poll and forgetting about it which would be so incredibly boring and disappointing.

  • @peony7185
    Going to pick up cloth and bottles is already incredibly boring lol.
    Not sure your argument stacks up. although I get what your trying to say

  • @peony7185
    Maybe the Hunter's Call can send a faction representative to Golden Sands?

  • @pabio-escobar Most of the gameplay in SOT can be considered boring, it's the player interaction that makes it exciting which is what this adventure promotes

  • @lucky11 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    Maybe the Hunter's Call can send a faction representative to Golden Sands?

    Isn't Merrick already there?

  • @pabio-escobar Maybe Rare could only award the commendations and cosmetics for whichever faction the player worked harder for (number of crates handed in, number of rowboats blown up, etc.). That would reduce the incentive to play both sides but also not limit each player to a single play-through which IMHO defeats the whole purpose.

  • @galactic-geek said in Adventure Thoughts:

    @lucky11 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    Maybe the Hunter's Call can send a faction representative to Golden Sands?

    Isn't Merrick already there?

    He's there but he's too drunk to remember he's also supposed to buy your fish...

  • @sn0kanon said in Adventure Thoughts:

    @galactic-geek said in Adventure Thoughts:

    @lucky11 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    Maybe the Hunter's Call can send a faction representative to Golden Sands?

    Isn't Merrick already there?

    He's there but he's too drunk to remember he's also supposed to buy your fish...

    That's what the rest of his family is for! 😅

  • see this post raised a really cool idea hat if they do relaxes me, the residents setting up elsewhere if golden sands dont get saved, im mostly afraid of that region of the sea only being left with one outpost that makes the area more difficult to do anything

  • @blackout5328 It's still happyland. Golden Sands and Sanctuary were fairly close together anyway.

    I'd love to see them set up at Discovery Ridge.

  • @captain-coel I was thinking expanding lagoon of whispers personally

  • @tehstepford said in Adventure Thoughts:

    i reckon the outcome has already been decided, and everything else is just window-dressing.

    I hate to be a cynic, but I have to agree.

    I imagine both choices will lead to only cosmetically different "middle ground" results that have the benefit of not having to design branching story paths. The only difference in whatever happens afterward will be in dialog.

  • @blackout5328 said in Adventure Thoughts:

    see this post raised a really cool idea hat if they do relaxes me, the residents setting up elsewhere if golden sands dont get saved, im mostly afraid of that region of the sea only being left with one outpost that makes the area more difficult to do anything

    This. It's idealic and beautiful - called the Shores of Plenty for a reason. I don't want that scenic backdrop to continually be marred by something foreboding - we already have the Wilds and the Roar for that.

  • @jmcafreak They don't really need to design branching story paths if it doesn't affect the story until later down the line. There is no reason to believe that this is rigged

  • @peony7185 I never said it was rigged. I said that the outcome of both will be probably similar. If the split doesn't happen until way down the line, then why even offer the choice now? Why would I make a choice that only has a payoff MONTHS from now?

  • @captain-coel It would be cool to have an outpost on a regular questing island as well.

  • Being able to do it more than once, is essentially allowing more than one "vote" for who wins. Whomever the system designer is on the multiple attempts is not very good at designing systems.

  • @jmcafreak Oh well the guy you were replying to definitely suggested that it was rigged, but either way it's just not feasible for this choice to have an immediate impact on the story. Rare would have to be developing two entirely different adventures for next month and potentially the month after that, depending on how far ahead these adventures are worked on, and then completely disregard and abandon one of them based on our choice, that would be a complete waste of resources.

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